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Bróin listens to Radagast as he speaks of the land and its history during their journey, enraptured by the tales the aged wizard has to tell. Occasionally he'll speak up to ask for clarification or with a query all his own, but otherwise he is content to simply walk and listen. It was an enlightening experience to be sure; for all the years he had wandered these lands he knew scarcely little about the history of Wilderland, with the exception of his own people's. Perhaps such knowledge was not wholly necessary in his line of work, but it was nonetheless reassuring to understand some measure of a land's full history. How else might the best course into the future be charted.

Once Idunn had taken over leading the company Bróin joined in with her humming with a whistle, once he had gotten a sense for the tune. His spirits are high as the company continues onward; what could possible go wrong for them at this point?


So with our current Progress against the Challenge Dice, that comes out to a Miss on the Reach Your Destination roll.

If your journey continues, clear all but one filled progress, and raise the journey’s rank by one (if not already epic).

As to what happened, maybe we have a bit of an "Oh East?! I thought you said Weast!" situation. Maybe Beran misread the map?


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