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Notable NPCs

Lily Stoddert Pirate Captain of the Steadfast, Lily hails from Freemarch and initially had intercepted orders to settle the new lands to the North, and decided to make her own fortune as Colonist.  However, she was ultimately injured and returned home to Kelmar in an uprising from her explorers.  Founder of Haven and New Haven, Lily is no doubt to return.   Mary Lee Pirate Captain of the Northwind, Mary Lee transported the dwarves from the Ironridge Mountains.


Powderhorn in Locals

Flora and Fauna of the New World

Plants Healing Berries Red berries that rejuvenate the body. Heals for 1d2 HP. Hallucinogenic Mushrooms A black and white spotted mushroom that will cause a person to hallucinate for 1d4 hours. On a 4, die explodes. If a second 4 is rolled (for a total of 8), the hallucinations become fatal.    


Powderhorn in Locals

Northern Halflings

Included is information that is known about the Northern Halflings. Halfling's name for their country: The Havenwood Union Government: Ran by the Circle of Wisdom, a council comprised of leading figures throughout the Llaisy Forest. Useful knowledge: An oral tradition of a victory over the Maliente The Epic of Bramble Quickfoot and the Maliente Sing, O muse, of the cunning halfling, Bramble Quickfoot, Whose wit and guile saved his people from calamity, When the


Powderhorn in Locals

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