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Year 2950: A Darkness in the Marshes


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Table of contents:

  1. Session 1, Chapter 1, Scene 1: The wizard's sparrow
  2. Session 1, Chapter 1, Scene 2: Across the Vales
  3. Session 1, Chapter 1, Scene 3: Up the Great River
  4. Session 1, Chapter 1, Scene 4: The ascent
  5. Session 1, Chapter 2, Scene 5: The bridge of Firienseld
  6. Session 1, Chapter 2, Scene 6: The Harrowed Hall
  7. Session 1, Chapter 2, Scene 7: The chieftain’s granddaughter
  8. Session 1, Chapter 2, Scene 8: The mines of Firienseld
  9. Session 1, Chapter 2, Scene 9: The Hound
  10. Session 1, Chapter 2, Scene 10: In the watches of the night
  11. Session 1, Chapter 2, Scene 11: A rude awakening
  12. Session 1, Chapter 2, Scene 12: Onwards
  13. Session 2, Chapter 3, Scene 13: Farewell and safe passage
  14. Session 2, Chapter 3, Scene 14: What the future may hold
  15. Session 2, Chapter 3, Scene 15: Folk of the Great River
  16. Session 2, Chapter 3, Scene 16: Into the marshes
  17. Session 2, Chapter 3, Scene 17: Slave and hunters
  18. Session 2, Chapter 3, Scene 18: Return to Traders' Isle
  19. Session 2, Chapter 3, Scene 19: Stonyford
  20. Session 3, Chapter 4, Scene 20: Dwimmerhorn

Usable once per chapter for an auto-success (TN 14 or less) or lowering the TN by 2 (TN > 14).

  • Gramtyng: Ministrelsy, Story-Telling, Rhymes of Lore, Hero of the Woodmen, Fair, Reckless
  • Dahr-Ol: Beast Lore, Fishing, Shadow Lore, Dreams of Old Arnor, Curious, Suspicious
  • Barin: Mountaineer, Stone-Craft, Folk-Lore, Cunning, Hardy
  • Cecil: Gardner, Folk-lore, Herb-lore, Eager, Merry
  • Ernstyr: Beast-lore, Herb-lore, Folk-lore, Curious, Adventurous

Fellowship pool:

Use in place of Hope, once per session (more with group permission). Replenishes every session.

  • Total: 6/6
  • PCs that used Fellowship: None

Eye awareness:

Eye Awareness increased by rolls with eye (outside combat), shadow gain and magic use.

  • Starting score: 10 (company: 4 / high Wisdom and Valour: +1 / Famous weapons and armour: +3 / Radagast's spell: +2)
  • Hunt threshold: 20 (Free lands) / 18 (Border lands) / 16 (Wild lands) / 14 (Shadow-lands) / 12 (Dark lands)
  • Hunt modifier: -2 (rarely trodden lands)
  • Eyes rolled: 3
  • Current score: 11/16

Fellowship focus:

Each PC can typically choose one other companion to share a bond with.

  • Gramtyng: Barin
  • Dahr-Ol: ??
  • Barin: Dahr-Ol
  • Cecil: None
  • Ernstyr: Dahr-Ol

Travel roles:

One guide only, but multiple PCs possible for the other three roles.

  • Guide (Travel skill): Barin
  • Scout(s) (Explore skill): N/A
  • Look-out(s) (Awareness skill): Ernstyr
  • Hunter(s) (Hunting skill): Cecil, Gramtyng, Dahr-Ol

Other stats:


Companion XPTotal/Unspent Courage+1 Courage for each 10 total XP difference with the most experienced member of the company (Ingi; 64 XP) to a max of Heart.
Can be used in place of hope, or to generate 1 XP or 2 APs at the end of a session.
Endurance Fatigue Hope Shadow Status
Gramtyng 68/11 0 27/27 15 10/14 6 None
Dahr-Ol 45/13 1/2 29/29 11 8/13 5 None
Barin 44/12 2/2 31/31 18 8/9 2 None
Cecil 38/10 3/3 22/22 6 18/18 3 None
Ernstyr 37/11 3/3 25/25 12 14/15 4 None


Previous XP calculations

For new companions:

  • Lachiel: Higher staring Valour + Wisdom of 3/3 (+16 XP) and free Bow 3 (+12 XP) = 28 XP.
  • Cecil: Higher staring Valour + Wisdom of 3/3 (+16 XP); free Bow 3 (+12 XP); +3 XP from 3 Shadow points = 31 XP.
  • Ernstyr: Higher staring Valour + Wisdom of 3/3 (+16 XP); free Long-hafted axe 3 (+10 XP); +3 XP from 3 Shadow points = 29 XP.
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spacer.pngInside Radagast's cottage, the companions were greeted by scenes of great disarray. The wizard's abode was a veritable mathom-house, crammed with all sorts of gifts from generations of grateful Woodmen that littered laden shelves and old furniture.

Amongst other things, there could see painted earthenware, travelling gear, jars of herbs and spices, casks of wine, moth-eaten blankets, framed woodcarvings piled against one wall, a teetering pile of scrolls, a writing-desk overflowing with parchment, letters and notes, and so on and so forth.

As if all of this mighty mess was not enough, there were a number of birds hoping in and out of the windows or roosting in the thatched roof, ranging in size from sparrows to ravens, and making themselves right at home. Many other small animals were free to run about, also feeling quite comfortable to do so, while others-wounded or sick-awaited in cages for the wizard's healing hands.

As some amongst them knew already, the one that they were supposed to meet was a Woodswoman: a trusted messenger of Radagast called Banna, though she often went by the byname of 'The Sparrow', as was the custom of travelling Woodmen in foreign lands. She greeted them warmly when they reached the main room, where Radagast typically sat and studied behind that great old writing-desk.

She was tall and gangly, and while her features could not be called fair, there was a merry glint in her eye.

"Welcome!" she said eagerly. "Radagast asked me to accompany you to the River, from where you can take boats and then continue your journey towards Mountain-Hall. But before we go, we must set our route. Have all of you been there before?"



We can simply RP this section, but there are a number of decisions that will impact the mechanics which we should make by the end of the scene. Please do the following:

  • Check my original post and see if I got all your characters' stats right. If you still have updates from a previous adventure, now is the time to make them.
  • You must decide if you want to bring Banna with you to act as guide; if so, she will only take you until the river Anduin, and you must finish the rest of the journey on your own.
  • You should decide on journey roles (Guide, Scout(s), Look-out(s) and Hunter(s) as per the rules.
  • You should determine your Fellowship Focus, if you want (or leave it empty until later).
  • You should set the route (more to come in a later post, as you discuss this matter with Banna).
  • You can also roll Lore (TN 14) for bonus dice on the journey (if you haven't yet).


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Barin Greycloak

As he made his way through the Wizard's abode, Barin looked about with disdain at the untidy and unkempt nature of the place, although he had to give credit for the sheer amount of lore that had been collected here.

On entering the main room, he and his companions were immediately greeted by a woman indicating that she was to assist them on their journey - this, he surmised, must the Radagast's 'Sparrow'.

"Hail and well met," he began. "You must be Banna, I presume?" Bowing low in the traditional Dwarven manner he introduced himself, "I am Barin Greycloak, emissary of King Dain, King Under The Mountain, and am very pleased to make your acquaintance. I am fairly well-travelled in Wilderland, but must confess to having not travelled much across the river, nor so far South, so your assistance on our journey will, at least from my perspective, be more than welcome."

Lore roll
[5] (1,4) = 10
tor(2,no) 5,1,4
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Gramtyng, son of Fastredspacer.png

Riders of RohanThe Men of the Mark are a generous folk, but when war is upon them, then they are fell to their enemies as they are loyal to their friends. When the lust of battle is on them, they appear as men stricken with grief, their faces deathly white, or as madmen ready to laugh at despair. The Riders of Rohan may enter a battle-fury if they roll an 11 or 12 on any attack or Protection roll. When this happens, they may choose to gain a point of Shadow, to add one Success die (up to a maximum of 6) to all their close combat attack rolls until the end of the battle.

Minstrel of the Golden Hall The history of Rohan is not written in any book or tome. Instead it is secreted in the verses of those songs you were taught by your mother and father. You have sung for the living and the dead, and your voice has filled even the Golden Hall of Meduseld. But new deeds worthy of song occur each day as a darkness gathers and you would be there to witness them first-hand and weave them into legend.
Basic Attributes: Body 5. Heart 5. Wits 4.
Favoured Skill: Song
 | Standard of Living: MartialIndividuals belonging to a Martial culture often live according to their status in the military hierarchy, with simple warriors and soldiers sleeping together in a common area; probably as part of the household of a renowned chieftain or noble. Meals are usually consumed in large halls, with seats and tables arranged to observe rules of precedence or respect. Clothing reflects the military status of an individual as well, or that of his family.

Martial player-heroes have enough resources to look after themselves, and to pay for such things as simple accommodation and meals. Ever mindful of the cost of any luxury, they often lead an austere life, or resort to haggling to lower the price of whatever they are trying to get hold of.
Calling"Speak no secrets! Here is a scholar in the Ancient Tongue."
For you, knowledge makes the wild world a less threatening place to live in. Strangers become friends if addressed properly, yellowed maps in lost books replace a fear of the unknown with curiosity and wonder of places you have yet to explore, songs composed in ages past strengthen the weariest of hearts. A love of learning guides your every step, and illuminates the way for you and those who listen to your advice.
Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation
Trait: Rhymes of Lore
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets
"The roots of those mountains must be roots indeed; there must be great secrets buried there which have not been discovered since the beginning."
Inquisitiveness and curiosity are desirable virtues in an individual, but knowledge can be put to malicious use and learned individuals can look down on others as ignorant fools. Secrets are dangerous, as the very desire of uncovering them may corrupt the heart.
TraitsMinistrelsy ☐
Story-Telling ☐
Rhymes of Lore ☐
Hero of the Woodmen ☐
Fair ☐
Reckless(Mastery) ☐
 | AP: 1Personality: ✧✧✧
Movement: ✧✧✧
Perception: ✧✧✧
Survival: ✧✧✧
Custom: ✧✧✧
Vocation: ✧✧✧
| XP: 55(62) | DP: 0No Challenges Yet.

Valour: 4Ancient Mail from Gondor(Mail) - lets you Rally Comrades from Forward Stance and allowed to attack(Found).

Horsetail Helm - Standing +1. When fighting on horseback or foot in Forward Stance, if you roll a Gandalf, you receive a bonus success die you can spend on any future rolls or give to a companion(From Heruthain).

Raging - quality unlock for Cenegeslit.
 | Wisdom: 4Old Songs and Children's Tales - When you roll a success on Inspire, Travel, Insight, Healing, Riddle, Lore check Song rating, if it is same or higher, then upgrade the quality of the success up by one: Normal->Great->Extraordinary. If the roll produced Gandalf rune, gain 1 point of Hope, once per session.

Household Esquire: Add an extra die to preparation rolls: Lore, Battle, and Insight when preparing for Journey/Combat/Social. Max 6 dice. Squire can also recover horse, bring spare weapon or shield if you drop or are disarmed, will carry you from field of battle if knocked down.

Ominous Blessing: Born in the shadow of Dwimorberg. When you roll a Sauron, can change it into a Gandalf for 1 shadow point. Luck turns and favors you but someone suffers.
End: 27/27 | Load: 15 | Fatigue: 0[+1] | Hope: 12/14 | Shadow: 6 [0] | Parry: 6 | Weary: No | Mis: No |Wound: No

Skills: Body 5 (8)+Awe ▣▣☐☐☐☐
Athletics ▣▣▣▣☐☐
Awareness ▣☐☐☐☐☐
Explore ▣☐☐☐☐☐
+Song ▣▣▣▣☐☐
Craft ▣☐☐☐☐☐
 | Heart 5 (7)Inspire ▣▣▣☐☐☐
Travel ▣▣▣☐☐☐
+Insight ▣▣▣☐☐☐
Courtesy ▣▣☐☐☐☐
Battle ▣▣☐☐☐☐
| Wits 4 (5)Persuade ☐☐☐☐☐☐
Stealth ☐☐☐☐☐☐
Search ☐☐☐☐☐☐
Hunting ▣▣▣☐☐☐
Riddle ▣☐☐☐☐☐
+Lore ▣▣▣☐☐☐
| WeaponsSwords ▣▣▣▣☐☐
Bow ▣▣▣☐☐☐
Dagger ▣☐☐☐☐☐
 | War GearWeapon | Damage | Edge | Injury | Notes | Enc
Sword 5 8 16 Ancient Keen 2
Bow 5 10 14 N/A 1

Armour/Shield | Protection | Parry | Enc
Mail 3d 12(6)
Helm +4 2
Shield +2 3
| EquipmentTreasure: 7
War Gear: Mail Shirt, Helm, Shield
Leasere: Radhors
Mab's Liquor(3)
Elven-Crafted Horse Reins
Durin the Seeker
Radagast's Tome.
 | SongsSong of Mourning(Tome) ☐
Battle-Song ☐

Gramtyng greeted Banna with a nod after making his way to Radagast's study. The scrolls interested him a great deal, but this was not the time to update the tome the Wizard had given him. "As far as I know, only I've been to Mountain Hall among this Company." He replied to her question. "But another travelling companion is always welcome at the campfire, I think."



Lore(Journey Start)
[4] (1,3,3) = 11
tor(3,no) 4,1,3,3
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spacer.pngspacer.pngAfter she had greeted whomever amongst the company had introduced themselves, Banna spoke of the journey at hand.

"I can only accompany you until the river." she said somewhat apologetically. "Beyond the Anduin you must make do yourselves, but if one or more of you have been to Mountain-Hall before, then the task will be made simpler.

You must be careful: the rangers' tidings speak of orcs in the mountains."

She sat by the desk and unfurled a great piece of parchment: on it was depicted a rough sketch of Wilderland, with various landmarks and settlements scribbled in spidery, angular script that at first glance seemed illegible, even to those that could read.

"The most direct way lies past the eaves of Mirkwood and through the eastern vales. The river itself can be traversed by boats hidden near its banks. Hunters and messengers make use of them frequently, and there should be a few that we can borrow." she said as she gently traced the route on the map.

"It will be upstream, of course..." she added, "...and the Anduin flows strong this time of year. But the most hard and perilous leg of the journey will be the last. It is a long and weary way up the slopes of the Misty Mountains.

All in all, expect a journey of two weeks, give or take... longer if the weather turns foul."

She went on in a similar manner, plain and forthright, answering any and all questions the companions raised, and explaining the perils and landmarks of the various lands that lay between Rhosgobel and Mountain-Hall.


  • Those who listen to Banna receive a free attribute (Wits) bonus to their Lore check; that makes Barin's 10 a 17 (basic success) and Gram's 11 a 16 (Basic success, upgraded to Great success via Old Songs Virtue).
  • Bonus dice for Travel are therefore as follows: Lachiel +1; Barin +1; Gramtyng +2. I'll add them somewhere in the tracking post (first one for the adventure in this thread).
  • Feel free to start tracking your advancement points as detailed here: link. These are the only way to raise your Common Skills later on, so make sure you're keeping the tally.
  • You can suggest another route, if you want, and RP this with Banna.

I'll wait for this scene to play out; the end goal should be to determine journey roles at a minimum. Currently, Banna is volunteering to lead as a Guide for the first 2 legs of the journey (across the eastern vales and up the Anduin).

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Barin Greycloak

Leaning in over the map as Banna explains the route options, he listens, and he reads the map. When she's done, he taps thoughtfully at the confluence of the Gladden and Anduin and asks the question, "Why row all the way up the Anduin, when we could simply cross the river north of the Gladden and either cut through this Wolfwood or follow the run of the Gladden until the foothills, then turn north? Would seem to be a shorter, and easier route, no? Unless there's something I'm missing?"

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spacer.png"The wolfswood, they say, is a haven for outlaws and trouble-makers, though I have not journeyed there myself. Perhaps these are mere rumors. You had better ask your woods-woman companion, the one that is going with Radagast, if you want to know better.

As for the river Gladden, that is a treacherous course. The lands near it are ever shrouded in thick mists. I hear that even the most daring folk of Mountain-Hall avoid it, for it is easy to get lost in the fogs, master Barin."

She paused for a moment to further consider the dwarf's proposal.

"Though I suppose that it would bring you closer to where they say the Dwimmerhorn is."

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Cecil Brandybuck


The trail, illuminated red from glasswork, extended like a great tongue into the cottage. How glass could produce such bright colors under the freckles of oak-shade Cecil did not know - but the effect was beautiful.

He stayed in the rear as they filtered in and took their places around the messenger. A grey squirrel brushed his leg and leapt up a broom handle. The doors and windows were merely decorative, it seemed, providing little barrier of egress except for Hobbits and Men and other large creatures. Yet the cottage was not filthy, and the tiny tracks of animals quickly faded as they moved inward.

The Woodswoman in her merriment seemed perfectly at home within the menagerie. 

“I am a stranger here. Though I have seen the mountains and crossed the Great River.” Cecil said to her. He noticed a sparrow’s nest above his head and moved over slightly. “If I might, Miss, are there no roads to Woodman Hall? Would it not be safer to travel there and then West? My guide went on endlessly about their hospitality!”


  • Cecil will volunteer as a Hunter, if a spot is available.
  • Cecil's Fellowship Focus will remain open for now.
Edited by Modest_Proposal (see edit history)
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spacer.png"It is indeed true that we should find hospitality in both Woodmen-Town and Woodland Hall, should we journey northwards." Banna replied to Cecil. "But the settlements lie within the eaves of Mirkwood, and both the journey and our stay there would add days to your task, and Radagast said to me that you must make haste, and choose a route that is direct."

She paused to consider something before proposing a new idea.

"I suppose you could avoid the river entirely, and make the crossing at Stonyford. It is a Beorning village, but the friendship between their folk and ours is strong. We are, essentially, kinsfolk." 

She traced a new route directly from Rhosgobel and towards the Beorning village, demonstrating the path.

"Of course, the Brown Wizard also mentioned secrecy... though I do not know if that included the folk of Beorn."



I'll update the tracking thread with the new info as you provide it.

In the Rivendell supplement, in the Eye Awareness rules, it states that you can reduce the Eye awareness by -2 by taking paths that are seldom trodden, or increase it by +2 if the PCs have earned great renown in the area. I think that, because we rescued Stonyford in a previous adventure, going through it would add +2, whereas Banna's originally suggested path is less common, so it should reduce it by -2.

I'll include this mechanical effect when you've chosen.

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Barin Greycloak

"Hmm," Barin mused. "If we wish to remain unseen, then could we not simply strike out across the plan and cross the river at the narrow point north of Trader's Island?" He pointed with one stubby finger at the point on the map. "It would likely be easier to cross here, and we'd reduce the chance of being witnessed rowing upriver from either of the banks. We could then cut around the top of the Wolfwood and make directly for Mountain Hall."

He paused a moment thinking, tapping an index finger against his lips. "We would, of course need to ensure that we're provisioned for the entire journey as we'd be unlikely to hit any settlements between here and Mountain Hall, but would keep us as unseen as possible."

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Gramtyng, son of Fastredspacer.png

Riders of RohanThe Men of the Mark are a generous folk, but when war is upon them, then they are fell to their enemies as they are loyal to their friends. When the lust of battle is on them, they appear as men stricken with grief, their faces deathly white, or as madmen ready to laugh at despair. The Riders of Rohan may enter a battle-fury if they roll an 11 or 12 on any attack or Protection roll. When this happens, they may choose to gain a point of Shadow, to add one Success die (up to a maximum of 6) to all their close combat attack rolls until the end of the battle.

Minstrel of the Golden Hall The history of Rohan is not written in any book or tome. Instead it is secreted in the verses of those songs you were taught by your mother and father. You have sung for the living and the dead, and your voice has filled even the Golden Hall of Meduseld. But new deeds worthy of song occur each day as a darkness gathers and you would be there to witness them first-hand and weave them into legend.
Basic Attributes: Body 5. Heart 5. Wits 4.
Favoured Skill: Song
 | Standard of Living: MartialIndividuals belonging to a Martial culture often live according to their status in the military hierarchy, with simple warriors and soldiers sleeping together in a common area; probably as part of the household of a renowned chieftain or noble. Meals are usually consumed in large halls, with seats and tables arranged to observe rules of precedence or respect. Clothing reflects the military status of an individual as well, or that of his family.

Martial player-heroes have enough resources to look after themselves, and to pay for such things as simple accommodation and meals. Ever mindful of the cost of any luxury, they often lead an austere life, or resort to haggling to lower the price of whatever they are trying to get hold of.
Calling"Speak no secrets! Here is a scholar in the Ancient Tongue."
For you, knowledge makes the wild world a less threatening place to live in. Strangers become friends if addressed properly, yellowed maps in lost books replace a fear of the unknown with curiosity and wonder of places you have yet to explore, songs composed in ages past strengthen the weariest of hearts. A love of learning guides your every step, and illuminates the way for you and those who listen to your advice.
Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation
Trait: Rhymes of Lore
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets
"The roots of those mountains must be roots indeed; there must be great secrets buried there which have not been discovered since the beginning."
Inquisitiveness and curiosity are desirable virtues in an individual, but knowledge can be put to malicious use and learned individuals can look down on others as ignorant fools. Secrets are dangerous, as the very desire of uncovering them may corrupt the heart.
TraitsMinistrelsy ☐
Story-Telling ☐
Rhymes of Lore ☐
Hero of the Woodmen ☐
Fair ☐
Reckless(Mastery) ☐
 | AP: 1Personality: ✧✧✧
Movement: ✧✧✧
Perception: ✧✧✧
Survival: ✧✧✧
Custom: ✧✧✧
Vocation: ✧✧✧
| XP: 55(62) | DP: 0No Challenges Yet.

Valour: 4Ancient Mail from Gondor(Mail) - lets you Rally Comrades from Forward Stance and allowed to attack(Found).

Horsetail Helm - Standing +1. When fighting on horseback or foot in Forward Stance, if you roll a Gandalf, you receive a bonus success die you can spend on any future rolls or give to a companion(From Heruthain).

Raging - quality unlock for Cenegeslit.
 | Wisdom: 4Old Songs and Children's Tales - When you roll a success on Inspire, Travel, Insight, Healing, Riddle, Lore check Song rating, if it is same or higher, then upgrade the quality of the success up by one: Normal->Great->Extraordinary. If the roll produced Gandalf rune, gain 1 point of Hope, once per session.

Household Esquire: Add an extra die to preparation rolls: Lore, Battle, and Insight when preparing for Journey/Combat/Social. Max 6 dice. Squire can also recover horse, bring spare weapon or shield if you drop or are disarmed, will carry you from field of battle if knocked down.

Ominous Blessing: Born in the shadow of Dwimorberg. When you roll a Sauron, can change it into a Gandalf for 1 shadow point. Luck turns and favors you but someone suffers.
End: 27/27 | Load: 15 | Fatigue: 0[+1] | Hope: 12/14 | Shadow: 6 [0] | Parry: 6 | Weary: No | Mis: No |Wound: No

Skills: Body 5 (8)+Awe ▣▣☐☐☐☐
Athletics ▣▣▣▣☐☐
Awareness ▣☐☐☐☐☐
Explore ▣☐☐☐☐☐
+Song ▣▣▣▣☐☐
Craft ▣☐☐☐☐☐
 | Heart 5 (7)Inspire ▣▣▣☐☐☐
Travel ▣▣▣☐☐☐
+Insight ▣▣▣☐☐☐
Courtesy ▣▣☐☐☐☐
Battle ▣▣☐☐☐☐
| Wits 4 (5)Persuade ☐☐☐☐☐☐
Stealth ☐☐☐☐☐☐
Search ☐☐☐☐☐☐
Hunting ▣▣▣☐☐☐
Riddle ▣☐☐☐☐☐
+Lore ▣▣▣☐☐☐
| WeaponsSwords ▣▣▣▣☐☐
Bow ▣▣▣☐☐☐
Dagger ▣☐☐☐☐☐
 | War GearWeapon | Damage | Edge | Injury | Notes | Enc
Sword 5 8 16 Ancient Keen 2
Bow 5 10 14 N/A 1

Armour/Shield | Protection | Parry | Enc
Mail 3d 12(6)
Helm +4 2
Shield +2 3
| EquipmentTreasure: 7
War Gear: Mail Shirt, Helm, Shield
Leasere: Radhors
Mab's Liquor(3)
Elven-Crafted Horse Reins
Durin the Seeker
Radagast's Tome.
 | SongsSong of Mourning(Tome) ☐
Battle-Song ☐

"Folk of Beorn? I doubt it - but Beorn welcomes any who ask to live under his rule with generosity, so long as they put their past behind them - and as we've seen recently, not all do so." The bard finished, a bit darkly. "So I would wager 'secrecy' means 'nobody is to know beyond those present now'. The river also leaves no tracks nor trails to follow. I am in favor of it." Gramtyng considered Barin's words, then shook his head: "Too close to the Wolfswood. If we're to follow the secrecy objective, I'd say its easier to march some extra miles than risk alerting those that live there too early. I think Banna's route is ideal for avoiding attention mixed with the effort it takes."



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It wasn't the potential knowledge that lie hidden in Radagast's home that brought a smile to Lachiel's face, but rather the free command Nature held on the place. She watched as the birds flit here and there and filled the air with their songs.

She listened to the Sparrow's introduction, returning the question with a shake of the head. "I have not. I am called Lachiel and I hail from Esgaroth. My time is spent at the Lake or among the trees of Mirkwood. I have heard stories of Mountain Hall, however. I welcome your help, Sparrow, whatever time that is."
Nodding along as the routes on the map were explained, Lachiel said, "I believe--Barin was it?--has the right of it. Fighting the river may not be the best option if we wish to keep our strength. But," she paused to look at Gramtyng, "if you're right about our secrecy being so dire, then we should take pains to wield such a tool for as long as we can--river or no."
Having spoken her peace, Lachiel finally added, "On our journey, I shall do what I can to stay vigilant. Eldar have good eyes but they are served better by the gilgalad."

I will take on a Look-Out role. If allowed multiple roles, I can also help Explore. Each skill is the same amount for me.

My thought is, we already have some Eye Awareness; we should do what we can to lower it. I'm alright going with the river route if that'll get us -2. But again, it sounds tiring, so....*shrug*

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Cecil Brandybuck



So there was to be no warm hearth... no feasts or company (Radagast was not the feasting-type)... and no rest, except under the odd tree or in the sand. As Cecil approached the map, he wondered where along the river the Easterly Inn had stood and where the Hobbits had scattered off to. He felt the flow moving him again.

“I crossed that river just a week ago. It was strong as any I’ve seen, and I’ve been a fisher all my life. Nasty edges along the landing, too.” He drifted his finger over the blue ink. “I won’t step foot on no boat unless it’s well accounted for, no offense. The last nearly capsized."


Edited by Modest_Proposal (see edit history)
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Ingi, son of Isolf, of Esgaroth


When Ingi and his companion, Alviss, had entered Radagast's hut he could barely contain his amusement at the gasp from his old teacher. "The lore.... And yet the disarray" could be heard muttered, and yet so low that none of the company noticed it, or at least politely avoided further comment. Ingi having long enjoyed the favor of the brown Wizard was at home in the surroundings, understanding the order in the apparent chaos. Munir, feeling at home took flight and found himself a spot in amongst a shiny collection of metal spoons and non precious gems.

After listening to the discourse Ingi spoke with a smile. "I would be glad to again feel the hospitality of Mountain hall, for too long has it been since I journeyed thence. And Banna, I would be honored to walk with you for whatever distance our roads will intertwine."

The Lakeman had been quiet for most of the discussions of by which route the party should set out. Now he moved to speak. "For my part, I would choose secrecy as our greatest strength. In this time of lengthening shadow, the less people that know of our presence the less hazards we bring upon ourselves."

Casting a look towards the dwarf he added: "While rowing upstream appeals to none of us there are gentle ways even in the fastest flowing streams. In this way we may move with greater secrecy and less energy. Though I would need to hear more of the river, and see it with my own eyes...."

Here the Lakeman paused for thought and reflection "...these skills I believe I can offer the company. And Master Halfling - I can assure you that I've not lost a boat or a passenger yet..."



Just copying Yelik's post here. Alviss is Ingi's companion (from the merchant-prince virtue) that I (Vlad) kinda sorta forgot about. But here's there (as are the other NPC companions like Belgo and Nur-though Elfwyn is waiting elsewhere).

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The big Beorning listened to all the courses presented. There was good sense in all of them. Though he agreed that approaching the marsh fortress would be folly until they had learned what they could from others.

"The river could aid us in keeping from being noticed in more ways than one. There are fishers and barge men who float it upon it. If we stow our weapons and armor we might look like any other fisherman or traders, though I have no skill with boats. Cecil and Ingi seem like they know enough to keep us upright.

If we do pass near Stonyford we should journey through it. The Beornings in the area have known me for all the time that my mother and I have lived here. They hunt, fish, and live in the surrounding hills. It would be suspicious for me to be seen nearby and not visit. Some might believe it best to pretend their past never happened. But to do so in this case would only raise suspicion.

Further, I could trade tales of all the disturbances in the North. If we depart the village on the North track and then turn south after a half day journey, were there to be a spy, he would send the wrong message. Were he to follow us, we would notice him before we turn and could deal with him."


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