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Northern Halflings



Included is information that is known about the Northern Halflings.

Halfling's name for their country: The Havenwood Union

Government: Ran by the Circle of Wisdom, a council comprised of leading figures throughout the Llaisy Forest.

Useful knowledge:

An oral tradition of a victory over the Maliente

The Epic of Bramble Quickfoot and the Maliente

Sing, O muse, of the cunning halfling, Bramble Quickfoot,
Whose wit and guile saved his people from calamity,
When the dark and fearsome Maliente threatened their home,
In the lush and verdant heart of the Llaisy Woods.

In the Havenwood Union, where the wise Circle of Wisdom reigned,
The halflings lived in harmony with the spirits of the land,
Their lives filled with joy, laughter, and boundless curiosity,
Yet ever vigilant against the looming shadow of their ancient foes.

The Maliente, children of darkness, bitter and vengeful,
Nursed their ancient grudge and plotted their cruel assault,
Intent on laying waste to the forest and its halfling inhabitants,
To sate their thirst for power and domination.

When news of the impending attack reached the Havenwood Union,
The Circle of Wisdom called upon the bravest and the wisest,
To devise a plan to defend their home against the relentless enemy,
And to stand as a bulwark against the tide of darkness.

Among them stood Bramble Quickfoot, a halfling of unparalleled cunning,
Whose nimble mind and silver tongue had won him great renown,
He approached the Circle of Wisdom with a plan so daring,
That even the most seasoned warriors were left in awe.

With the blessings of the elders, Bramble set his plan in motion,
Weaving a tapestry of deception, to ensnare the Maliente in their own web,
He sowed seeds of doubt and mistrust among the dark elves' ranks,
With whispers of betrayal and treachery that echoed in the night.

Then, deep within the heart of the Llaisy Woods,
Bramble crafted lifelike effigies of halfling warriors,
Each adorned with traps, tripwires, and pitfalls,
To snare the Maliente in their blind pursuit of conquest.

As the dark elves entered the sacred groves of Llaisy Woods,
They were met with a foe as elusive as the wind and as cunning as the fox,
The shadows themselves seemed to dance and taunt them,
As Bramble's machinations turned the Maliente against one another.

With every step they took, the Maliente were ensnared,
By the traps that Bramble had so cleverly laid,
And as they turned upon each other, their ranks in disarray,
The dark elves retreated, their invasion thwarted.

In the Havenwood Union, a great celebration was held,
For the triumph of Bramble Quickfoot and his guile,
His name would be sung by bards and poets for generations,
As the hero who had outwitted the fearsome Maliente.

So, O muse, let us remember the tale of Bramble Quickfoot,
Whose cunning and wit saved the Havenwood Union from ruin,
A testament to the indomitable spirit of the halflings,
And the power of the mind to triumph over the mightiest of foes.


An Orcish Text, Hundreds of Years Old

"In the days of blood and steel, beneath the cruel heel of the Maliente, we tasted the bitter dregs of defeat. Gorgnak's Banner, once a beacon of strength and unity among our clans, was trampled and desecrated in the dark and bloody fields of Vorkush. Our warriors, their strength unmatched, fell like wheat before the scythe, crushed under the power of Maliente's vile magics.

The Maliente ruled with an iron fist, cloaked in deceit and treachery, weaving lies as a spider spins its web. Our people, once free and indomitable, were shackled and broken. We were forbidden our ancient rites, denied the honor of our ancestors, and thrust into servitude. They took our tongues, forcing us to speak their honeyed words, trying to extinguish the fiery spirit of our people.

Yet, we did not break. We bent, but did not shatter under the weight of their yoke. Beneath the dark and unforgiving mountains, our hearts remained steadfast. Our spirit, unyielding. We preserved our culture, our language, our traditions in the silent rebellion of the soul.

In the shadowed corners of our hovels, we whispered stories of our ancestors, of their strength, their bravery, their defiance. We passed on the tales of old, the stories of Gorgnak the Mighty, of Duruk the Brave, their spirits living on through our words, their fire burning bright in our hearts.

In this, our darkest hour, our people remembered who we were, who we are. We are more than the slaves of the Maliente. We are Orcs, children of the rugged mountains and wild plains, descendants of warriors and chieftains, and bearers of a resilient spirit that no foe can vanquish. Even in defeat, our spirits remain unconquered. For as long as we breathe, we resist. In silence, in secrecy, but always, we resist."


A Maliente Text, Hundreds of Years Old

"In the post-victory epoch, the abrupt arrival of the draconic species presented an unanticipated variable in the dynamic of our dominion. The dragons, creatures embodying both grandeur and malevolence, introduced a deleterious shift in the ecological and sociological equilibrium of our world.

The draconic entity, typified by acute visual acuity, and physical attributes such as a robust exterior of iridescent scales, necessitated a strategic withdrawal of the Maliente to subterranean environments. Dragons, according to empirical observations, exhibited no discernible preference in their targets of destruction. Their activities resulted in significant alterations in both the physical landscape and sociopolitical structures, transforming populated regions into barren, draconic-ruled territories.

Our scholarly endeavors were hence redirected towards the study of these formidable creatures. These examinations, conducted from our subsurface sanctuaries, yielded information regarding the species' behavioral patterns, their inherent abilities, and their elemental affinities. It should be noted, however, that despite rigorous investigation, the draconic magic remains an enigma; its essence appeared to intertwine principles of both creation and destruction in ways unprecedented in our previous experiences.

In spite of such predicaments, the Maliente exhibited considerable adaptability, developing subterranean and under-canopy dwelling systems well-hidden from the dragons' predatory vision. Our clandestine operatives moved with ease in these shadowed areas, reinforcing our dominance in these realms.

This period, although marked by trials and destruction, nevertheless, showcased the resilience and the indomitable spirit of the Maliente. The dragons may have forced us into the shadows, but it was in these shadows that we found new strengths and insights. It was there, in the underground and under the canopies, that our civilization persevered and flourished."


A Section of Stone, as though from a plaque, written in Northern Halfling

"From Five of Galonde, we... [Fragment missing]... under star's guidance, sought... [Fragment missing]... refuge amidst towering woods. Haven... [Fragment missing]... found in leaf's embrace. United in adversity, we... [Fragment missing]... survive. Their memory... [Fragment missing]... in heart, in stone..."




Re: Ghosts - While people from the Llaisey Forest certainly talk about ghosts, the only ones that have been seen around Harbortown are the ghostly ship sailing back and forth for almost 80 years now. There isn't any formal explanation, and everyone has their own theories as to how and why. However, as the ghosts tend towards hostility, the general plan has been to avoid them when encountered, told through children's tales and the like. Prominent schools of thought are that they were ghosts with missions unfulfilled, and are perpetually enraged for their inability to do so, beings bound to this plane by the Maliente, or simply magic gone awry.

It is notable, regarding magic, that Fennel has explained that magic is extremely rare in Kelmar, and it, and its practitioners, are highly suspect, as there is known to be experimentation and torture with it. Magic is not rare at all in the Glowing Expanse, and practitioners amongst the halflings are well-received.



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