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Papers found on the Maliente


Orders to Captain Darkshadow

You are to embark upon a journey westward to the holdings known in times past as the Five Cities of Galonde. In your journey, you are to be particularly watchful for a group of humans, dwarves, and elves. Please see the High Librarian for ancient texts on these lesser races once known to be extinguished.

In your journey westward, be certain to visit Grunmar. Our scouts have reported increased activity between the far distant western hills and their more commonly seen lands in the higher mountains. We believe this indicates a heightened military readiness - perhaps they have forgotten the empty eye sockets of their firstborn already?

Additionally, and as ever, be certain to keep a wary eye out for the short ones. We believe they must travel between Pontow and the Five Cities, and perhaps range as far north as the Scarred March.


Notes on Grunmar

Locals seemed hostile as usual, but were less prone to crude words and gestures. While this may be seen as servility, in light of the orders given it is a marked difference and is being reported as such. No signs of arms excepting those used to hunt. No armor noted. If they intend to rebel again, it is likely in the earliest stages.


Notes on Ravenwood Forest

Deep, dark, tangled. No living beings seen. Not sure if we would unless we tripped over them.


Notes on Pontow

Ancient city remains destroyed, as one would expect. Knocked over what appeared to be stones stood atop one another. Another spite to the Wretches, may their memory be as dust.


Notes on Llaisey Forest

Short ones found north of forest, giving chase, hope to capture alive for intelligence.




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