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β€œI am Lady Arginna Monteschi Faviori, daughter of the Duke of Fakeep and Phonydale, first heir to the lands of Talltaleburg and Fictionaria! Don’t you recognize me? Here is my certificate, you peasant!”

A blazoned is usually a noble from an unknown family without political influence, or maybe the thirdborn of a renowned house, devoid of true titles and lands, or the firstborn of a famous house that fell from grace a couple of decades ago, to be generous.

A blazoned may vaunt an ancient and worthy lineage, but they are still a nobody until they manage to sell themselves properly to the rest of the people. Their titles are still used as leverage that might provide them with true and practical benefits. In short, a blazoned is a living scam, smoke in the eyes of mankind.

Skill Proficiencies:Β Deception, Intimidate
Languages:Β Draconian, Macaronic
Equipment:Β A questionable certificate of nobility, a rusty noble seal, an expired pass permit, a patched noble outfit, a purse with 25 sp.

Feature:Β High and Mighty Voice
A blazoned is a seasoned swindler who can obtain any certificate and grant they like. You can add your notoriety bonus to your Charisma (Deception) checks.

Suggested Characteristics
A flood of pretentious words, sometimes just for the sake of using them, or to confound those around you. Not just mere jibber-jabber, but a high and noble exercise in style: This is the mantle a Blazoned takes on themselves. A silver tongue is therefore a paramount skill to a blazoned, as little or nothing remains of their original house: a name, an emblem, and a lot of vague words.

Edited by jokomaisu (see edit history)


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