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Notable NPCs

Lily Stoddert Pirate Captain of the Steadfast, Lily hails from Freemarch and initially had intercepted orders to settle the new lands to the North, and decided to make her own fortune as Colonist.  However, she was ultimately injured and returned home to Kelmar in an uprising from her explorers.  Founder of Haven and New Haven, Lily is no doubt to return.   Mary Lee Pirate Captain of the Northwind, Mary Lee transported the dwarves from the Ironridge Mountains.


Powderhorn in Locals

Ship Stats

Spirit of Philadelphia Stats   Hull: Cutter Cost: 1,000 Crew: 6/60 Rowers: 0 Miles / Day: 100 Grace: +1 HP: 10 AC: 17 Cargo: 30 Weapons: 8 (4/side) Size: Small Specials: Saltwood Blessing - Immune to the Decree of Ligneous Dissolution Spell


Papers found on the Maliente   Orders to Captain Darkshadow You are to embark upon a journey westward to the holdings known in times past as the Five Cities of Galonde. In your journey, you are to be particularly watchful for a group of humans, dwarves, and elves. Please see the High Librarian for ancient texts on these lesser races once known to be extinguished. In your journey westward, be certain to visit Grunmar. Our scouts have reported inc



Flora and Fauna of the New World

Plants Healing Berries Red berries that rejuvenate the body. Heals for 1d2 HP. Hallucinogenic Mushrooms A black and white spotted mushroom that will cause a person to hallucinate for 1d4 hours. On a 4, die explodes. If a second 4 is rolled (for a total of 8), the hallucinations become fatal.    


Powderhorn in Locals

Northern Halflings

Included is information that is known about the Northern Halflings. Halfling's name for their country: The Havenwood Union Government: Ran by the Circle of Wisdom, a council comprised of leading figures throughout the Llaisy Forest. Useful knowledge: An oral tradition of a victory over the Maliente The Epic of Bramble Quickfoot and the Maliente Sing, O muse, of the cunning halfling, Bramble Quickfoot, Whose wit and guile saved his people from calamity, When the


Powderhorn in Locals

The Order of the Dragon

Finn, Nells, Ricken, Joseph, and Amos. Five young Lonish men chosen for martially-minded potential, to help Landen charter New Haven’s own lodge, for the most esteemed Order of the Dragon. Spring days bring opportunities for training. Swordplay and pistol shootings, and routine maintenance of the gunboat. The young men having helped our swashbuckling fellow raise the Order’s banner upon a signpost above the humble cabin. And with the toils of winter now behind them, calloused hands can



Supplies Available

Food supplies: Hardtack (150 lbs) Salted pork or beef (300 lbs) Dried beans (75 lbs) Rice (50 lbs) Peas (50 lbs) Dried fruit (25 lbs) Sugar (25 lbs) Coffee (25 lbs) Tea (25 lbs)     Clothing and bedding: Woolen blankets (50) Linen shirts (50) Heavy woolen coats (50) Leather boots (100) Heavy woolen socks (100) Wide-brimmed hats (50)     Tools and equipment: Axes (25)


Powderhorn in Resources


Free Harbor Free Harbor is now the city built upon the ruins of [REDACTED].  That city was dismantled stone-by stone and used to build a new city, though the statue to Wushall remains.  Currently ran by Aephren and his spouse Elladra, with the first child born in these lands, Free Harbor has been turned into a camoflauged fort with a pallisade, glacis, and roof - helped in large part by coordination from the Order of the Dragon and the Elvish Druid Iahalae. Additional


Powderhorn in Resources


Humanity has marched through time as rapidly as they can. A constant series of wars between the nation-states have driven on technological developments so as to better kill their fellow man. Advances include explosives in the form of black powder, muzzle loaded muskets and rifles, cast cannon, and sailing ships that can either deliver soldiers rapidly, or serve as floating batteries. There are also those who study magic in the human world. It is an exhaustive, lengthy study to do even the s


Powderhorn in Races

Gnomes and Halflings

The Gnomes and Halflings have banded together to try to keep themselves from being sold into slavery. Figuring on being entertaining and silly so as to not be taken too seriously, these races serve another purpose as well. As the only group that truly travels freely and at will, as performers, circus acts, minstrels, or anything else, gnomes and halflings often serve alternative purposes as informal diplomats and spies. The weapons of these smaller folk tend to be those which are easil


Powderhorn in Races


Dwarves are renowned for the quality of steel that comes from their cities, no doubt helped by the purity of the iron that comes from their mines. Their exports make them the wealthiest of the races, with that wealth, and the entirety of their race, locked away in mountain citadels. It is this safety that has made the Dwarves so reluctant to leave and have cause to interact with the "others" of the world. Surely no army could assault them, no siege would be far-reaching enough to entirely c


Powderhorn in Races


The elves, long-lived as ever, have become set in their ways. The ways of five hundred years ago work just as well today as they did then, because these same people are still alive. While their cities tend to be low in population density and their farming is done with a loving tenderness for the earth, the elves have not yet seen reason to move beyond their bows and swords for hunting and the defense of their lands. Yet it is their magic which helps keep the coastline free from assault by the hu


Powderhorn in Races


Magic of the Arcane Variety: Needs to have an original "spark", only certain humans have it. No other races do. This spark needs to be refined and honed at special schools, which tend to be very expensive, and are thus reserved only for the wealthy elite. Magic of the Natural Variety: Only the elves have a close enough connection to the land anymore to support this sort of magic. This limits druids to elves. Magic of the Divine Variety: Only humans have the infrastructure and "strong r


Powderhorn in Mechanics

Firearms Rules

WWN Firearms Rules, excerpted from Atlas of the Latter Earth and slightly modified where necessary (such as converting cartridge firearms to muzzle loaders). Quote: The reload times and rates of fire given here are set to be historically plausible for excellent riflemen, like the average PC gunman tends to be. NPCs with less focused training in their firing drill might need to take an extra round to get their guns in order. Reload times given are in rounds of


Powderhorn in Mechanics


Tierwald The Elvish nation of Tierwald, while idyllic to outsiders, is ran by a rigid caste system. At the top, few in number, are the Grey Elves, attempting to keep the borders closed to all outsiders. They try to keep druidic numbers to their own caste. Those druids from another caste are hunted and jailed for uncontrolled meddling in the "natural order". They see how dangerous the world has become over the last centuries and firmly believe that every elf has their plac


Powderhorn in Races

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