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The outward appearance of nonexistents is mostly that of empty clothes, armor, or cloaks, wandering alone as knights, paladins, thieves, sorcerers, and so on. To avoid upsetting the populace, they are careful to cover themselves up so that the void under their capes or mantels is concealed. They manage to speak normally by using ventriloquism of some sort, walk and move like ordinary people, and perceive the surrounding world through senses similar to human ones. When their garments are removed or destroyed, nonexistents are simply not there anymore, and can no longer interact with the earthly world, not even by magical means.

Although the first nonexistents mentioned in ballads and tales were knights of noble mind and irreproachable morals, these beings can manifest any alignment, personality, emotion, instinct, thought, or state of mind, with one main difference compared to more common beings: they always demonstrate their will, ideals, and intentions in a heartfelt, almost urgent manner, as if they were made of pure sentiment.

So far, no recognizable differences of sex, gender, or race are known to exist among the nonexistents. They are totally self-determined and use the tone of voice and attitude they deem most appropriate.

Fun Nicknames: Dudes, Scraps, No-brainers, Cans, Clothed Farts, Scarecrows, Tin Men.

Typical Names: Same as humans, though sometimes they take on knightly names or receive nicknames related to their physical peculiarities, coats of arms, or the manifestation of their powers.

How Other Races See Them
The true nature of nonexistents has long been the subject of speculation, including the significant opinion that they really aren’t anything at all. Some believe they are invisible beings; others, animated armor or clothing; still others, a particular type of ghost; finally, there are those who consider them an ancient accursed lineage; however, scientific observation and conversations with these beings would seem to disprove such theories. The most widespread thesis today is that they are β€œabstract intentions” that have acquired the power to manipulate objects around them and to move in the earthly world. Given their utterly mysterious, and possibly sacred, diabolical, or magical nature, they are generally treated with respect or deference, but also with detachment, by all other beings. Who knows what intentions they really harbor under their disguises?

Nonexistents Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and one ability scores of your choice increase by 1.

Age. Nobody knows exactly how nonexistents are born, or even if they actually age at a regular pace.

Size.Β Nonexistent are the size of an adult human, although their weight depends entirely on the items they have equipped. Β Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Extravaganza Being. You are pure abstract consciousness enclosed within clothing. You get the following benefits:

  • You are immune to the poisoned condition and to poison damage.
  • You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.
  • You are immune to disease.

Anti-Magic Susceptibility. You are incapacitated as long as you are within the range of an anti-magic field. If targeted by a dispel magic spell, you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the spell's saving throw DC, or you become unconscious for 1 minute.

Dressing. You always have to wear some kind of suit or armor and you can ignore the shoddiness quality of the items you wear. When you reach 3rd level, the items you wear are considered magical. Once you reach 5th level, you gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws.

Vanishing. During a brawl, when you are attacked by a creature, you can use your reaction to ignore the attack. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish the current brawl.

Edited by jokomaisu (see edit history)


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