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Game System




Detailed Description

A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.

Under the watchful eye of newly elected First Seeker Sarmak, the Starfinder Society travels to the machine planet of Aballon to undertake an archaeological survey of the ancient city of Eternity. Using a relic known as the Eternity Drive, the Starfinders launch initial explorations, uncover long-forgotten information about the fabled First Ones, and clash with a violent faction of anacite extremists named Those Who Call.


Pathfinder Society
  1. What's new in this game
  2. Trick attack with Bluff If trick greater than target’s CR add to damage Trick goes off, so the target is flat-footed. Ranged attack with Gnome Scout Gun vs EAC Damage cold
  3. Round 3 Bold May Act Talemitriol, Duca, Yellow, Jigger, Horta * STATS Perception: Terrain: - Difficult terrain - the tree nearest the starting area is the fallen column Effects: Horta Weal- SP 7/7 HP 11/11 RP 4/4|| Fo +2 Re +0 Wi +4|| Per +0 Init +0|| Light (mote) 20' SP 5/7 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +3 Re +2 Wi +0|| Per +8 Init +2|| Low-Light Vision SP 6/6 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +2 Re +5 Wi +0|| Per +4 Init +3|| Darkvision 60' SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 4/4|| Fo +0 Re +5 Wi +2|| Per +5 Init +8|| Darkvision 60' Yellow HP -2; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 10' up Mentions
  4. Round 1 Bold May Act Talemitriol, Duca, Yellow, Jigger, Horta * Duca's shot does not put Green in a bad position. It does cause it to fall of of the sky though. * Talemitriol split attention between hitting and learning more of the anacite keeps him from hitting or learning much. * Yellow stays airborne. It even raises up a bit as it moves. It then fires at Duca. It can't target the hornd Starfinder. * Jigger's harsh language surprises everyone as he fires upon Yellow. * Bot Seeing the anacite remain airborne, Horta pulls out his pistol and fires. However, the drone is not affected by the shot. STATS Perception: Terrain: - Difficult terrain - the tree nearest the starting area is the fallen column Effects: Horta Weal- SP 7/7 HP 11/11 RP 4/4|| Fo +2 Re +0 Wi +4|| Per +0 Init +0|| Light (mote) 20' SP 5/7 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +3 Re +2 Wi +0|| Per +8 Init +2|| Low-Light Vision SP 6/6 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +2 Re +5 Wi +0|| Per +4 Init +3|| Darkvision 60' SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 4/4|| Fo +0 Re +5 Wi +2|| Per +5 Init +8|| Darkvision 60' Yellow HP -2; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 10' up Mentions
  5. Round 1 Bold May Act Talemitriol, Duca, Yellow, Jigger, Horta * Duca's shot does not put Green in a bad position. It does cause it to fall of of the sky though. *Talemitriol split attention between hitting and learning more of the anacite keeps him from hitting or learning much. * Yellow stays airborne. It even raises up a bit as it moves. It then fires at Duca. It can't target the hornd Starfinder. * Jigger's harsh language surprises everyone as he fires upon Yellow. * STATS Perception: Terrain: - Difficult terrain - the tree nearest the starting area is the fallen column Effects: Horta Weal- SP 7/7 HP 11/11 RP 4/4|| Fo +2 Re +0 Wi +4|| Per +0 Init +0|| Light (mote) 20' SP 5/7 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +3 Re +2 Wi +0|| Per +8 Init +2|| Low-Light Vision SP 6/6 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +2 Re +5 Wi +0|| Per +4 Init +3|| Darkvision 60' SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 4/4|| Fo +0 Re +5 Wi +2|| Per +5 Init +8|| Darkvision 60' Yellow HP -2; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 10' up Mentions
  6. An angry Jigger drops his Custom Rig tool, takes out his hunting rifle pistol, and shoots at the Yellow anacite. "Jeepers-Creepers! Now what did you do that for? You might hurt somebody with that! Now knock it off and leave my friends alone, will you!"
  7. Round 1 Bold May Act Talemitriol, Duca, Yellow, Jigger, Horta * Duca's shot does not put Green in a bad position. It does cause it to fall of of the sky though. *Talemitriol split attention between hitting and learning more of the anacite keeps him from hitting or learning much. * Yellow stays airborne. It even raises up a bit as it moves. It then fires at Duca. It can't target the hornd Starfinder. * STATS Perception: Terrain: - Difficult terrain - the tree nearest the starting area is the fallen column Effects: Horta Weal- SP 7/7 HP 11/11 RP 4/4|| Fo +2 Re +0 Wi +4|| Per +0 Init +0|| Light (mote) 20' SP 5/7 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +3 Re +2 Wi +0|| Per +8 Init +2|| Low-Light Vision SP 6/6 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +2 Re +5 Wi +0|| Per +4 Init +3|| Darkvision 60' SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 4/4|| Fo +0 Re +5 Wi +2|| Per +5 Init +8|| Darkvision 60' Yellow HP ??; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 10' up Mentions
  8. Talemitriol turns and draws down on the second enemy "Indeed. It would be interesting to study them and try to identify any vulnerabilities..." ActionsFull action attack, Find Weakness for +1 DMG
  9. Duca shifts position for a clear shot at the second anacite. “These things are hard to put down!” Attacking yellow. The trick goes off, so the attack is vs flat-footed EAC. Trick attack with Bluff If trick greater than target’s CR add to damage Ranged attack with Gnome Scout Gun vs EAC Damage cold
  10. Round 1 Bold May Act Talemitriol, Duca, Yellow, Green, Jigger, Horta * Duca's shot does not put Green in a bad position. It does cause it to fall of of the sky though. * STATS Perception: Terrain: - Difficult terrain - the tree nearest the starting area is the fallen column Effects: Horta Weal- SP 7/7 HP 11/11 RP 4/4|| Fo +2 Re +0 Wi +4|| Per +0 Init +0|| Light (mote) 20' SP 5/7 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +3 Re +2 Wi +0|| Per +8 Init +2|| Low-Light Vision SP 6/6 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +2 Re +5 Wi +0|| Per +4 Init +3|| Darkvision 60' SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 4/4|| Fo +0 Re +5 Wi +2|| Per +5 Init +8|| Darkvision 60' Yellow HP ??; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 10' up Mentions
  11. Focusing fire on green. Trick attack with Bluff If trick greater than target’s CR add to damage Ranged attack with Gnome Scout Gun vs EAC Damage cold
  12. Round 1 Bold May Act Talemitriol, Duca, Yellow, Green, Jigger, Horta * STATS Perception: Terrain: - Difficult terrain - the tree nearest the starting area is the fallen column Effects: Horta Weal- SP 7/7 HP 11/11 RP 4/4|| Fo +2 Re +0 Wi +4|| Per +0 Init +0|| Light (mote) 20' SP 5/7 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +3 Re +2 Wi +0|| Per +8 Init +2|| Low-Light Vision SP 6/6 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +2 Re +5 Wi +0|| Per +4 Init +3|| Darkvision 60' SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 4/4|| Fo +0 Re +5 Wi +2|| Per +5 Init +8|| Darkvision 60' Green HP -9; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 15' up, Flat-Footed Yellow HP ??; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 10' up Mentions
  13. Just as Duca lands, a winged anacite flies out and attacks him. Meanwhile, a second one comes out from a nearby downed tree. Round 1 Bold May Act Talemitriol, Duca, Yellow, Green, Jigger, Horta * Duca notes the approach of the other anacite while he fires at Green again. * Talemitriol feels the poison affecting him, but is able to fight it off to hit Green. * Botting Jigger. Sorry it took this long. Work and new uncle (again) duties kept me busy. Jigger shrugs off the poison as he takes note of Yellow and waits for it's approach. * Green targets Talem burning him. * Yellow flies a little closer and fires at Jigger, but the ysoki is too agile. * Horta moves up. STATS Perception: Terrain: - Difficult terrain - the tree nearest the starting area is the fallen column Effects: Horta Weal- SP 7/7 HP 11/11 RP 4/4|| Fo +2 Re +0 Wi +4|| Per +0 Init +0|| Light (mote) 20' SP 5/7 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +3 Re +2 Wi +0|| Per +8 Init +2|| Low-Light Vision SP 6/6 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +2 Re +5 Wi +0|| Per +4 Init +3|| Darkvision 60' SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 4/4|| Fo +0 Re +5 Wi +2|| Per +5 Init +8|| Darkvision 60' Green HP -9; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 15' up, Flat-Footed Yellow HP ??; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 10' up Mentions
  14. All's good -- life hits us all. Hope everything settles down for you!
  15. My apologies for not posting. RL issues, I'm afraid. Will try to do better.
  16. Horta double-moves up. (This difficult terrain is a pain.)
  17. Just as Duca lands, a winged anacite flies out and attacks him. Meanwhile, a second one comes out from a nearby downed tree. Round 1 Bold May Act Talemitriol, Duca, Yellow, Green, Jigger, Horta * Duca notes the approach of the other anacite while he fires at Green again. * Talemitriol feels the poison affecting him, but is able to fight it off to hit Green. * Botting Jigger. Sorry it took this long. Work and new uncle (again) duties kept me busy. Jigger shrugs off the poison as he takes note of Yellow and waits for it's approach. * Green targets Talem burning him. * Yellow flies a little closer and fires at Jigger, but the ysoki is too agile. * STATS Perception: Terrain: - Difficult terrain - the tree nearest the starting area is the fallen column Effects: Horta Weal- SP 7/7 HP 11/11 RP 4/4|| Fo +2 Re +0 Wi +4|| Per +0 Init +0|| Light (mote) 20' SP 5/7 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +3 Re +2 Wi +0|| Per +8 Init +2|| Low-Light Vision SP 6/6 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +2 Re +5 Wi +0|| Per +4 Init +3|| Darkvision 60' SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 4/4|| Fo +0 Re +5 Wi +2|| Per +5 Init +8|| Darkvision 60' Green HP -9; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 15' up, Flat-Footed Yellow HP ??; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 10' up Mentions
  18. Just as Duca lands, a winged anacite flies out and attacks him. Meanwhile, a second one comes out from a nearby downed tree. Round 1 Bold May Act Jigger, Talemitriol, Duca, Yellow, Green, Horta - Jigger and Telemitriol need to try a Fort 9 or become Sickened for 2 Rounds. * Duca notes the approach of the other anacite while he fires at Green again. * Talemitriol feels the poison affecting him, but is able to fight it off to hit Green. * STATS Perception: Terrain: - Difficult terrain - the tree nearest the starting area is the fallen column Effects: Horta Weal- SP 7/7 HP 11/11 RP 4/4|| Fo +2 Re +0 Wi +4|| Per +0 Init +0|| Light (mote) 20' SP 7/7 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +3 Re +2 Wi +0|| Per +8 Init +2|| Low-Light Vision SP 6/6 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +2 Re +5 Wi +0|| Per +4 Init +3|| Darkvision 60' SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 4/4|| Fo +0 Re +5 Wi +2|| Per +5 Init +8|| Darkvision 60' Green HP -9; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 15' up, Flat-Footed Yellow HP ??; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 10' up Mentions
  19. Talemetriol makes a mental note of the new enemy but decides it is best of focus on the threat ahead of him What on Eox is that terrible sound..? he thinks to himself before he begins to feel the effects, Try to ignore it, focus. Judging by it's approximation of insectile biology, where could the weak spots be...? ActionsNo movement. Attack on Green with Needler Pistol. Using "Find Weakness" Elebrian to trait to attack as full action in exchange for additional =1 to damage
  20. “There’s another coming in from the east. Watch out!” Attacking green again. Trick attack with Bluff If trick greater than target’s CR add damage Ranged attack with Gnome Scout Gun vs EAC Damage cold
  21. Just as Duca lands, a winged anacite flies out and attacks him. Meanwhile, a second one comes out from a nearby downed tree. Round 1 Bold May Act Jigger, Talemitriol, Duca, Yellow, Green, Horta - Jigger and Telemitriol need to try a Fort 9 or become Sickened for 2 Rounds. * STATS Perception: Terrain: - Difficult terrain - the tree nearest the starting area is the fallen column Effects: Horta Weal- SP 7/7 HP 11/11 RP 4/4|| Fo +2 Re +0 Wi +4|| Per +0 Init +0|| Light (mote) 20' SP 7/7 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +3 Re +2 Wi +0|| Per +8 Init +2|| Low-Light Vision SP 6/6 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +2 Re +5 Wi +0|| Per +4 Init +3|| Darkvision 60' SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 4/4|| Fo +0 Re +5 Wi +2|| Per +5 Init +8|| Darkvision 60' Green HP -5; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 15' up, Flat-Footed Yellow HP ??; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 10' up Mentions
  22. Just as Duca lands, a winged anacite flies out and attacks him. Meanwhile, a second one comes out from a nearby downed tree. Round 1 Bold May Act Jigger, Talemitriol, Duca, Yellow, Green, Horta - Jigger, Telemitriol, and Duca need to try a Fort 9 or become Sickened for 2 Rounds. * Telemitriol reaches over and injects Jigger with a serum that enhances their epidermis. * Jigger, shocked by the injection, tries to talk the drones down. But fails. * Duca spins, claims Green as hers and hits it with a beam of cold. * Yellow buzzes forth. It can't get into close range, so fires at Jigger. * Green begins to emit this odd trilling leaving those close by feeling odd. * Horta begins to concentrate the force of the universe while closing with the anacites. STATS Perception: Terrain: - Difficult terrain - the tree nearest the starting area is the fallen column Effects: Horta Weal- SP 7/7 HP 11/11 RP 4/4|| Fo +2 Re +0 Wi +4|| Per +0 Init +0|| Light (mote) 20' Izuun- SP 27/27 HP 27/27 RP 4/4|| Fo +5 Re +1 Wi +3|| Per +2 Init +4|| Darkvision 60' SP 7/7 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +3 Re +2 Wi +0|| Per +8 Init +2|| Low-Light Vision SP 6/6 HP 8/8 RP 5/5|| Fo +2 Re +5 Wi +0|| Per +4 Init +3|| Darkvision 60' SP 6/6 HP 10/10 RP 4/4|| Fo +0 Re +5 Wi +2|| Per +5 Init +8|| Darkvision 60' Green HP -5; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 15' up, Flat-Footed Yellow HP ??; EAC 10 KAC 12; Fo +0 Re +2 Wi +2; 10' up Mentions
  23. Horta double moves to get closer to the others and begins manifesting his solar attunement.
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