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Gnomes and Halflings



The Gnomes and Halflings have banded together to try to keep themselves from being sold into slavery. Figuring on being entertaining and silly so as to not be taken too seriously, these races serve another purpose as well.

As the only group that truly travels freely and at will, as performers, circus acts, minstrels, or anything else, gnomes and halflings often serve alternative purposes as informal diplomats and spies.

The weapons of these smaller folk tend to be those which are easily concealed. Daggers, slings, quarterstaves are favored amongst the gnomes and halflings, after all, nobody wants to feel threatened by their own entertainment!

Religiously, the gnomes and halflings, having spent the last hundred and fifty years or so together, have a blended religion. It is a communal religion partaken by each individual troupe of performers, but it lacks formalized rituals or any sort of hierarchy. There are two dieties, Alwen, the diety of all things good, honest, and enjoyable, and Vokin, the diety of all things bad, deceitful, and wretched. Any troupe found to be worshiping the latter will find itself quickly under assault by anyone who considers themselves a halfway decent person!

Gnomes and Halflings favor smaller weapons, daggers, throwing knives, slings, quarterstaves, things of this nature. Their armor varies from troupe to troupe, some prefer leather, some unarmored, some as heavy as chain. It typically depends on where they typically travel to and from.

In the beginning, there was Kelmar, the Lifefont, and the river it both feeds and which bears its name. No one knows how, when, or why, but two children were laid upon the banks of the Lifefont. They were small, wretched things, abandoned to die.

However, the Lifefont blessed them with its own unknown powers. Rather than die abandoned, the two children thrived and prospered. Though they never grew tall, they did grow wise to their world, and spread out throughout Kelmar, still unwanted to this day. Thus, the Halflings and Gnomes were born.


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