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Ship Stats

Spirit of Philadelphia Stats   Hull: Cutter Cost: 1,000 Crew: 6/60 Rowers: 0 Miles / Day: 100 Grace: +1 HP: 10 AC: 17 Cargo: 30 Weapons: 8 (4/side) Size: Small Specials: Saltwood Blessing - Immune to the Decree of Ligneous Dissolution Spell

Supplies Available

Food supplies: Hardtack (150 lbs) Salted pork or beef (300 lbs) Dried beans (75 lbs) Rice (50 lbs) Peas (50 lbs) Dried fruit (25 lbs) Sugar (25 lbs) Coffee (25 lbs) Tea (25 lbs)     Clothing and bedding: Woolen blankets (50) Linen shirts (50) Heavy woolen coats (50) Leather boots (100) Heavy woolen socks (100) Wide-brimmed hats (50)     Tools and equipment: Axes (25)


Powderhorn in Resources


Free Harbor Free Harbor is now the city built upon the ruins of [REDACTED].  That city was dismantled stone-by stone and used to build a new city, though the statue to Wushall remains.  Currently ran by Aephren and his spouse Elladra, with the first child born in these lands, Free Harbor has been turned into a camoflauged fort with a pallisade, glacis, and roof - helped in large part by coordination from the Order of the Dragon and the Elvish Druid Iahalae. Additional


Powderhorn in Resources

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