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The enamored is usually a member of a court or an important family who grew up immersed in the Courtly Love myth and environment and dedicated their younger years to courtships, games and amorous pastimes, poetry, attending banquets, receptions, salons, theatrical performances, and other aristocratic entertainment venues... Enamored are generally privileged, well-educated youths, experts in the liberal arts and sophisticated hobbies, raised to become flirts, diplomats, gigolos, and courtiers: prying skirmishes, complicated love "customs", jealous pranks, and dramatic heartaches are the kind of activities that essentially fill their nights and days. However, such occupations make their lives far less shallow than it may seem. In addition to the excellent education and cultural study that an enamored gains from their environment, their life is entirely dedicated to the building and managing of personal relationships which are aimed at highlighting the more charismatic and engaging ones, the most diplomatic and persuasive, those that will more efficiently obtain prestigious positions or lead their families in the future.

Skill Proficiencies: History, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument, calligrapher's supplies
Languages: Draconian
Equipment: A musical instrument (one of your choice), a collection of love letters, a book of poetry, ink (one-ounce bottle), an ink pen, a pouch containing 15 sp.

Feature: Courtesy
Accustomed to softness, kindness, and refinement of all kinds, the enamored use poetry, their urbane ways, grace, and flirtation to obtain small favors and privileges, especially among notables and bigwigs, or among kind-hearted people who are sensitive to coaxing and tearful verses. The enamored will always be welcomed and helped when in particular difficulty by those who hold values such as courtesy in high esteem, whether they belong to the common folk or higher classes. The enamored will always be granted food, accommodation, and essential support. Furthermore, if they can use their courteous ways, they're not subject to social disadvantages caused by shoddy equipment.

Suggested Characteristics
Enamored can often seem like naïve young men or young ladies, spoiled and vacuous, engaged in pastimes and activities out of touch with everyday life. However, the most cunning and skilled among them can present themselves as fascinating, charming, clever manipulators, charismatic individuals, and passionate idealists. The most heroic enamored often become gallant knights, but all of them - in one way or another - fall into the most common categories of adult life and common Knaves.


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