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Bróin is silent as he reflects upon Idunn's words, seeing plain as day that this was a point of particular contention for her. Even still he saw a sliver of opportunity in her words; should Vidugalum be removed from his seat, naturally or otherwise, then whomever succeeds him has some measure of a chance at renewing relations with the rest of the Woodmen. Such a person would benefit a great deal from the guidance of a well-travelled Dwarf such as Bróin... and heap rewards and privileges upon the one who aided them as well.

Swatting away at the midges as he stepped off of the boat, Bróin follows after Tarric as the Beorning scouts out a location to bunker down for the night. When a location is found the old Dwarf oversees the unpacking and set-up of the camp for the night. He appreciated the work. Administration and logistics was straightforward and uncomplicated, and right now he needed something to focus on ahead of such a dark journey.

With his attention elsewhere however, Bróin doesn’t notice that Vara has flown off after Radagast…


Current Moment: +4

I'll have a go at the Make Camp roll.

A Weak Hit, so we each get to pick one from the Make Camp list. Bróin'll take Focus(+1 Momentum).





Bróin is silent as he reflects upon Idunn's words, seeing plain as day that this was a point of particular contention for her. Even still he saw a sliver of opportunity in her words; should Vidugalum be removed from his seat, naturally or otherwise, then whomever succeeds him has some measure of a chance at renewing relations with the rest of the Woodmen. Such a person would benefit a great deal from the guidance of a well-travelled Dwarf such as Bróin... and heap rewards and privileges upon the one who aided them as well.

Swatting away at the midges as he stepped off of the boat, Bróin follows after Tarric as the Beorning scouts out a location to bunker down for the night. When a location is found the old Dwarf oversees the unpacking and set-up of the camp for the night. He appreciated the work. Administration and logistics was straightforward and uncomplicated, and right now he needed something to focus on ahead of such a dark journey.


Current Moment: +4

I'll have a go at the Make Camp roll.

A Weak Hit, so we each get to pick one from the Make Camp list. Bróin'll take Focus(+1 Momentum).







Current Moment: +4

I'll have a go at the Make Camp roll.


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