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Seating himself next to Fareth as the company took up rowing down the Dusky River, Bróin plies the scout for details on the Tower of Sorcery. "So tell me Swiftfoot, what news do you bring from the Heart of Mirkwood? Might there be aid we can call upon once we have Do Guldur in our sights? Or is this charge one to be born alone?"


I'll have Broin try that Gather Information roll.

Alrighty Strong Hit there, so another +2 Momentum which brings the total to +5. As for what we learn, maybe there are still Free Folk resisting the Enemy in the region around Dol Guldur?

Also got a Weak Hit for the rowing, so that -1 brings the total to +4.





Seating himself next to Fareth as the company took up rowing down the Dusky River, Bróin plies the scout for details on the Tower of Sorcery. "So tell me Swiftfoot, what news do you bring from the Heart of Mirkwood? Might there be aid we can call upon once we have Do Guldur in our sights? Or is this charge one to be born alone?"


I'll have Broin try that Gather Information roll.

Alrighty Strong Hit there, so another +2 Momentum which brings the total to +5. As for what we learn, maybe there are still Free Folk resisting the Enemy in the region around Dol Guldur?

Also got a Weak Hit for the rowing.





Seating himself next to Fareth as the company took up rowing down the Dusky River, Bróin plies the scout for details on the Tower of Sorcery. "So tell me Swiftfoot, what news do you bring from the Heart of Mirkwood? Might there be aid we can call upon once we have Do Guldur in our sights? Or is this charge one to be born alone?"


I'll have Broin try that Gather Information roll.

Alrighty Strong Hit there, so another +2 Momentum which brings the total to +5. As for what we learn, maybe there are still Free Folk resisting the Enemy in the region around Dol Guldur?







I'll have Broin try that Gather Information roll.


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