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About this blog

~Or My Experience of it~

Heaven help me, and you fair wanderer who dares become an Empire! GM.


In here I'll recount my experiences (and maybe get some Veterans!) running Empire, some tips and tricks I've learned along the way and some of the secret sauce that an Empire! GM should know but you wouldn't learn unless told by a previous GM.


Sit-down, Strap-in and buckle your seat belts and join this ride with me as I carry on running Empire! games.

Entries in this blog

The GM Team

Every Empire! game's fun, quirk and little bit of chaos stems greatly from its player base and interactions between players and the world the GMs set out. Behind all that story and front play lies several important GM functions that can be quite overwhelming for a single person to take on. As is the tradition in recent Empire! games most of these will have a group of people, typically non-players, who function as the GM team to help carry the burden of what gets done for Empire! Forming a G


SerakHawk in Any E! Rules

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