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Path of humanity, please, because you will be allowed to act against other kindred. If you combine this with certain sets of morals, you'll end up with a slaughter that has nothing at all to do with a game. You can hurt others, but not without moral repurcussions.

As for kid vampires, most storyguides seem opposed to them for some reason. I don't quite see why. There is one limit though: I do not want anything sexual in relation to children in this game, and I am sure baldr don't want that on their forum either. If you can avoid that, go ahead, create a child if you want to.

German laws, simplfied:

- no nightclubs under 18, even in parents' company
- no pubs/restaurants between 11pm and 5 am if under 16, midnight if under 18. Exceptions: Child is travelling, or accompanied.
- no drinking smoking under 18.

There may be some places that look away, but if someone calls the police the publican will be in trouble.


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Paths: That's fine. I have no intention of initiating any PvP regardless (it's messy and I've never enjoyed it), so I'll make Humanity work.

Child vamp: Okay, cool! I've tried one once before but I don't think I did it quite right. I'd love to try again with a different take. I do understand it'll be difficult at times, but that just makes the game more interesting! I'd likely go Malkavian (who would've thought?!) with a trauma that only deepens with the Embrace to the point that she manifests her Kindred qualities through a favorite stuffed animal; a protector if you will. I'll see how it all shapes up--I might just hate it! And, yes, obviously no sexual intentions. We don't need to explore any of that, please and thank you!

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52 minutes ago, eldarin said:

Quick question: Would I be free in the choice of primary Thaumaturgy path when considering a Tremere?

If it is in the corebook, and your backstory explains it (easily done), yes.


21 minutes ago, Malkavian Grin said:

I'd likely go Malkavian (who would've thought?!) with a trauma that only deepens with the Embrace to the point that she manifests her Kindred qualities through a favorite stuffed animal; a protector if you will.

This sounds amazing. I am really looking forward to see if you can pull it off!

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Hmm. I'm torn between a Giovanni either disgraced or willingly removed from/disagreeing with her family, and a Gangrel looking to prove herself by surviving the City of Final Death so her Clan will teach her to be a lorekeeper. Any opinions on what might be better for this setting? I've never played either Clan.

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18 minutes ago, nexiss said:

Never played this game. Got no books. Got no idea what kinds of characters there are. But sounds like it might be fun.


Is there opportunity for me here?

Well, you'd have to buy or borrow Vampire the Masquerade 20th Anniversary edition and read the first chapters.

The rules are quite easy and I am not going to delve deep into setting intricacies. If you want to learn Vampire, you are welcome to create a character.

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Hi @Gris --- first time posting on the new forum so I hope I don't screw things up. A quick question: since you're using V20 mechanics but the game is set nowadays, do you use elements of the V5 metaplot? Specifically, I'm considering an Assamite/Banu Haqim character and would like to know if, for the purpose of your Chronicle, part of the Clan officially joined the Camarilla or not? Thanks by advance!

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