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Empire City

Caden "Sentry" Ramirez

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  • What are your character’s central strengths and weaknesses?

Caden has always cared too much and that has led him to do great things but also stumble hard into the flaw side of having a good heart. Always wanting to do more but there is an impatience and rage that exists at the far edge of that motivation. Until he learns to reconcile that, he'll never reach the heights he so desperately wants to reach.

  • What is your character’s primary emotional state?

He's usually a pretty easy going, and likeable person. He's very self-aware of his inner doubts and flaws which leads to him being a bit socially awkward. This is usually shown by him talking at length, calling attention to what he's doing out loud, then rambling off to a string of words that fade into the very strange silence he's created.

  • What role does your character fill in a group?

Protector. Always willing to put himself on the front lines to make a difference, even if it means getting his hands dirty a little bit. If he could pretend to be a normal person for 30 seconds he'd actually make a pretty decent social leader but alas for all his gifts, he cannot protect himself from himself.

  • Describe your character’s family or tribe.

(Here I might need some help with the history of the more fantastical races). Caden comes from a small immediate family and was always the "never lives up to his potential" kid who is still viewed as such by them to this day. Too high of standards or perhaps a different of opinion/perspective on what he should be doing has led to a pleasant but not warm relationship with his family.

  • Who are your character’s three most valuable contacts?

Caden is currently dating Sarah, a social butterfly of a teacher who he feels he doesn't deserve and that insecurity is both part of his charm to her and tends to be the cause of their few but far between fights. Garrett, the young kid he mentors as part of a community outreach program Sarah got him into, who tends to be Caden's reminder of what's important. Kolton, his brother who's been more of a model example to their parents, and understands Caden the best while still being the dutiful son to the family's business and ambitions

  • What personal values and beliefs does your character hold?

Leave the world better than you found it. There's a lot of reasons to want to give in, turtle up inside our fear and despair, but hope should always prevail.

  • To whom is your character closest and why?

While his walls can be up a lot of the time, Sarah calls it "having his armor back on", she's definitely the one he's finally felt the most like himself with and can lowers his guard despite his instincts warning him not to. A close second would be Dr. Johansan, a therapist that Caden has secretly begun meeting whenever possible/things get to be too much for him.

  • What does your character need the most?

To do something great and being validating for doing so without there being a "yeah but..." or something going wrong along the way. Just seems like luck is never on his side all the time during those moments.

  • What are your character’s life goals?

To start his own company and not be tethered to the family's money or their watchful eyes on his little offshot projects that he does. To be married, with a family, and eventually not have to worry about the next international war or worldwide plague or world ending invasion.

  • What does your character fear the most?

Lakes, oceans, deep rivers. Something has always terrified him about the Depths of the world. The fear that keeps him awake some nights however, despite his abilities, is dying. Even though miracles rain from the sky sometimes in this world, the idea that he could/will fade into nothingness one day and all his deeds will be as if they never happened, almost keeps him from getting out of bed some days. Almost.

  • Describe your character’s appearance.

A handsome young man that appears almost too comely to be human. In fantastic shape after being less so in his youth and needing to impress his family as least one way. Short styled dark hair and beard that never seems to move no matter the situation he's in. Some say they've never seen him sweat or smell bad. He tends to wear basic but high end casual clothing (jeans and leather jacket, shorts and a t-shirt, etc.) whether he's at a friend's party or attending yet another board meeting.

  • How does your character define “heroism”?

Refusing to do nothing while bad things happen.

  • Describe your character’s hobbies, interests, desires, and likes.

Caden like to go on hikes with his dog, road trips are one of this favorite things. The inner nerdy child never left even when he got successful and into fighting shape however and on the hard days he can found gaming with his friends or reading a book, or binge watching a show he's seen 100 times.

  • What would your character do if they killed an innocent bystander?

If it was for the greater good, collateral damage when many more lives were on the line, then he would set his jaw in public and wax philosophical about it in private. If it was a matter of losing control or fit of rage, he would leave and find a new quiet place to try and start over.

  • For what does your character have little patience and tolerance?

Awful human beings. The world and life is hard enough, those who seek to capitalize on that or make it worse deserve no mercy.

  • Does your character hide any emotions in public?

"Never let them see you hurting." Is one of the few pieces of fatherly advice that Caden has accepted. Too many are willing to jump on weakness and twist it to their own ends, weaponize it against those who are hurting. Caden will be bulletproof.

  • How does your character view death and beyond?

It terrifies him. There's more hope of miracles and immortality to be sure but what if that's not for him? What if he's not that lucky? He takes if very seriously.

  • What does your character dislike about themselves?

He can't seem to get out his own way and is in his own head a lot. Which tends to lead to him being more flawed than bulletproof in some situations.

  • Describe your character’s bedroom or rest location.

There's a bench on at the top of a steep hill that runs alongside the woods of his favorite hiking spot. And sitting there in the morning, when the sun's just come up, it sparkles of the nearby lake and you swear you can see forever. Nowhere else does he feel more at peace or resolved in his convictions than there.

  • Describe a perfect date night or other enjoyable outing.

A nice walk with Sarah followed by movie night on the couch. Or sitting around the table gaming and laughing with his friends.

  • Dereescribe your character’s relationship with money.

He wasn't raised rich but now as part of the company he has more than he sometimes knows what to do with. This can lead to some less than responsible spending sprees because he doesn't quite understand the balance.

  • Describe your character’s views on authority and the law.

Any governing body is going to be flawed because it's run by too many people with agendas and in the mess of all that the right thing to do gets lost. Still it's better than nothing/the alternative but at the end of the day a small group of people with the right hearts can get more done than a thousand that run the spectrum on morals.

  • Who has impacted your character’s life direction the most?

Everyone he's met outside of his family/upbringing. Discovering how many other paths there were to walk and after a long search finally discovering his own has been the most fullfilling thing that's ever happened to him. Each new person he meets is a reminder of that everyday.

  • How does your character view forgiveness and revenge?

Justice is about balance. In his darker moments, revenge feels better but his innate goodness leads him back to balance. Forgiveness on that other hand is something that comes harder to him. You can only hurt a good person so many times before that heart turns cold forever.

  • What are the origins of your character’s special abilities?

Innate and then as he got older had lived on this Earth for longer, prolonged exposure some might say, he found he could tap into that sheer force of will of his with amazing results. If the soul exists, scientifically speaking, it exists in the brain and from that his personal telekinesis has grown and refined itself to allow him to not only have the drive and resources to do the things he wants to do but also the abilites to do even greater things.

  • What is the prime motivation behind your character’s actions?

Life is hard. Just look around, especially the last several years. The world needs help and needs to get better. There are people who will never have what Caden has or be able to do the things he can do. How can you not strive to make their lives better as much as possible.

  • In which way does your character focus their personal growth?

Slowly yet surely locking himself into a routine of self-improvement activities. Hiking as many weekday evenings and weekend mornings as possible. Eating right and working out as much as possible. Surrounding himself with like-minded people who choose evolving and happiness over bitter stagnation. Finding Sarah has been huge as has his occasional therapy sessions.

  • Describe the accomplishment of which your character is most proud.

Breaking free of the life he locked himself into early on as well as his various outreach programs he's done to make small positive changes in the world.

  • How does your character think they might die?

The possibilites are many in this day and age. His abilities keep him safe most of the time, but what if one day something stronger comes along? Or they fail for whatever reason? Whatever the details are, Caden (when he allows himself to fall into the downward spiral of these thoughts) is convinced it will be something that he can't control.

  • How would your character describe themselves in a single sentence?

A good man who wasn't perfect but did the best he could.


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So I understand that he is some kind of psychic with Telekinesis, but can you tell me more about it? Like what do you envision the abilities to be? Xian are hybrid of immortals, giving some form of immortality too and can be found here and there. A good majority of Xian are psychics or mystics.


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He's a little Superboy mixed with a little Danny Rand mixed with a little Peter Parker. Tactile Telekinesis for the core power set if possible, with Xian origins (although maybe Erdala) but trying to pass as human as much as he can. His family owns/is part of some corporation but not a super mega one just enough for him to be Smallville Lex Luthor levels of rich maybe. He's got flawed paladin vibes going on for sure personality wise but enough adorkable energy to be likeable. Looking over the primer I'm getting a grasp of how the mechanics work and I definitely want there to be some flaws/defects but I feel like he'd have a half dozen low level ones. Dunno if there's a limit on how many one can have but I was thinking Magnet -1 (minorly rich/famous and tends to draw attention) Nighmares -1 (the What If scenarios can keep his mind from settling), Obligated/Red Tape -2/-1 (has commitments he has to stick to plus family/business name to uphold), Significant Other -1 (more that I'd rather it come up less often than he doesn't care about people), and Skeleton in the Closet -2 (trying to pass as human and isn't as perfect as he tries to keep his image). I like to develop flaws first whenever possible, IMO, makes the character more fun to RP.

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11 minutes ago, Rogers said:

So I understand that he is some kind of psychic with Telekinesis, but can you tell me more about it? Like what do you envision the abilities to be? Xian are hybrid of immortals, giving some form of immortality too and can be found here and there. A good majority of Xian are psychics or mystics.


Admittedly I know nothing about Xian so if they don't fit the flavor I'm going here for lemme know but his ability suite would be:

Tactile TK (personal forcefield he's sheathed in kind of thing, super strength, leaping), possibly being able to extend it to protect others with forcefield, catching falling debris, etc.

I picture it as effectively being invisible unless it interacts with something then it's got an almost prismatic lens flare effect (ala the movie Push from years ago).

Teleportation could also be a power but that's more me liking it than it fitting the theme really.

Environmental immunites/immortality/regen from being a Xian.

Wealth from family/business ties but only enough to be a super well off/charitable friendly neighborhood hero

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There are basically any fantastic beings, really. I notice you mention pass for humans but guessing you just mean with the defect essentially for a secret identity or something.

In general, 1 to 5 defects is the recommended numbers of defect, as more it becomes too much for a PC and handicap too much.

Most powers don't have a particular attention grabbing thing, unless you take the detectable limiter, so it becomes particularly noticeable, except Weapons are noticeable by default.

I have an idea on what it could look like, so there are 3 main stats in Absolute Power, Body, Mind and Soul with 4 representing the average adult and 12 the max of human potential, so worth thinking about how physical/mental/spiritual your character is.

But beyond that, probably list of attributes might look like this:

-Force Field with Area Enhancement with a 3 meters radius (10 feet roughly) to cover some people, level of force field gives you armor rating.
-Telekinesis with probably a range enhancement, as far I can tell your character telekinesis has no limit (lift all kind of stuff)
-Wealth probably level 3 for moderately rich (roughly $3M in cash equivalence)





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Whoops! My bad, I know I was getting stats and attributes swapped in my brain a bunch while building him so that's probably why. And for whatever reason I had 150 in my head the whole time for total points (M&M habits die hard I guess). I'll lower him down to where he needs to be. Other than my pre-coffee brain mistakes, did everything else look okay?

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Awesome, and I thought Super-Strength gave a damage multiplier bonus? Although it's just with certain attacks if I'm understanding it correctly, so I could have specified that more on the sheet I guess with like a 5/9 (Strength-based) or something.

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SentryMV5BNmM3ODk1MWYtYTAxYi00ZGY1LWFmZTYtYzk1ZThiNTkyMzI0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@._V1_QL75_UY140_CR350140140_.jpg.bee73f971208c5540424a47b53ab68ff.jpg Caden Ramirez

Size 0: Medium Rank | 100 Character Points


Body 7 Mind 6 Soul 7

Health Points/Energy Points 100/65

Combat Values:

Attack Combat Value: 6/10 (Melee)

Defense Combat Value: 8 (30 Armor)


Level 5 Armor: Detectable+1 (Sight)

Level 3 Immovable: Dependent+1 (Armor)

Level 3 Immunity (Enviromental Effects): Dependent+1 (Armor)

Level 3 Jumping: Dependent+1 (Armor)

Level 3 Super-Strength: Dependent+1 (Armor)

Level 2 Defense Mastery

Level 4 Telekinesis (Range -1, Detectable +1: Sight/Clearly Visible)

Level 3 Tough

Level 2 Wealth

Level 2 Defense Mastery

Level 2 Melee Attack

Level 1 Reincarnation


-1 Significant Other (Sarah)
-1 Magnet (Locally Famous)
-2 Phobia (Deep Water/Lakes/Oceans)

Points note: Stats 40 + 64 Powers -4 Defects = 100

  • What are your character’s central strengths and weaknesses?

Caden has always cared too much and that has led him to do great things but also stumble hard into the flaw side of having a good heart. Always wanting to do more but there is an impatience and rage that exists at the far edge of that motivation. Until he learns to reconcile that, he'll never reach the heights he so desperately wants to reach.

  • What is your character’s primary emotional state?

He's usually a pretty easy going, and likeable person. He's very self-aware of his inner doubts and flaws which leads to him being a bit socially awkward. This is usually shown by him talking at length, calling attention to what he's doing out loud, then rambling off to a string of words that fade into the very strange silence he's created.

  • What role does your character fill in a group?

Protector. Always willing to put himself on the front lines to make a difference, even if it means getting his hands dirty a little bit. If he could pretend to be a normal person for 30 seconds he'd actually make a pretty decent social leader but alas for all his gifts, he cannot protect himself from himself.

  • Describe your character’s family or tribe.

(Here I might need some help with the history of the more fantastical races). Caden comes from a small immediate family and was always the "never lives up to his potential" kid who is still viewed as such by them to this day. Too high of standards or perhaps a different of opinion/perspective on what he should be doing has led to a pleasant but not warm relationship with his family.

  • Who are your character’s three most valuable contacts?

Caden is currently dating Sarah, a social butterfly of a teacher who he feels he doesn't deserve and that insecurity is both part of his charm to her and tends to be the cause of their few but far between fights. Garrett, the young kid he mentors as part of a community outreach program Sarah got him into, who tends to be Caden's reminder of what's important. Kolton, his brother who's been more of a model example to their parents, and understands Caden the best while still being the dutiful son to the family's business and ambitions

  • What personal values and beliefs does your character hold?

Leave the world better than you found it. There's a lot of reasons to want to give in, turtle up inside our fear and despair, but hope should always prevail.

  • To whom is your character closest and why?

While his walls can be up a lot of the time, Sarah calls it "having his armor back on", she's definitely the one he's finally felt the most like himself with and can lowers his guard despite his instincts warning him not to. A close second would be Dr. Johansan, a therapist that Caden has secretly begun meeting whenever possible/things get to be too much for him.

  • What does your character need the most?

To do something great and being validating for doing so without there being a "yeah but..." or something going wrong along the way. Just seems like luck is never on his side all the time during those moments.

  • What are your character’s life goals?

To start his own company and not be tethered to the family's money or their watchful eyes on his little offshot projects that he does. To be married, with a family, and eventually not have to worry about the next international war or worldwide plague or world ending invasion.

  • What does your character fear the most?

Lakes, oceans, deep rivers. Something has always terrified him about the Depths of the world. The fear that keeps him awake some nights however, despite his abilities, is dying. Even though miracles rain from the sky sometimes in this world, the idea that he could/will fade into nothingness one day and all his deeds will be as if they never happened, almost keeps him from getting out of bed some days. Almost.

  • Describe your character’s appearance.

A handsome young man that appears almost too comely to be human. In fantastic shape after being less so in his youth and needing to impress his family as least one way. Short styled dark hair and beard that never seems to move no matter the situation he's in. Some say they've never seen him sweat or smell bad. He tends to wear basic but high end casual clothing (jeans and leather jacket, shorts and a t-shirt, etc.) whether he's at a friend's party or attending yet another board meeting.

  • How does your character define “heroism”?

Refusing to do nothing while bad things happen.

  • Describe your character’s hobbies, interests, desires, and likes.

Caden like to go on hikes with his dog, road trips are one of this favorite things. The inner nerdy child never left even when he got successful and into fighting shape however and on the hard days he can found gaming with his friends or reading a book, or binge watching a show he's seen 100 times.

  • What would your character do if they killed an innocent bystander?

If it was for the greater good, collateral damage when many more lives were on the line, then he would set his jaw in public and wax philosophical about it in private. If it was a matter of losing control or fit of rage, he would leave and find a new quiet place to try and start over.

  • For what does your character have little patience and tolerance?

Awful human beings. The world and life is hard enough, those who seek to capitalize on that or make it worse deserve no mercy.

  • Does your character hide any emotions in public?

"Never let them see you hurting." Is one of the few pieces of fatherly advice that Caden has accepted. Too many are willing to jump on weakness and twist it to their own ends, weaponize it against those who are hurting. Caden will be bulletproof.

  • How does your character view death and beyond?

It terrifies him. There's more hope of miracles and immortality to be sure but what if that's not for him? What if he's not that lucky? He takes if very seriously.

  • What does your character dislike about themselves?

He can't seem to get out his own way and is in his own head a lot. Which tends to lead to him being more flawed than bulletproof in some situations.

  • Describe your character’s bedroom or rest location.

There's a bench on at the top of a steep hill that runs alongside the woods of his favorite hiking spot. And sitting there in the morning, when the sun's just come up, it sparkles of the nearby lake and you swear you can see forever. Nowhere else does he feel more at peace or resolved in his convictions than there.

  • Describe a perfect date night or other enjoyable outing.

A nice walk with Sarah followed by movie night on the couch. Or sitting around the table gaming and laughing with his friends.

  • Dereescribe your character’s relationship with money.

He wasn't raised rich but now as part of the company he has more than he sometimes knows what to do with. This can lead to some less than responsible spending sprees because he doesn't quite understand the balance.

  • Describe your character’s views on authority and the law.

Any governing body is going to be flawed because it's run by too many people with agendas and in the mess of all that the right thing to do gets lost. Still it's better than nothing/the alternative but at the end of the day a small group of people with the right hearts can get more done than a thousand that run the spectrum on morals.

  • Who has impacted your character’s life direction the most?

Everyone he's met outside of his family/upbringing. Discovering how many other paths there were to walk and after a long search finally discovering his own has been the most fullfilling thing that's ever happened to him. Each new person he meets is a reminder of that everyday.

  • How does your character view forgiveness and revenge?

Justice is about balance. In his darker moments, revenge feels better but his innate goodness leads him back to balance. Forgiveness on that other hand is something that comes harder to him. You can only hurt a good person so many times before that heart turns cold forever.

  • What are the origins of your character’s special abilities?

Innate and then as he got older had lived on this Earth for longer, prolonged exposure some might say, he found he could tap into that sheer force of will of his with amazing results. If the soul exists, scientifically speaking, it exists in the brain and from that his personal telekinesis has grown and refined itself to allow him to not only have the drive and resources to do the things he wants to do but also the abilites to do even greater things.

  • What is the prime motivation behind your character’s actions?

Life is hard. Just look around, especially the last several years. The world needs help and needs to get better. There are people who will never have what Caden has or be able to do the things he can do. How can you not strive to make their lives better as much as possible.

  • In which way does your character focus their personal growth?

Slowly yet surely locking himself into a routine of self-improvement activities. Hiking as many weekday evenings and weekend mornings as possible. Eating right and working out as much as possible. Surrounding himself with like-minded people who choose evolving and happiness over bitter stagnation. Finding Sarah has been huge as has his occasional therapy sessions.

  • Describe the accomplishment of which your character is most proud.

Breaking free of the life he locked himself into early on as well as his various outreach programs he's done to make small positive changes in the world.

  • How does your character think they might die?

The possibilites are many in this day and age. His abilities keep him safe most of the time, but what if one day something stronger comes along? Or they fail for whatever reason? Whatever the details are, Caden (when he allows himself to fall into the downward spiral of these thoughts) is convinced it will be something that he can't control.

  • How would your character describe themselves in a single sentence?

A good man who wasn't perfect but did the best he could.

Edited by TennoRell (see edit history)
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I guess it doesn't matter, but I put - for enhancements because it decreases the effective level of the attribute and + for limiters because it increases the effective level of the attribute.

When you put detectable, have also to decide how it is detectable: like you could put sight (clearly visible) or use your power source like detectable: Magic and many other ways the attribute can be detected.

Defence combat value is 6.

You can choose to activate the force field for the Armor Rating, but with detectable, I suspect you probably won't be using it all the time.

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