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Given the nature of their occupations, Bands and Knaves might often get in trouble with the law. When this happens, the company usually tries to help them out.

Each Knave can ask for a number of Favors up to the highest Notoriety they have achieved, otherwise, they contract a 100 gp debt with the company. This debt must be repaid to their leader as soon as possible. No Knave can ask for new Favors until their debt is paid.

Ransom.Β A Knave or one of their comrades may be kidnapped, ending up hostage to someone. It doesn't matter whether the captors are a rival Band, the Honored Society, or the damn fairies: the company should always be able to reach an agreement with the kidnappers and pay the ransom to free the prisoner.

Evasion.Β If a Knave or one of their companions end up in jail, the company can try and find a way to get them out. The Evasion Favor must be requested individually, asking for one Favor for each prisoner to be pulled out of the can.

Expert Companion.Β Sometimes a Band might have a big plan in mind for a certain job, for which an additional pair of expert hands could come in handy. Therefore, Knaves can ask their company or their connections for an expert companion to support them in a particular job or to complete a specific task.

Barratry.Β When a Knave commits a Misdeed, a barrator can cover it up and prevent the character from accumulating a bounty. This Favor must be asked for by the end of the Rollick phase following the job during which the misdeed has been committed so that the Bounty never gets recorded by the Kingdom Justice.

Safe Travels.Β The leader arranges safe transportation or travel to and from any region of the Kingdom.

Information.Β A member of the company provides valuable information about a profitable job, a certain place, a specific person, a special object, or a piece of uncommon knowledge.

Borrowed Grandluxury.Β In addition to what is already granted, the Knave can choose to receive one extra Grandluxury benefit among those available in their Den.

Favors and Grandluxuries from other Companies

As long as conditions allow a safe connection, all Bounty Brothers - excluding the Infamous ones, of course - could ask for Favors from other company’s leaders, or receive hospitality at other companies' Dens. Most companies or the leaders on duty are usually available if the Knaves pay and behave well, but in some cases, former quarrels and rivalries might make things more complicated.

Secondly, when dealing with other companies, prices go up while services go down: each Knave can ask for a number of Favors from another company up to the highest Notoriety they have achieved and must add the payment of 100 gp, otherwise, if they can't afford the additional fee, they accumulate a debt of 200 gp to be repaid as soon as possible. As usual, Knaves cannot ask for other favors until their debts are paid off. The insolvency of such a debt could quickly lead a Knave to be marked with Infamy.

Knaves finding themselves far from their Den, on the other side of the Kingdom, may also seek shelter in another company's Den in order to enter the Rollick phase. In this case, characters can choose between the Hide Out, Rest, or Revelry activities as usual, but they can't take advantage of the Grandluxury benefits offered by that Den.

To gain access to the Grandluxury benefits of other companies' Dens, Knaves must ask for Favors, as they'd do when using "Borrowed Grandluxury” at their Den; this kind of external favor will also cost an extra 100 gp.

These rules also apply to Bands of mavericks without a Den, a company, or a leader.


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