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Out of Character

Sovereign Sojourn

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Hey guys, I am super sorry. I was just out of town for the past week. Let me explain...



Okay so, my work occasionally requires me to leave town to meet with clients or to install equipment. Typically, this happens less than once every three months, most of my work is within driving distance. To make a long story short, I normally have a LOT of heads-up on when I am leaving town, but this time, due to another employee of the company pulling the infamous no-show for an important job, I got tagged and ended up leaving town the very next morning, no real warning at all.

I regret that I simply didn't have the time while I was packing for this sudden trip to update you guys, something I thought about more than a few times while on the job...

Anyways, my apologies, that's my bad. I sincerely regret the bait and switch there since we JUST started this session.

Let me know where the interest level is at, I understand that an early interruption like this can really bum people out and I admit I now have to get reoriented and remember what I was planning here. xD

But I am back in orbit for the foreseeable future. Again, truest apologies!


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