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Bounty Brothers, Mavericks, and the Infamous



Bounty Brothers, Mavericks, and the Infamous

All Knaves roaming the Kingdom, all pillory scum that wanders the country, are part of the same large bunch of rogues known as “Bounty Brothers”. Their group is relatively informal: there are no registration fees, marks, or admission rituals, no special secret language other than what some characters may already know, nor is there a board of any kind. In short, all those who have a Bounty on their head listed in the Royal Registers, or did in the past, are considered “Brothers”, united by mutual solidarity in the face of the law and of the diabolical organization that is after them day and night: the Royal Bounty Agency.

Knaves don’t have to belong to a Band, nor do Bands necessarily have to belong to a Company. Knaves who move independently are called “mavericks”: isolated individuals or groups who do their jobs independently.

Being part of a Company is very useful for Knaves because it provides the Band with a whole range of connections, advantages, options, and favors of which they otherwise could not dispose when things get tough. The Company leader offers a safe Den to rest or hide in, can guarantee favors and support when needed, and find jobs, assignments, and adventures for the Band.

The Three Infamies

Bounty Brothers love to brag, tell each other the tallest tales, and never stop gossiping about what other Bands and Companies around the Kingdom are up to. This is precisely how Notoriety is created and spread. Internal laws which Bounty Brothers must abide by exist, mainly based on an obligation to avoid the Three Infamies:

  1. Betraying other Brothers. A Brother never snitches on his Brothers, nor does he sell them out to Queen's Guards or Bounty Hunters, not even to save himself from prison; a Brother does not take money for tip-offs, ratting, or Bounties, unless they’re to do with the Infamous.
  2. Committing Heinous Crimes. Brothers are Knaves, not murderers, and always move within a “criminally correct” sphere. Never indulge in brutality, aggression, or torture, never strike the defenseless, or use violence against the helpless, the elderly, children, or the needy; never torment animals, marionettes, or other sentient beings unnecessarily.
  3. Cheating Your Company. It is simply not done to rip off your own company or leader; no cheating on payments; no stealing from the Den’s coffers; no hiding important secrets; no stirring up wars between companies or with guards; pay off any debts contracted with your company.

Whoever carries out these infamies loses “Brother” status, and is considered an Infamous. Selling, fighting, capturing, or delivering an Infamous to guards or Bounty Hunters, or even trying to get rid of them “the old way” is not forbidden: on the contrary, it is encouraged by other Brothers. In fact, the Infamous undermine the mutual pact of non-interference between guards and Knaves on which the Kingdom is based, and are a danger and a nuisance for all Brothers. The Infamous shall not be welcomed into any Den, and should never be allowed to exploit the Favors and Grandluxury of any company. In turn, leaders and Knaves who help the Infamous could also incur Infamy. While most Infamous are Mavericks, they also congregate in bands or entire companies.


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