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About This Game

Truly a mystery, even I don’t know what the delve will bring.

Game System

D&D 5e



Detailed Description

You awaken with three other strangers in a strange dungeon. The door is locked fast, even magic cannot open it. On the door is scrawled, “Find me and find the key. Earn the key and you will be free. “

This game for four adventurers is based on the solo adventure Four Against the Darkness. I will be using tables in D&D books from 1e to present to procedurally generate a dungeon and the creatures, treasures, and other things that fill it. I won’t even know the boss with the key until I roll him.

I am looking for four adventurers starting at level 1 using Faerun/Eberron books. Please no homebrew or Arcana. The books offer quite a bit of freedom in building characters. Just remember, if you have a boom stick, there will be nowhere to get ammunition…


also, all characters must be at least 18 years of age.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. You too, I'm out as well, if this does pick back up feel free to send me a pm
  3. Very well, I shall take my leave. A pleasure playing with you guys, and see you in the multiverse !
  4. 2 months... Unless this roll call works, then I think that's reasonable.
  5. Hi all, can we declare that this game is officially dead?
  6. Health comes first. Hope you feel better
  7. Sorry for the posting delay. I have a disability that flares up from time to time. I am on the recovery side and should be back to ful fit tomorrow.
  8. Sikhandyn Yelwenys - Half-Elf Divine Soul Sorcerer AC: 12 | HP: 8/8 | Speed: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 13 OOC N/A
  9. Definitely more than a minute. Figure time to move back through the entryway, open that door, listen at the other door, enter and process what you saw before engaging.
  10. K, then i hope its ac is 15 or less
  11. I don't think so. It only lasts up to 1 minute and I cast it back at the cyclops. So I am not sure how long we took searching and opening doors, but I think more than 1 minute.
  12. Soldier Dragonmarked Gnome Paladin 2 AC: 21 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 24/24 (1d10) | Speed: 25 ft. Senses: Darkvision, Passive Perception 11, Insight 11, Investigation 12 Str:Save: +3 Athletics: +5 Carrying Capacity: 270 lb. Lift/Push/Drag: 540 lb. 17 (+3) | Dex:Initiative: +0 Save: +0 Acrobatics: +0 Slight-of-Hand: +0 Stealth: +0☆ ☆ disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks from Chainmail Armor. 11 (+0) | Con:Save: +4 18 (+4) | Int:Save: +2 Arcana: +2 History: +2 Investigation: +2 Nature: +2 Religion: +4 15 (+2) | Wis:Save: +2 Animal Handling: +0 Insight: +0 Medicine: +0 Perception: +0 Survival: +0 11 (+0) | Cha:Save: +5 Deception: +3 Intimidation: +5 Performance: +3 Persuasion: +5 16 (+3) Languages: Common, Gnome | Lay on Hands: 10/10 | Divine Sense: 3/4 | Spells: 2/2 No having to buy any time for them to tend to the wounded, Prestina brandished her hammer, waiting for the perfect time to strike between the flying arrows and searing light. Mechanics: Attack
  13. Talyn Moves to the side and lets loose another arrow at the marked beast man. OOCMark as favored foe +1d4
  14. Human Variant, Folk Hero, Cleric of Life AC: 18 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 11/11 (1d8) | Speed: 30 ft. Senses: passive Perception 14, Insight 14, Investigation 13 Str:Save: +3 Athletics: +3 Carrying Capacity: 240 lb. Lift/Push/Drag: 480 lb. 16 (+3) | Dex:Initiative: +1 Save: +1 Acrobatics: +1 Slight-of-Hand: +1 Stealth: +1☆ ☆ disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks from Chainmail Armor. 13 (+1) | Con:Save: +3 16 (+3) | Int:Save: +3 Arcana: +3 History: +3 Investigation: +3 Nature: +5 Religion: +5 16 (+3) | Wis:Save: +6 Animal Handling: +6 Insight: +4 Medicine: +6 Perception: +4 Survival: +6 18 (+4) | Cha:Save: +4 Deception: +2 Intimidation: +2 Performance: +2 Persuasion: +2 14 (+2) Languages: Common, Goblin “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions . . . Well, let's see how long it can keep avoiding the flames. He chants again and another blast of radiant flames shoots down from the ceiling aimed at the wolf. OOCMovement: move to just behind Patrina Action: cast Sacred Flame Bonus Action: Reaction: In Right Hand: mace In Left Hand: shield Dex Save vs. DC 14 or take radiant damage
  15. Despite the suggestion by Prestina, you all choose to attack the beast in your own way. Alex hurls a flame at the creature, but its uncanny dexterity allows it to doge the attack. It is not so lucky with the sonorous bell that is cast by Shikhandyn. The werewolf clutches its ears with hands tipped with bloody claws. Taryn lets loose an arrow across the wide expanse of the temple, striking the marked beast. With Prestina standing guard in front of the wolf, she becomes the natural target. She tries to dodge and succeeds brilliantly, fouling the beast’s attacks. OOC18 total damage to Werewolf
  16. Talyn lets loose an arrow at the beast OOCMark as favored foe +1d4
  17. Sikhandyn Yelwenys - Half-Elf Divine Soul Sorcerer AC: 12 | HP: 8/8 | Speed: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 13 OOC N/A
  18. Waiting for and to update actions.
  19. maybe a lil meta but part of my reason to check the body was that werewolves normally need to be hit by a silver to take damage, so I was hoping there may be a silvered weapon on it.
  20. Human Variant, Folk Hero, Cleric of Life AC: 18 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 11/11 (1d8) | Speed: 30 ft. Senses: passive Perception 14, Insight 14, Investigation 13 Str:Save: +3 Athletics: +3 Carrying Capacity: 240 lb. Lift/Push/Drag: 480 lb. 16 (+3) | Dex:Initiative: +1 Save: +1 Acrobatics: +1 Slight-of-Hand: +1 Stealth: +1☆ ☆ disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks from Chainmail Armor. 13 (+1) | Con:Save: +3 16 (+3) | Int:Save: +3 Arcana: +3 History: +3 Investigation: +3 Nature: +5 Religion: +5 16 (+3) | Wis:Save: +6 Animal Handling: +6 Insight: +4 Medicine: +6 Perception: +4 Survival: +6 18 (+4) | Cha:Save: +4 Deception: +2 Intimidation: +2 Performance: +2 Persuasion: +2 14 (+2) Languages: Common, Goblin “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions . . . Alex ignores Prestina's call to check on the floating body. In his mind there is little chance the wolf would leave a living enemy. He steps forward with shield ready and calls on Chauntea to help strike this thing down. A blast of white flames blast down from the ceiling trying to burn the beast. OOCMovement: move to just behind Patrina Action: cast Sacred Flame Bonus Action: Reaction: In Right Hand: mace In Left Hand: shield Dex Save vs. DC 14 or take radiant damage
  21. Soldier Dragonmarked Gnome Paladin 2 AC: 21 (chainmail and shield) | HP: 24/24 (1d10) | Speed: 25 ft. Senses: Darkvision, Passive Perception 11, Insight 11, Investigation 12 Str:Save: +3 Athletics: +5 Carrying Capacity: 270 lb. Lift/Push/Drag: 540 lb. 17 (+3) | Dex:Initiative: +0 Save: +0 Acrobatics: +0 Slight-of-Hand: +0 Stealth: +0☆ ☆ disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks from Chainmail Armor. 11 (+0) | Con:Save: +4 18 (+4) | Int:Save: +2 Arcana: +2 History: +2 Investigation: +2 Nature: +2 Religion: +4 15 (+2) | Wis:Save: +2 Animal Handling: +0 Insight: +0 Medicine: +0 Perception: +0 Survival: +0 11 (+0) | Cha:Save: +5 Deception: +3 Intimidation: +5 Performance: +3 Persuasion: +5 16 (+3) Languages: Common, Gnome | Lay on Hands: 10/10 | Divine Sense: 3/4 | Spells: 2/2 Seeing the body and the danger, Prestina charged in. "Check to see if they're alive!" She screamed, pointing at the floating body. She raised her shield to the wolfman, barring it's path. The gnome didn't know a lot about these creatures but she knew they were tough Mechanics: Stand in front werewolf taking the dodge action to give it disadvantage on attacks. Hoping we get a surprise round :?
  22. You enter a large room, 30’ by 40’. The floors are the same cut stone, but the walls are covered in plaster, bright frescoes painted on them. There are chunks missing, and brown splatters cover parts of the walls. Along the arched north wall is an altar, a dirty reflecting pool with a body floating in it sits in front of the altar. Pews are strewn about, though some are situated in the southwest corner, from where you hear a wet scraping sound. As you move into the room, a gap in the pew wall shows a canid gnawing on a long, white bone. To your horror, it stops and looks you in the eyes. You see the intelligence locked behind the furry muzzle.
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