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Cecil Brandybuck


The trail, illuminated red from glasswork, extended like a great tongue into the cottage. How glass could produce such bright colors under the freckles of oak-shade Cecil did not know - but the effect was beautiful.

He stayed in the rear as they filtered in and took their places around the messenger. A grey squirrel brushed his leg and leapt up a broom handle. The doors and windows were merely decorative, it seemed, providing little barrier of egress except for Hobbits and Men and other large creatures. Yet the cottage was not filthy, and the tiny tracks of animals quickly faded as they moved inward.

The Woodswoman in her merriment seemed perfectly at home within the menagerie. 

“I am a stranger here. Though I have seen the mountains and crossed the Great River.” Cecil said to her. He noticed a sparrow’s nest above his head and moved over slightly. “If I might, Miss, are there no roads to Woodman Hall? Would it not be safer to travel there and then West? My guide went on endlessly about their hospitality!”


  • Cecil will volunteer as a Hunter, if a spot is available.
  • Cecil's Fellowship Focus will remain open for now.



Cecil Brandybuck


The trail, illuminated red from glasswork, extended like a great tongue into the cottage. How glass could produce such bright colors under the freckles of oak-shade Cecil did not know - but the effect was beautiful.

He stayed in the rear as they filtered in and took their places around the messenger. A grey squirrel brushed his leg and leapt up a broom handle. The doors and windows were merely decorative, it seemed, providing little barrier except for Hobbits and Men and other large creatures. Yet the cottage was not filthy, and the tiny tracks of animals quickly faded as they moved inward.

The Woodswoman in her merriment seemed perfectly at home within the menagerie. 

“I am a stranger here. Though I have seen the mountains and crossed the Great River.” Cecil said to her. He noticed a sparrow’s nest above his head and moved over slightly. “If I might, Miss, are there no roads to Woodman Hall? Would it not be safer to travel there and then West? My guide went on endlessly about their hospitality!”


  • Cecil will volunteer as a Hunter, if a spot is available.
  • Cecil's Fellowship Focus will remain open for now.



Cecil Brandybuck


The trail, illuminated red from glasswork, extended like a great tongue into the cottage. How glass could produce such bright colors under the freckles of oak-shade Cecil did not know - but the effect was beautiful.

He stayed rearward as they filtered in and took their places around the messenger. A grey squirrel brushed his leg and leapt up a broom handle. The doors and windows were merely decorative, it seemed, providing little barrier except for Hobbits and Men and other large creatures. Yet the cottage was not filthy, and the tiny tracks of animals quickly faded as they moved inward.

The Woodswoman in her merriment seemed perfectly at home within the menagerie. 

“I am a stranger here. Though I have seen the mountains and crossed the Great River.” Cecil said to her. He noticed a sparrow’s nest above his head and moved over slightly. “If I might, Miss, are there no roads to Woodman Hall? Would it not be safer to travel there and then West? My guide went on endlessly about their hospitality!”


  • Cecil will volunteer as a Hunter, if a spot is available.
  • Cecil's Fellowship Focus will remain open for now.
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