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About This Game

A magic school like no other! The oldest and most prestigious magic academy in the world is the Magaambya, an ancient institution founded by the greatest wizard the world has ever known. This wizard vanished long ago, but his sinister enemies plot against his school and those who attend it. Over their long academic career, the heroes rise from humble students to become teachers, and they ultimately hold the fate of the Magaambya magic academy in their hands. Graduates of the Magaambya are among the greatest wardens of the world, but if the heroes can't marshal the strength of thousands who have come before them, the venerable Magaambya might fall!

Game System

Pathfinder 2e



Detailed Description


Players Guide 

School's in session! The newest students at the venerable Magaambya school of magic must begin their academic careers with tests of their skill and resourcefulness. The heroes can learn much from their teachers and fellow students, but must beware of mysterious secrets and sinister plots. The rigors facing any Magaambya students are steep, but the heroes must also contend with strange infestations and supernatural intruders in the school's ancient halls. Education is far from easy at the oldest and most prestigious magic academy in the world!

This AP used the optional Free Archetype rules to allow player characters to have some magical abilities. Archetypes are limited to Druid and Wizard so if you wanted to play a Wizard you'd have to take the Druid archetype and vice versa. In addition I'm using the Gradual Ability Boosts optional rules

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[fieldset=Annah Kamau][table=2,1] [r=1,1][img2=150]https://i.imgur.com/HJyVTwq.jpg[/img2] [r=2,1][center][b][url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2853625][font=palatino linotype][size=4][color=DarkRed]Annah Kamau[/color][/size][/font][/url][/b] [I]Changeling Druid 1[/I] [b]HP:[/b] 17/17 [b]AC:[/b] 16 [b]Spell Slots:[/b] 2/2 L1 [b]Focus Points:[/b] 1/1 [b]Hero Points[/b] 1/1 [b]Spell Save DC:[/b] 17 [b]Status:[/b] Normal and Healthy [/center][/table] [spoiler=Details][spoiler=Statblock] [CENTER][table=3,1][r=1,1][URL="https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2853625"][size="4"][b]Annah Kamau[/b][/size][/URL] [r=2,1] [B]Female Changeling Druid 1[/B] [r=3,1] [B]Neutral Student[/B] [/table] [/CENTER] [table=2,1][r=1,1][B]STR:[/B] 12/+1 [B]DEX:[/B] 12/+1 [B]CON:[/B] 12/+1 [B]INT:[/B] 14/+2 [B]WIS:[/B] 18/+4 [B]CHA:[/B] 10/+0 [B]Saves:[/B] FOR +4 REF +4 WIL +9 [r=2,1][B]Speed:[/B] 25 [B]AC:[/B] 16 [B]Perception:[/B] 7 [B]Languages:[/B] Common (Mwangi), Draconic, Sylvan, Xanmba, Wildsong (Druidic) [/table][/spoiler] [spoiler=Abilities and Features][OOC=Animal Empathy]Feat Source Class Feat Level 1 You have a connection to the creatures of the natural world that allows you to communicate with them on a rudimentary level. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with animals. In most cases, wild animals will give you time to make your case.[/OOC] [OOC=Untamed Form]Feat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites untamed order You are one with the wild, always changing and adapting to meet any challenge. You gain the untamed form order spell, which lets you transform into a variety of shapes that you can expand with druid feats.[/OOC] [OOC=Shield Block]Feat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Trigger While you have your shield raised, you would take physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) from an attack. You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield's Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.[/OOC] [OOC=Charming Liar]Feat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites trained in Deception Your charm allows you to win over those you lie to. When you get a critical success using the Lie action, the target's attitude toward you improves by one step, as though you'd succeeded at using Diplomacy to Make an Impression. This works only once per conversation, and if you critically succeed against multiple targets using the same result, you choose one creature's attitude to improve. You must be lying to impart seemingly important information, inflate your status, or ingratiate yourself, which trivial or irrelevant lies can't achieve.[/OOC] [OOC=Quick Identification]Feat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites trained in Arcana, Nature, Occultism or Religion You can Identify Magic swiftly. You take only 1 minute when using Identify Magic to determine the properties of an item, ongoing effect, or location, rather than 10 minutes. If you're a master, it takes a 3-action activity, and if you're legendary, it takes 1 action.[/OOC] [OOC=Callow May]Feat Source Ancestry Feat Level 1 You are among the most common of changelings - those born to sweet hags - and a vibrant green eye signifies that parentage. Your mother's manipulative nature and versatile voice gives you an edge when deceiving others. You gain the Charming Liar skill feat. If you roll Deception for initiative, foes in that combat encounter that haven't acted yet are off-guard against you.[/OOC] [OOC=Druid Anathema]Special Feature Level 1 As stewards of the natural order, druids find affronts to nature anathema. If you repeatedly perform these acts, you lose your magical abilities from the druid class, including your druid spellcasting and the benefits of your order. These abilities can be regained only if you demonstrate your repentance with an atone ritual. The following acts are anathema to all druids. Anathema despoil natural places, consume more natural resources than you require to live comfortably, teach the Wildsong to non-druids. Your choice of druidic order adds further anathema, as detailed in the order’s entry[/OOC] [OOC=Druidic Order - Untamed Order]Special Feature Level 1 Upon becoming a druid, you align yourself with a druidic order, which grants you a class feat, an order spell (see below), and an additional trained skill tied to your order. While you’ll always be a member of your initial order, it’s not unheard of for a druid to request to study with other orders in search of greater understanding of the natural world, and PC druids are among the most likely to blend the powers of different orders. Order spells are a type of focus spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell, and you start with a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to commune with local nature spirits or otherwise tend to the wilderness in a way befitting your order. Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, much like cantrips. Focus spells don’t require spell slots, and you can’t cast them using spell slots. Certain feats give you more focus spells. The maximum Focus Points your focus pool can hold is equal to the number of focus spells you have, but can never be more than 3 points. Untamed Order The uncontrollable call of the natural world courses through your body. You might have been raised by a wild animal, or you might have come to reject the artifices of cities after growing up in one. Now, primal magic grants you the ability to wear the form of an untamed creature. Order Skill: Intimidation Druid Feat: Untamed Form Order Spell: Untamed shift Anathema: Become fully domesticated by the temptations of civilization. (This doesn’t prevent you from buying and using processed goods or staying in a city for an adventure, but you can never come to rely on these conveniences or truly call such a place your permanent home.[/OOC] [OOC=Heritage - Changeling]Heritage Special Feature Level 1 You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you from your ancestors or common among those of your ancestry in the environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one heritage and can’t change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have more or fewer members from a particular heritage. Changeling Uncommon Changeling Your mother was a hag. Your eyes' heterochromia is the most obvious signifier of this parentage, but you likely also have a slighter build, paler skin, and darker hair than most members of your other parent’s ancestry. You gain the changeling trait. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your ancestry already has low light vision. You can select from changeling feats and feats from your other parent's ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.[/OOC] [OOC=Low Light Vision]Special Feature Level 1 You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.[/OOC] [OOC=Voice of Nature]Special Feature Level 1 You gain your choice of the Animal Empathy or Plant Empathy druid feat.[/OOC] [OOC=Wildsong]Special Feature Level 1 You know the Wildsong, a secret language known only within druid orders, in addition to any languages you know through your ancestry. The Wildsong is a melodic and tonal language sounding more like animal calls than a spoken tongue, and its alphabet involves fractals and spirals, like the arrangement of a seashell’s chambers, a snowflake’s crystals, or a fern’s fronds. Teaching the Wildsong to non-druids is anathema.[/OOC][/spoiler] [spoiler=Combat] [noparse] Perception:1d20+7 Electric Arc:2d4 Frostbite:2d4 [/noparse] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Saves] [noparse] Fortitude Save:1d20+4 Reflex Save:1d20+4 Will Save:1d20+9 Perception:1d20+7 [/noparse] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills] [noparse] Acrobatics (U - Dex):1d20+3 Arcana (U - Int):1d20+2 Athletics (U - Str):1d20+1 Crafting (T - Int):1d20+5 Deception (T - Cha):1d20+3 Diplomacy (U - Cha):1d20 Intimidation (T - Cha):1d20+3 Lore:Insect (T - Int):1d20+5 Medicine (T - Wis):1d20+7 Nature (T - Wis):1d20+7 Occultism (T - Int):1d20+5 Performance (U - Cha):1d20 Religion (U - Wis):1d20+4 Society (U - Int):1d20+2 Stealth (U - Dex):1d20+1 Survival (T - Wis):1d20+7 Thievery (U - Dex):1d20+1[/noparse] [/spoiler] [spoiler="Magic"][B]Spell Save DC: [/B] 17 [B]Spell Attack Modifier: [/B] +7 Druid Cantrips Prepared: 5 Druid Spells Prepared: 2 L1 [fieldset=Cantrips][OOC=Electric Arc (>>)]Cantrip Concentrate Electricity Manipulate Range 30 feet; Targets 1 or 2 creatures Defense basic Reflex An arc of lightning leaps from one target to another. Each target takes 2d4 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4.[/OOC] [OOC=Guidance (>)]CantripConcentrate Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Duration until the start of your next turn You ask for the guidance of supernatural entities, granting the target a +1 status bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends. The target chooses which roll to use the bonus on before rolling. If the target uses the bonus, the spell ends. Either way, the target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour.[/OOC] [OOC=Detect Magic (>>)]Cantrip Concentrate Detection Manipulate Area 30-foot emanation You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic. You receive no information beyond the presence or absence of magic. You can choose to ignore magic you're fully aware of, such as the magic items and ongoing spells of you and your allies. You detect illusion magic only if that magic's effect has a lower rank than the rank of your detect magic spell. However, items that have an illusion aura but aren't deceptive in appearance (such as an invisibility potion) typically are detected normally. Heightened (3rd) You learn the rank or level of the most powerful magical effect the spell detects, as determined by the GM. Heightened (4th) As 3rd rank, but you also pinpoint the source of the highest-rank magic. Like for an imprecise sense, you don't learn the exact location, but can narrow down the source to within a 5-foot cube (or the nearest if larger than that).[/OOC] [OOC=Prestidigitation (>>)]Range 10 feet; Targets 1 object (cook, lift, or tidy only) Duration sustained The simplest magic does your bidding. You can perform simple magical effects for as long as you Sustain the spell. Each time you Sustain the spell, you can choose one of four options. • Cook Cool, warm, or flavor 1 pound of nonliving material. • Lift Slowly lift an unattended object of light Bulk or less 1 foot off the ground. • Make Create a temporary object of negligible Bulk, made of congealed magical substance. The object looks crude and artificial and is extremely fragile - it can't be used as a tool, weapon, or locus or cost for a spell. • Tidy Color, clean, or soil an object of light Bulk or less. You can affect an object of 1 Bulk with 10 rounds of concentration, and a larger object a 1 minute per Bulk. Prestidigitation can't deal damage or cause adverse conditions. Any actual change to an object (beyond what is noted above) persists only as long as you Sustain the spell.[/OOC] [OOC=Frostbite (>>)]Cantrip Cold Concentrate Manipulate Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature Defense Fortitude An orb of biting cold coalesces around your target, freezing its body. The target takes 2d4 cold damage with a basic Fortitude save. On a critical failure, the target also gains weakness 1 to bludgeoning until the start of your next turn. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4 and the weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.[/OOC] [/fieldset] [fieldset=Spells][OOC=Heal (> - >>>)]Healing Manipulate Vitality Range varies; Targets 1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature You channel vital energy to heal the living or damage the undead. If the target is a willing living creature, you restore 1d8 Hit Points. If the target is undead, you deal that amount of vitality damage to it, and it gets a basic Fortitude save. The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell determines its targets, range, area, and other parameters. The spell has a range of touch. (concentrate) The spell has a range of 30 feet. If you're healing a living creature, increase the Hit Points restored by 8. (concentrate) You disperse vital energy in a 30-foot emanation. This targets all living and undead creatures in the burst. Heightened (+1) The amount of healing or damage increases by 1d8, and the extra healing for the 2-action version increases by 8.[/OOC] [OOC=Fear (>>)]Concentrate Emotion Fear Manipulate Mental Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Defense Will; Duration varies You plant fear in the target; it must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target is frightened 1. Failure The target is frightened 2. Critical Failure The target is frightened 3 and fleeing for 1 round. Heightened (3rd) You can target up to five creatures.[/OOC] [b]Focus Spells[/b] [OOC=Untamed Form (>>)]Uncommon Concentrate Druid Focus Manipulate Polymorph Duration varies You reach within for a different part of yourself, and you set it free, transforming your body into another form. You polymorph into any form listed in pest form, which lasts 10 minutes. All other untamed form shapes last 1 minute. You can add more shapes to your untamed form list with druid feats; your feat might grant you some or all of the shapes from a given polymorph spell. When you transform into a shape granted by a spell, you gain all the effects of the shape you chose from a version of the spell heightened to untamed form's rank. Untamed form allows you to use your own shapeshifting training more easily than most polymorph spells. When you choose to use your own attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the form's default attack modifier, you gain a +2 status bonus to your attack rolls. Heightened (2nd) You can transform into shapes listed in animal form.[/OOC] [OOC=Untamed Shift (> - >>)]Uncommon Concentrate Druid Focus Manipulate Morph Duration 1 minute You transform just a part of your body. Choose any one effect that matches an untamed order feat you have. • Untamed Form Your hands transform into incredibly sharp claws. Untamed claws are an unarmed attack, have the agile and finesse traits, and deal 1d6 slashing damage. You can still hold and use items with your hands while they're transformed by this spell, but you must have a hand free to attack with it. • Insect Shape Your mouth becomes deadly jaws. Untamed jaws are an unarmed attack that deal 1d8 piercing damage. • Elemental Shape You shift your body to be partially composed of elemental matter, granting you resistance 5 to critical hits and precision damage. • Plant Shape Your arms become long vines, increasing your reach to 10 feet (or 15 feet with a reach weapon). • Soaring Shape You must cast untamed shift using 2 actions for this benefit. You grow wings from your back, gaining a fly Speed of 30 feet. Heightened (6th) You can choose up to two effects from the list. Untamed claws leave terrible, ragged wounds that also deal 2d6 persistent bleed damage on a hit, and untamed jaws are envenomed, also dealing 2d6 persistent poison damage on a hit Heightened (10th) You can choose up to three effects from the list. Untamed claws deal 4d6 persistent bleed damage on a hit, and untamed jaws deal 4d6 persistent poison damage on a hit.[/OOC] [OOC=Pest Form (>>)]Concentrate Manipulate Polymorph Duration 10 minutes You transform into the battle form of a Tiny animal, such as a cat, insect, lizard, or rat. You can decide the specific type of animal (such as a rat or praying mantis), but this has no effect on your Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the animal trait, and you can't make Strikes. You can Dismiss the spell. You gain the following statistics and abilities: • AC = 15 + your level. Ignore your armor's check penalty and Speed reduction. • Speed 20 feet. • Weakness 5 to physical damage. (If you take physical damage in this form, you take 5 additional damage.) • Low-light vision and imprecise scent 30 feet. • Acrobatics and Stealth modifiers of +10, unless your own is higher; Athletics modifier –4. Heightened (4th) You can turn into a flying creature, such as a bird, which grants you a fly Speed of 20 feet.[/OOC] [/fieldset][/spoiler] [SPOILER=Equipment]Studded Leather Armor 4 Javelins Spear Adventurers Pack Primal Symbol Healer's Toolkit Total Funds - 45 gp 40 sp[/SPOILER][/spoiler][/fieldset] Annah Kamau Changeling Druid 1 HP: 17/17 AC: 16 Spell Slots: 2/2 L1 Focus Points: 1/1 Hero Points 1/1 Spell Save DC: 17 Status: Normal and Healthy Details Statblock Female Changeling Druid 1 Neutral Student STR: 12/+1 DEX: 12/+1 CON: 12/+1 INT: 14/+2 WIS: 18/+4 CHA: 10/+0 Saves: FOR +4 REF +4 WIL +9 Speed: 25 AC: 16 Perception: 7 Languages: Common (Mwangi), Draconic, Sylvan, Xanmba, Wildsong (Druidic) Abilities and Features Animal EmpathyFeat Source Class Feat Level 1 You have a connection to the creatures of the natural world that allows you to communicate with them on a rudimentary level. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with animals. In most cases, wild animals will give you time to make your case. Untamed FormFeat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites untamed order You are one with the wild, always changing and adapting to meet any challenge. You gain the untamed form order spell, which lets you transform into a variety of shapes that you can expand with druid feats. Shield BlockFeat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Trigger While you have your shield raised, you would take physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) from an attack. You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield's Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield. Charming LiarFeat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites trained in Deception Your charm allows you to win over those you lie to. When you get a critical success using the Lie action, the target's attitude toward you improves by one step, as though you'd succeeded at using Diplomacy to Make an Impression. This works only once per conversation, and if you critically succeed against multiple targets using the same result, you choose one creature's attitude to improve. You must be lying to impart seemingly important information, inflate your status, or ingratiate yourself, which trivial or irrelevant lies can't achieve. Quick IdentificationFeat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites trained in Arcana, Nature, Occultism or Religion You can Identify Magic swiftly. You take only 1 minute when using Identify Magic to determine the properties of an item, ongoing effect, or location, rather than 10 minutes. If you're a master, it takes a 3-action activity, and if you're legendary, it takes 1 action. Callow MayFeat Source Ancestry Feat Level 1 You are among the most common of changelings - those born to sweet hags - and a vibrant green eye signifies that parentage. Your mother's manipulative nature and versatile voice gives you an edge when deceiving others. You gain the Charming Liar skill feat. If you roll Deception for initiative, foes in that combat encounter that haven't acted yet are off-guard against you. Druid AnathemaSpecial Feature Level 1 As stewards of the natural order, druids find affronts to nature anathema. If you repeatedly perform these acts, you lose your magical abilities from the druid class, including your druid spellcasting and the benefits of your order. These abilities can be regained only if you demonstrate your repentance with an atone ritual. The following acts are anathema to all druids. Anathema despoil natural places, consume more natural resources than you require to live comfortably, teach the Wildsong to non-druids. Your choice of druidic order adds further anathema, as detailed in the order’s entry Druidic Order - Untamed OrderSpecial Feature Level 1 Upon becoming a druid, you align yourself with a druidic order, which grants you a class feat, an order spell (see below), and an additional trained skill tied to your order. While you’ll always be a member of your initial order, it’s not unheard of for a druid to request to study with other orders in search of greater understanding of the natural world, and PC druids are among the most likely to blend the powers of different orders. Order spells are a type of focus spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell, and you start with a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to commune with local nature spirits or otherwise tend to the wilderness in a way befitting your order. Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, much like cantrips. Focus spells don’t require spell slots, and you can’t cast them using spell slots. Certain feats give you more focus spells. The maximum Focus Points your focus pool can hold is equal to the number of focus spells you have, but can never be more than 3 points. Untamed Order The uncontrollable call of the natural world courses through your body. You might have been raised by a wild animal, or you might have come to reject the artifices of cities after growing up in one. Now, primal magic grants you the ability to wear the form of an untamed creature. Order Skill: Intimidation Druid Feat: Untamed Form Order Spell: Untamed shift Anathema: Become fully domesticated by the temptations of civilization. (This doesn’t prevent you from buying and using processed goods or staying in a city for an adventure, but you can never come to rely on these conveniences or truly call such a place your permanent home. Heritage - ChangelingHeritage Special Feature Level 1 You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you from your ancestors or common among those of your ancestry in the environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one heritage and can’t change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have more or fewer members from a particular heritage. Changeling Uncommon Changeling Your mother was a hag. Your eyes' heterochromia is the most obvious signifier of this parentage, but you likely also have a slighter build, paler skin, and darker hair than most members of your other parent’s ancestry. You gain the changeling trait. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your ancestry already has low light vision. You can select from changeling feats and feats from your other parent's ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat. Low Light VisionSpecial Feature Level 1 You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light. Voice of NatureSpecial Feature Level 1 You gain your choice of the Animal Empathy or Plant Empathy druid feat. WildsongSpecial Feature Level 1 You know the Wildsong, a secret language known only within druid orders, in addition to any languages you know through your ancestry. The Wildsong is a melodic and tonal language sounding more like animal calls than a spoken tongue, and its alphabet involves fractals and spirals, like the arrangement of a seashell’s chambers, a snowflake’s crystals, or a fern’s fronds. Teaching the Wildsong to non-druids is anathema. Combat Perception:1d20+7 Electric Arc:2d4 Frostbite:2d4 Saves Fortitude Save:1d20+4 Reflex Save:1d20+4 Will Save:1d20+9 Perception:1d20+7 Skills Acrobatics (U - Dex):1d20+3 Arcana (U - Int):1d20+2 Athletics (U - Str):1d20+1 Crafting (T - Int):1d20+5 Deception (T - Cha):1d20+3 Diplomacy (U - Cha):1d20 Intimidation (T - Cha):1d20+3 Lore:Insect (T - Int):1d20+5 Medicine (T - Wis):1d20+7 Nature (T - Wis):1d20+7 Occultism (T - Int):1d20+5 Performance (U - Cha):1d20 Religion (U - Wis):1d20+4 Society (U - Int):1d20+2 Stealth (U - Dex):1d20+1 Survival (T - Wis):1d20+7 Thievery (U - Dex):1d20+1 "Magic" Spell Save DC: 17 Spell Attack Modifier: +7 Druid Cantrips Prepared: 5 Druid Spells Prepared: 2 L1 Cantrips Electric Arc (>>)Cantrip Concentrate Electricity Manipulate Range 30 feet; Targets 1 or 2 creatures Defense basic Reflex An arc of lightning leaps from one target to another. Each target takes 2d4 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4. Guidance (>)CantripConcentrate Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Duration until the start of your next turn You ask for the guidance of supernatural entities, granting the target a +1 status bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends. The target chooses which roll to use the bonus on before rolling. If the target uses the bonus, the spell ends. Either way, the target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour. Detect Magic (>>)Cantrip Concentrate Detection Manipulate Area 30-foot emanation You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic. You receive no information beyond the presence or absence of magic. You can choose to ignore magic you're fully aware of, such as the magic items and ongoing spells of you and your allies. You detect illusion magic only if that magic's effect has a lower rank than the rank of your detect magic spell. However, items that have an illusion aura but aren't deceptive in appearance (such as an invisibility potion) typically are detected normally. Heightened (3rd) You learn the rank or level of the most powerful magical effect the spell detects, as determined by the GM. Heightened (4th) As 3rd rank, but you also pinpoint the source of the highest-rank magic. Like for an imprecise sense, you don't learn the exact location, but can narrow down the source to within a 5-foot cube (or the nearest if larger than that). Prestidigitation (>>)Range 10 feet; Targets 1 object (cook, lift, or tidy only) Duration sustained The simplest magic does your bidding. You can perform simple magical effects for as long as you Sustain the spell. Each time you Sustain the spell, you can choose one of four options. • Cook Cool, warm, or flavor 1 pound of nonliving material. • Lift Slowly lift an unattended object of light Bulk or less 1 foot off the ground. • Make Create a temporary object of negligible Bulk, made of congealed magical substance. The object looks crude and artificial and is extremely fragile - it can't be used as a tool, weapon, or locus or cost for a spell. • Tidy Color, clean, or soil an object of light Bulk or less. You can affect an object of 1 Bulk with 10 rounds of concentration, and a larger object a 1 minute per Bulk. Prestidigitation can't deal damage or cause adverse conditions. Any actual change to an object (beyond what is noted above) persists only as long as you Sustain the spell. Frostbite (>>)Cantrip Cold Concentrate Manipulate Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature Defense Fortitude An orb of biting cold coalesces around your target, freezing its body. The target takes 2d4 cold damage with a basic Fortitude save. On a critical failure, the target also gains weakness 1 to bludgeoning until the start of your next turn. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4 and the weakness on a critical failure increases by 1. Spells Heal (> - >>>)Healing Manipulate Vitality Range varies; Targets 1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature You channel vital energy to heal the living or damage the undead. If the target is a willing living creature, you restore 1d8 Hit Points. If the target is undead, you deal that amount of vitality damage to it, and it gets a basic Fortitude save. The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell determines its targets, range, area, and other parameters. The spell has a range of touch. (concentrate) The spell has a range of 30 feet. If you're healing a living creature, increase the Hit Points restored by 8. (concentrate) You disperse vital energy in a 30-foot emanation. This targets all living and undead creatures in the burst. Heightened (+1) The amount of healing or damage increases by 1d8, and the extra healing for the 2-action version increases by 8. Fear (>>)Concentrate Emotion Fear Manipulate Mental Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Defense Will; Duration varies You plant fear in the target; it must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target is frightened 1. Failure The target is frightened 2. Critical Failure The target is frightened 3 and fleeing for 1 round. Heightened (3rd) You can target up to five creatures. Focus Spells Untamed Form (>>)Uncommon Concentrate Druid Focus Manipulate Polymorph Duration varies You reach within for a different part of yourself, and you set it free, transforming your body into another form. You polymorph into any form listed in pest form, which lasts 10 minutes. All other untamed form shapes last 1 minute. You can add more shapes to your untamed form list with druid feats; your feat might grant you some or all of the shapes from a given polymorph spell. When you transform into a shape granted by a spell, you gain all the effects of the shape you chose from a version of the spell heightened to untamed form's rank. Untamed form allows you to use your own shapeshifting training more easily than most polymorph spells. When you choose to use your own attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the form's default attack modifier, you gain a +2 status bonus to your attack rolls. Heightened (2nd) You can transform into shapes listed in animal form. Untamed Shift (> - >>)Uncommon Concentrate Druid Focus Manipulate Morph Duration 1 minute You transform just a part of your body. Choose any one effect that matches an untamed order feat you have. • Untamed Form Your hands transform into incredibly sharp claws. Untamed claws are an unarmed attack, have the agile and finesse traits, and deal 1d6 slashing damage. You can still hold and use items with your hands while they're transformed by this spell, but you must have a hand free to attack with it. • Insect Shape Your mouth becomes deadly jaws. Untamed jaws are an unarmed attack that deal 1d8 piercing damage. • Elemental Shape You shift your body to be partially composed of elemental matter, granting you resistance 5 to critical hits and precision damage. • Plant Shape Your arms become long vines, increasing your reach to 10 feet (or 15 feet with a reach weapon). • Soaring Shape You must cast untamed shift using 2 actions for this benefit. You grow wings from your back, gaining a fly Speed of 30 feet. Heightened (6th) You can choose up to two effects from the list. Untamed claws leave terrible, ragged wounds that also deal 2d6 persistent bleed damage on a hit, and untamed jaws are envenomed, also dealing 2d6 persistent poison damage on a hit Heightened (10th) You can choose up to three effects from the list. Untamed claws deal 4d6 persistent bleed damage on a hit, and untamed jaws deal 4d6 persistent poison damage on a hit. Pest Form (>>)Concentrate Manipulate Polymorph Duration 10 minutes You transform into the battle form of a Tiny animal, such as a cat, insect, lizard, or rat. You can decide the specific type of animal (such as a rat or praying mantis), but this has no effect on your Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the animal trait, and you can't make Strikes. You can Dismiss the spell. You gain the following statistics and abilities: • AC = 15 + your level. Ignore your armor's check penalty and Speed reduction. • Speed 20 feet. • Weakness 5 to physical damage. (If you take physical damage in this form, you take 5 additional damage.) • Low-light vision and imprecise scent 30 feet. • Acrobatics and Stealth modifiers of +10, unless your own is higher; Athletics modifier –4. Heightened (4th) You can turn into a flying creature, such as a bird, which grants you a fly Speed of 20 feet. Equipment Studded Leather Armor 4 Javelins Spear Adventurers Pack Primal Symbol Healer's Toolkit Total Funds - 45 gp 40 sp Annah for her part enjoys her meal and then sets herself some time to begin doing some preliminary checks for the future... to check on the campus. After getting Lumusi's kind offer she begins to gather information on hunting spots, gardens that may need assistance, fruits trees to check for bounty and such.
  3. Elf (Tiefling), Field medic, Champion of Sarenrae (1) Magaambya Branch: TBD (Primary) TBD (Secondary) HP: 17/17 | AC: 18 (20 shield) | Speed: 30' | Low-Light VisionA creature with low-light vision can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light. | DarkvisionYou can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white. | Lang: Common (Mwangi), Taldane; elven| Perception (T): +4 ▪ Init: +4 | Fort (E): +6 | Ref (T): +4| Will (E): +6 | | SkillsTrained: Arcana (+3); Athletics (+7); Diplomacy (+4); Intimidation (+4); Lore/Warfare (+4); Medicine (+4); Religion (+4); Untrained: Acrobatics (+1); Crafting (+1); Deception (+1); Nature (+1); Occultism (+1); Performance (+1); Society (+1); Survival (+1); Stealth (+1); Thievery (+1) | AttributesSTR +4 DEX +1 CON +1 INT +1 WIS +1 CHA +1 | AttacksUnarmed: Unarmed +7/+2/-3 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 B • Agile; Finesse;non-lethal Melee: Longsword +7/+2/-3 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d8+4 S • Versatile P Dagger +7/+3/-2 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 S • Versatile P; Agile; Finesse; Thrown 10ft Ranged: Sling +4/-1/-6 • Trained +3 • Dex +1 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 B • Propulsive | Reactionsshield block Glimpse of Redemption | Divine DC (ATK): 14 (+4) | SpellsDetect Magic (innate) Lay on Hands (Focus) dazzling flash (Focus) |Hero Pts: 1 | Focus Pool: 1/1 After her workout and run in full armour around campus, Olis heads first to the baths and then to her room to make that bead for Xhokan. She keeps it's design very simple and when she's done with that, she will first bring it to him and then she will head back to the dorms to see what interesting stuff is happening there. She will not do the thing with the piece of art, although she will keep an eye out for whoever does so. If she sees Anchor Root, she will thank her again for her help with the Pugwampis. OOC ACTIONS
  4. KraawkawKraawkaw Cloistered Cleric of Nethys 1 LN Medium Tengu Skyborn Tengu Humanoid Perception +6; Low-Light Vision Languages Draconic, Sylvan Skills Acrobatics +2, Arcana +5, Athletics +0, Diplomacy +5, Intimidation +5, Lore: Academia +5, Lore: Lore (Magaambya) +5, Medicine +6, Religion +6, Stealth +5 Str +0, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2 Items Unarmored, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Antidote (Lesser), Antiplague (Lesser), Healer's Tools, Writing Set, Religious Symbol (Ceramic) AC 15; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8 HP 14 Squawk! Trigger You critically fail a Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation check against a creature that doesn't have the tengu trait. You let out an awkward squawk, ruffle your feathers, or fake some other birdlike tic to cover up a social misstep or faux pas. You get a failure on the triggering check, rather than a critical failure. All creatures that witnessed you Squawk are temporarily immune for 24 hours. Speed 25 feet Antidote (Lesser) (Alchemical, Consumable, Elixir, Healing) Activate Interact Antiplague (Lesser) (Alchemical, Consumable, Elixir, Healing) Activate Interact Divine Prepared Spells DC 16, attack +6; 1st Heal, Heal, Heal; Cantrips Divine Prepared Spells DC 16, attack +6; 1st Magic Missile, Fear; Cantrips Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Needle Darts, Shield Focus Spells (1 points) Scholarly Recollection Speaking a short prayer as you gather your thoughts, you're blessed to find that your deity gave you just the right bit of information for your situation. Roll the triggering check twice and use the better result. Additional Feats Assurance, Domain Initiate, Skyborn Tengu Additional Specials Anathema, Deity, Divine Font (Healing Font), Divine Spellcasting, Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric), Domain Initiate (Knowledge), Sharp Beak Skyborn TenguYour bones may be especially light, you may be a rare tengu with wings, or your connection to the spirits of wind and sky might be stronger than most, slowing your descent through the air. You take no damage from falling, regardless of the distance you fall.; Scholar (Arcana)You have a knack for learning, and sequestered yourself from the outside world to learn all you could. You read about so many wondrous places and things in your books, and always dreamed about one day seeing the real things. Eventually, that curiosity led you to leave your studies and become an adventurer. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in your choice of the Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion skill, and the Academia Lore skill. You gain the Assurance skill feat in your chosen skill.; Cloistered Cleric of (1) Magaambya Branch: TBD (Primary) TBD (Secondary) HP: 14/14 | AC: 15 (16): Explorer's ClothingEssentially Kraawkaw's habit as a Priest of Nethys White (really flax) tunic Leather cincture Black mantle Holy Symbol: a ceramic mosaic of the Face of Nethys. It is held by a chain, secured to the cincture. (shield spell) | Speed: 25' | Low-Light VisionA creature with low-light vision can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light. | Lang: Mwangi (Common); Tengu; Draconic; Sylvan | Hero Pts: 1 | Special Effects+1 Status bonus vs spells | Perception (T): +6 ▪ Init: +6 | Fort (T): +3 | Ref (T): +5| Will (E): +8 | | SkillsTrained: Arcana (+5); Diplomacy (+5); Intimidation (+5); Lore/Academia (+5); Lore/Magaambya (+5); Medicine (+5); Religion (+6); Stealth (+5); Untrained: Acrobatics (+2); Athletics (+0); Crafting (+0); Deception (+2); Nature (+3); Occultism (+2); Performance (+2); Society (+2); Survival (+3); Thievery (+2) | AttributesSTR +0 DEX +2 CON +0 INT +2 WIS +3 CHA +2 | AttacksUnarmed: Sharp Beak +5/+0/-5 • Trained +3 • Dex +2 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6 P • Finesse; Unarmed; Brawling Melee: Ranged: | Spells; DCsSpell Attacks/DC: Trained Divine (Cleric):ATK +6 DC 16 Arcane(Wizard): at 2nd level Spells (note cleric cantrips & spells subject to change at daily preparation) Cleric Cantrips (Rank 1): Detect Magic >>; Divine Lance >>; Guidance >; Light >>; Shield >. Cleric Spells Rank 1: Bless >>; Magic Missile > - >>>;. Cleric Divine Font (Rank 1): Heal x4 > - >>>. Cleric Focus (Rank 1): Scholarly Recollection <. | Focus Points 1/1| "Do you want to try it?" The tengu priest is nonplussed for a moment, caught in the ambivalence between intrigue and indignation. He knew nothing about this Ignaci fellow and could not judge in the instant whether this human was making game of the Image which Kraawkaw held sacred or was paying tribute, at least according to his own lights. The notion of turning the divine image into a sort of slot machine for divination didn't set well, however, with the tengu, as it reeked of simony. Whilst he could not tolerate any overt disrespect to Nethys, he knew that he would have to tread carefully here in the eclectic Magaambya. To give himself some time and perhaps observe how the others responded, he focused his attention on the words Pay in Light, Let the Darkness Show Wisdom. Pay could mean many things, after all, some mundane, others more esoteric. OOC I tried Recall Knowledge on this image and the writing a few days ago (in Game time). Can such an attempt be made again after a certain period of time? I'll go ahead and roll, using (Focus Spell) to allow for what is effectively "advantage" -- roll twice, take the better. So looks like 22. ACTIONS Recall Knowledge (Religion) +6 Scholarly Recollection (reaction; focus spell) I suppose what Kraawkaw is after with this check is whether there is any particular significance to the phrase "pay in light; let the darkness show wisdom" and/or whether this notion of paying with a coin would be considered licit to a follower/cleric of Nethys.
  5. Chapter 1: Kindled Magic Magaambya You enjoy your meal and sparring, for those who partake, and then head back to the dormitory. One of your fellow students is constructing a curious piece of art at the end of the hallway next to the washrooms. You've been introduced but haven't had much in the way of conversation with him. channels a bit of magic into the art, an enormous, well rendered drawing of the black-and-white mask of Nethys, god of magic. The words "All-Seeing Solutions: Pay in Light, Let the Darkness Show Wisdom!" is inked onto the wall next to the mask. He turns at the sight of you and gathers up his things, "Do you want to try it?" he asks. "A silver coin in the slot where the white eye is while you hold up a question before the black eye and your answer shall appear. Or it should if I've got the magic right." OOC Scene Notes There is no active map in the spoiler below Please use directions when moving (N, S, E, SE, W, etc) We are not in initiative so your movement or actions per post is not limited to round actions. Show Bookkeeping COMBAT/CONDITIONS TRACKER INITIATIVE CONDITIONS MECHANICS DESCRIPTIONS Not in Use!! Default Marching Order CHARACTER STATUS ENEMY STATUS . . Show Active Map
  6. It's basically the same with Olis' workouts and sparring stuff. I've been given an afternoon off and knowing that I'll be spending a lot of time sitting in a class, now is the moment to keep in shape.
  7. I don't mean to pose a distracting side-project by having K want to visit the Temple of Nethys. Just seems one of those 'things that the character would do' as a devout cleric given that we have the afternoon "off." I'd be fine with a "K does his religious duty; meets some fellow clergy; and feels spiritually refreshed" and move on, unless GM has some plot devices or new NPCs to introduce. I'm sure we're all eager to move on with the Perquisites and advance our characters along the Academic scheme. 😀
  8. KraawkawKraawkaw Cloistered Cleric of Nethys 1 LN Medium Tengu Skyborn Tengu Humanoid Perception +6; Low-Light Vision Languages Draconic, Sylvan Skills Acrobatics +2, Arcana +5, Athletics +0, Diplomacy +5, Intimidation +5, Lore: Academia +5, Lore: Lore (Magaambya) +5, Medicine +6, Religion +6, Stealth +5 Str +0, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2 Items Unarmored, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Antidote (Lesser), Antiplague (Lesser), Healer's Tools, Writing Set, Religious Symbol (Ceramic) AC 15; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8 HP 14 Squawk! Trigger You critically fail a Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation check against a creature that doesn't have the tengu trait. You let out an awkward squawk, ruffle your feathers, or fake some other birdlike tic to cover up a social misstep or faux pas. You get a failure on the triggering check, rather than a critical failure. All creatures that witnessed you Squawk are temporarily immune for 24 hours. Speed 25 feet Antidote (Lesser) (Alchemical, Consumable, Elixir, Healing) Activate Interact Antiplague (Lesser) (Alchemical, Consumable, Elixir, Healing) Activate Interact Divine Prepared Spells DC 16, attack +6; 1st Heal, Heal, Heal; Cantrips Divine Prepared Spells DC 16, attack +6; 1st Magic Missile, Fear; Cantrips Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Needle Darts, Shield Focus Spells (1 points) Scholarly Recollection Speaking a short prayer as you gather your thoughts, you're blessed to find that your deity gave you just the right bit of information for your situation. Roll the triggering check twice and use the better result. Additional Feats Assurance, Domain Initiate, Skyborn Tengu Additional Specials Anathema, Deity, Divine Font (Healing Font), Divine Spellcasting, Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric), Domain Initiate (Knowledge), Sharp Beak Skyborn TenguYour bones may be especially light, you may be a rare tengu with wings, or your connection to the spirits of wind and sky might be stronger than most, slowing your descent through the air. You take no damage from falling, regardless of the distance you fall.; Scholar (Arcana)You have a knack for learning, and sequestered yourself from the outside world to learn all you could. You read about so many wondrous places and things in your books, and always dreamed about one day seeing the real things. Eventually, that curiosity led you to leave your studies and become an adventurer. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in your choice of the Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion skill, and the Academia Lore skill. You gain the Assurance skill feat in your chosen skill.; Cloistered Cleric of (1) Magaambya Branch: TBD (Primary) TBD (Secondary) HP: 14/14 | AC: 15 (16): Explorer's ClothingEssentially Kraawkaw's habit as a Priest of Nethys White (really flax) tunic Leather cincture Black mantle Holy Symbol: a ceramic mosaic of the Face of Nethys. It is held by a chain, secured to the cincture. (shield spell) | Speed: 25' | Low-Light VisionA creature with low-light vision can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light. | Lang: Mwangi (Common); Tengu; Draconic; Sylvan | Hero Pts: 1 | Special Effects+1 Status bonus vs spells | Perception (T): +6 ▪ Init: +6 | Fort (T): +3 | Ref (T): +5| Will (E): +8 | | SkillsTrained: Arcana (+5); Diplomacy (+5); Intimidation (+5); Lore/Academia (+5); Lore/Magaambya (+5); Medicine (+5); Religion (+6); Stealth (+5); Untrained: Acrobatics (+2); Athletics (+0); Crafting (+0); Deception (+2); Nature (+3); Occultism (+2); Performance (+2); Society (+2); Survival (+3); Thievery (+2) | AttributesSTR +0 DEX +2 CON +0 INT +2 WIS +3 CHA +2 | AttacksUnarmed: Sharp Beak +5/+0/-5 • Trained +3 • Dex +2 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6 P • Finesse; Unarmed; Brawling Melee: Ranged: | Spells; DCsSpell Attacks/DC: Trained Divine (Cleric):ATK +6 DC 16 Arcane(Wizard): at 2nd level Spells (note cleric cantrips & spells subject to change at daily preparation) Cleric Cantrips (Rank 1): Detect Magic >>; Divine Lance >>; Guidance >; Light >>; Shield >. Cleric Spells Rank 1: Bless >>; Magic Missile > - >>>;. Cleric Divine Font (Rank 1): Heal x4 > - >>>. Cleric Focus (Rank 1): Scholarly Recollection <. | Focus Points 1/1| "Who's up for some workout," Olis asked after lunch, "a little run and then some sparring?" Kraawkaw shakes his beak ruefully: right after lunch? Besides, with my strength and constitution, I don't think I'm your bird for sparring and exercise, though I could try to patch up any wounds taken. I'd like to pay my respects at the Temple of Nethys in the town, if there is time, he adds, trying to recall* whether he'd taken the bead for the kobold caretaker of the Powderpile. I'd hate to burden the rest of you with a dull trip, though I wonder whether it would be wise to become too separated: two days and we've encountered animated laundry and a network of tunnels. Maybe Annah and Marica have errands that we could combine for a group trip into town? Afterwards, after working off lunch, I might be up for some rudimentary self-defense lessons from Olis. OOC * Post script: I found this on page 12 of the thread. So, yes, K has given Xhokan his black-and-white bead. ACTIONS
  9. Elf (Tiefling), Field medic, Champion of Sarenrae (1) Magaambya Branch: TBD (Primary) TBD (Secondary) HP: 17/17 | AC: 18 (20 shield) | Speed: 30' | Low-Light VisionA creature with low-light vision can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light. | DarkvisionYou can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white. | Lang: Common (Mwangi), Taldane; elven| Perception (T): +4 ▪ Init: +4 | Fort (E): +6 | Ref (T): +4| Will (E): +6 | | SkillsTrained: Arcana (+3); Athletics (+7); Diplomacy (+4); Intimidation (+4); Lore/Warfare (+4); Medicine (+4); Religion (+4); Untrained: Acrobatics (+1); Crafting (+1); Deception (+1); Nature (+1); Occultism (+1); Performance (+1); Society (+1); Survival (+1); Stealth (+1); Thievery (+1) | AttributesSTR +4 DEX +1 CON +1 INT +1 WIS +1 CHA +1 | AttacksUnarmed: Unarmed +7/+2/-3 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 B • Agile; Finesse;non-lethal Melee: Longsword +7/+2/-3 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d8+4 S • Versatile P Dagger +7/+3/-2 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 S • Versatile P; Agile; Finesse; Thrown 10ft Ranged: Sling +4/-1/-6 • Trained +3 • Dex +1 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 B • Propulsive | Reactionsshield block Glimpse of Redemption | Divine DC (ATK): 14 (+4) | SpellsDetect Magic (innate) Lay on Hands (Focus) dazzling flash (Focus) |Hero Pts: 1 | Focus Pool: 1/1 Olis didn't try the oils, preferring things the real cook had made for now. At least until she had some more familiarity with the campus. "Who's up for some workout," She asked after lunch, "a little run and then some sparring?" OOC ACTIONS
  10. KraawkawKraawkaw Cloistered Cleric of Nethys 1 LN Medium Tengu Skyborn Tengu Humanoid Perception +6; Low-Light Vision Languages Draconic, Sylvan Skills Acrobatics +2, Arcana +5, Athletics +0, Diplomacy +5, Intimidation +5, Lore: Academia +5, Lore: Lore (Magaambya) +5, Medicine +6, Religion +6, Stealth +5 Str +0, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2 Items Unarmored, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Antidote (Lesser), Antiplague (Lesser), Healer's Tools, Writing Set, Religious Symbol (Ceramic) AC 15; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8 HP 14 Squawk! Trigger You critically fail a Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation check against a creature that doesn't have the tengu trait. You let out an awkward squawk, ruffle your feathers, or fake some other birdlike tic to cover up a social misstep or faux pas. You get a failure on the triggering check, rather than a critical failure. All creatures that witnessed you Squawk are temporarily immune for 24 hours. Speed 25 feet Antidote (Lesser) (Alchemical, Consumable, Elixir, Healing) Activate Interact Antiplague (Lesser) (Alchemical, Consumable, Elixir, Healing) Activate Interact Divine Prepared Spells DC 16, attack +6; 1st Heal, Heal, Heal; Cantrips Divine Prepared Spells DC 16, attack +6; 1st Magic Missile, Fear; Cantrips Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Needle Darts, Shield Focus Spells (1 points) Scholarly Recollection Speaking a short prayer as you gather your thoughts, you're blessed to find that your deity gave you just the right bit of information for your situation. Roll the triggering check twice and use the better result. Additional Feats Assurance, Domain Initiate, Skyborn Tengu Additional Specials Anathema, Deity, Divine Font (Healing Font), Divine Spellcasting, Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric), Domain Initiate (Knowledge), Sharp Beak Skyborn TenguYour bones may be especially light, you may be a rare tengu with wings, or your connection to the spirits of wind and sky might be stronger than most, slowing your descent through the air. You take no damage from falling, regardless of the distance you fall.; Scholar (Arcana)You have a knack for learning, and sequestered yourself from the outside world to learn all you could. You read about so many wondrous places and things in your books, and always dreamed about one day seeing the real things. Eventually, that curiosity led you to leave your studies and become an adventurer. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in your choice of the Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion skill, and the Academia Lore skill. You gain the Assurance skill feat in your chosen skill.; Cloistered Cleric of (1) Magaambya Branch: TBD (Primary) TBD (Secondary) HP: 14/14 | AC: 15 (16): Explorer's ClothingEssentially Kraawkaw's habit as a Priest of Nethys White (really flax) tunic Leather cincture Black mantle Holy Symbol: a ceramic mosaic of the Face of Nethys. It is held by a chain, secured to the cincture. (shield spell) | Speed: 25' | Low-Light VisionA creature with low-light vision can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light. | Lang: Mwangi (Common); Tengu; Draconic; Sylvan | Hero Pts: 1 | Special Effects+1 Status bonus vs spells | Perception (T): +6 ▪ Init: +6 | Fort (T): +3 | Ref (T): +5| Will (E): +8 | | SkillsTrained: Arcana (+5); Diplomacy (+5); Intimidation (+5); Lore/Academia (+5); Lore/Magaambya (+5); Medicine (+5); Religion (+6); Stealth (+5); Untrained: Acrobatics (+2); Athletics (+0); Crafting (+0); Deception (+2); Nature (+3); Occultism (+2); Performance (+2); Society (+2); Survival (+3); Thievery (+2) | AttributesSTR +0 DEX +2 CON +0 INT +2 WIS +3 CHA +2 | AttacksUnarmed: Sharp Beak +5/+0/-5 • Trained +3 • Dex +2 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6 P • Finesse; Unarmed; Brawling Melee: Ranged: | Spells; DCsSpell Attacks/DC: Trained Divine (Cleric):ATK +6 DC 16 Arcane(Wizard): at 2nd level Spells (note cleric cantrips & spells subject to change at daily preparation) Cleric Cantrips (Rank 1): Detect Magic >>; Divine Lance >>; Guidance >; Light >>; Shield >. Cleric Spells Rank 1: Bless >>; Magic Missile > - >>>;. Cleric Divine Font (Rank 1): Heal x4 > - >>>. Cleric Focus (Rank 1): Scholarly Recollection <. | Focus Points 1/1| As the others ate as they willed, Kraawkaw sampledGM? Any specific reaction to them intended? the seeds that Lumusi had provided. Six weeks to improved plumage, he reflected. He was not a vain creature by conscious choice, but avians did share a predilection for plumage display. It was part of one's nature. He had little ability in the skills Lumusi had suggested, but thankfully Annah seemed so inclined. The proposal did spur some reflection on Kraawkaw's part. How different from the Seminary of Nethys, he mused. The Magaambya, a college of magicians and druids, yet it seems that, in the matter of sustenance, they retained a very mundane and 'down to earth' approach. Perhaps this was intentional, to maintain a stronger link to the physical world? Of course, not all foodstuffs were created magically at the Seminary: even there, most of the staff and support personnel were not magically inclined. Still, spells that created water; created, accentuated and purified food (Create Food & Cleanse Cuisine) were considered de rigueur on a day-to-day basis amongst the clergy. Kraawkaw pondered how such customs gave rise to the misconception that followers of Nethys eschewed any and all mundane tasks that might be accomplished by magic. This was absurd, of course, but the cultural differences between his former institution and this new one would take some acclimation over time. OOC This post doesn't move the Game forward -- just some character building narrative as I pondered how K would be adjusting to and thinking about his new environment. ACTIONS When Daily Preparations are made, Kraawkaw will take Needle Darts => Divine Lance (remastered) and Fear => Bless (remastered). FYI Bless has received a decent 'buff' in terms of the AoE. So now 15' emanation at casting and +10' for each round sustained. So much more applicable for a somewhat spread out Party compared to the Legacy version. Taking Divine Lance is more to align with anticipating a Cascade Bearer's task: Spirit damage vs. the physical/piercing damage from Needle Darts.
  11. [fieldset=Annah Kamau][table=2,1] [r=1,1][img2=150]https://i.imgur.com/HJyVTwq.jpg[/img2] [r=2,1][center][b][url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2853625][font=palatino linotype][size=4][color=DarkRed]Annah Kamau[/color][/size][/font][/url][/b] [I]Changeling Druid 1[/I] [b]HP:[/b] 17/17 [b]AC:[/b] 16 [b]Spell Slots:[/b] 2/2 L1 [b]Focus Points:[/b] 1/1 [b]Hero Points[/b] 1/1 [b]Spell Save DC:[/b] 17 [b]Status:[/b] Normal and Healthy [/center][/table] [spoiler=Details][spoiler=Statblock] [CENTER][table=3,1][r=1,1][URL="https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2853625"][size="4"][b]Annah Kamau[/b][/size][/URL] [r=2,1] [B]Female Changeling Druid 1[/B] [r=3,1] [B]Neutral Student[/B] [/table] [/CENTER] [table=2,1][r=1,1][B]STR:[/B] 12/+1 [B]DEX:[/B] 12/+1 [B]CON:[/B] 12/+1 [B]INT:[/B] 14/+2 [B]WIS:[/B] 18/+4 [B]CHA:[/B] 10/+0 [B]Saves:[/B] FOR +4 REF +4 WIL +9 [r=2,1][B]Speed:[/B] 25 [B]AC:[/B] 16 [B]Perception:[/B] 7 [B]Languages:[/B] Common (Mwangi), Draconic, Sylvan, Xanmba, Wildsong (Druidic) [/table][/spoiler] [spoiler=Abilities and Features][OOC=Animal Empathy]Feat Source Class Feat Level 1 You have a connection to the creatures of the natural world that allows you to communicate with them on a rudimentary level. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with animals. In most cases, wild animals will give you time to make your case.[/OOC] [OOC=Untamed Form]Feat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites untamed order You are one with the wild, always changing and adapting to meet any challenge. You gain the untamed form order spell, which lets you transform into a variety of shapes that you can expand with druid feats.[/OOC] [OOC=Shield Block]Feat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Trigger While you have your shield raised, you would take physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) from an attack. You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield's Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.[/OOC] [OOC=Charming Liar]Feat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites trained in Deception Your charm allows you to win over those you lie to. When you get a critical success using the Lie action, the target's attitude toward you improves by one step, as though you'd succeeded at using Diplomacy to Make an Impression. This works only once per conversation, and if you critically succeed against multiple targets using the same result, you choose one creature's attitude to improve. You must be lying to impart seemingly important information, inflate your status, or ingratiate yourself, which trivial or irrelevant lies can't achieve.[/OOC] [OOC=Quick Identification]Feat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites trained in Arcana, Nature, Occultism or Religion You can Identify Magic swiftly. You take only 1 minute when using Identify Magic to determine the properties of an item, ongoing effect, or location, rather than 10 minutes. If you're a master, it takes a 3-action activity, and if you're legendary, it takes 1 action.[/OOC] [OOC=Callow May]Feat Source Ancestry Feat Level 1 You are among the most common of changelings - those born to sweet hags - and a vibrant green eye signifies that parentage. Your mother's manipulative nature and versatile voice gives you an edge when deceiving others. You gain the Charming Liar skill feat. If you roll Deception for initiative, foes in that combat encounter that haven't acted yet are off-guard against you.[/OOC] [OOC=Druid Anathema]Special Feature Level 1 As stewards of the natural order, druids find affronts to nature anathema. If you repeatedly perform these acts, you lose your magical abilities from the druid class, including your druid spellcasting and the benefits of your order. These abilities can be regained only if you demonstrate your repentance with an atone ritual. The following acts are anathema to all druids. Anathema despoil natural places, consume more natural resources than you require to live comfortably, teach the Wildsong to non-druids. Your choice of druidic order adds further anathema, as detailed in the order’s entry[/OOC] [OOC=Druidic Order - Untamed Order]Special Feature Level 1 Upon becoming a druid, you align yourself with a druidic order, which grants you a class feat, an order spell (see below), and an additional trained skill tied to your order. While you’ll always be a member of your initial order, it’s not unheard of for a druid to request to study with other orders in search of greater understanding of the natural world, and PC druids are among the most likely to blend the powers of different orders. Order spells are a type of focus spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell, and you start with a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to commune with local nature spirits or otherwise tend to the wilderness in a way befitting your order. Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, much like cantrips. Focus spells don’t require spell slots, and you can’t cast them using spell slots. Certain feats give you more focus spells. The maximum Focus Points your focus pool can hold is equal to the number of focus spells you have, but can never be more than 3 points. Untamed Order The uncontrollable call of the natural world courses through your body. You might have been raised by a wild animal, or you might have come to reject the artifices of cities after growing up in one. Now, primal magic grants you the ability to wear the form of an untamed creature. Order Skill: Intimidation Druid Feat: Untamed Form Order Spell: Untamed shift Anathema: Become fully domesticated by the temptations of civilization. (This doesn’t prevent you from buying and using processed goods or staying in a city for an adventure, but you can never come to rely on these conveniences or truly call such a place your permanent home.[/OOC] [OOC=Heritage - Changeling]Heritage Special Feature Level 1 You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you from your ancestors or common among those of your ancestry in the environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one heritage and can’t change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have more or fewer members from a particular heritage. Changeling Uncommon Changeling Your mother was a hag. Your eyes' heterochromia is the most obvious signifier of this parentage, but you likely also have a slighter build, paler skin, and darker hair than most members of your other parent’s ancestry. You gain the changeling trait. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your ancestry already has low light vision. You can select from changeling feats and feats from your other parent's ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.[/OOC] [OOC=Low Light Vision]Special Feature Level 1 You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.[/OOC] [OOC=Voice of Nature]Special Feature Level 1 You gain your choice of the Animal Empathy or Plant Empathy druid feat.[/OOC] [OOC=Wildsong]Special Feature Level 1 You know the Wildsong, a secret language known only within druid orders, in addition to any languages you know through your ancestry. The Wildsong is a melodic and tonal language sounding more like animal calls than a spoken tongue, and its alphabet involves fractals and spirals, like the arrangement of a seashell’s chambers, a snowflake’s crystals, or a fern’s fronds. Teaching the Wildsong to non-druids is anathema.[/OOC][/spoiler] [spoiler=Combat] [noparse] Perception:1d20+7 Electric Arc:2d4 Frostbite:2d4 [/noparse] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Saves] [noparse] Fortitude Save:1d20+4 Reflex Save:1d20+4 Will Save:1d20+9 Perception:1d20+7 [/noparse] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills] [noparse] Acrobatics (U - Dex):1d20+3 Arcana (U - Int):1d20+2 Athletics (U - Str):1d20+1 Crafting (T - Int):1d20+5 Deception (T - Cha):1d20+3 Diplomacy (U - Cha):1d20 Intimidation (T - Cha):1d20+3 Lore:Insect (T - Int):1d20+5 Medicine (T - Wis):1d20+7 Nature (T - Wis):1d20+7 Occultism (T - Int):1d20+5 Performance (U - Cha):1d20 Religion (U - Wis):1d20+4 Society (U - Int):1d20+2 Stealth (U - Dex):1d20+1 Survival (T - Wis):1d20+7 Thievery (U - Dex):1d20+1[/noparse] [/spoiler] [spoiler="Magic"][B]Spell Save DC: [/B] 17 [B]Spell Attack Modifier: [/B] +7 Druid Cantrips Prepared: 5 Druid Spells Prepared: 2 L1 [fieldset=Cantrips][OOC=Electric Arc (>>)]Cantrip Concentrate Electricity Manipulate Range 30 feet; Targets 1 or 2 creatures Defense basic Reflex An arc of lightning leaps from one target to another. Each target takes 2d4 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4.[/OOC] [OOC=Guidance (>)]CantripConcentrate Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Duration until the start of your next turn You ask for the guidance of supernatural entities, granting the target a +1 status bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends. The target chooses which roll to use the bonus on before rolling. If the target uses the bonus, the spell ends. Either way, the target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour.[/OOC] [OOC=Detect Magic (>>)]Cantrip Concentrate Detection Manipulate Area 30-foot emanation You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic. You receive no information beyond the presence or absence of magic. You can choose to ignore magic you're fully aware of, such as the magic items and ongoing spells of you and your allies. You detect illusion magic only if that magic's effect has a lower rank than the rank of your detect magic spell. However, items that have an illusion aura but aren't deceptive in appearance (such as an invisibility potion) typically are detected normally. Heightened (3rd) You learn the rank or level of the most powerful magical effect the spell detects, as determined by the GM. Heightened (4th) As 3rd rank, but you also pinpoint the source of the highest-rank magic. Like for an imprecise sense, you don't learn the exact location, but can narrow down the source to within a 5-foot cube (or the nearest if larger than that).[/OOC] [OOC=Prestidigitation (>>)]Range 10 feet; Targets 1 object (cook, lift, or tidy only) Duration sustained The simplest magic does your bidding. You can perform simple magical effects for as long as you Sustain the spell. Each time you Sustain the spell, you can choose one of four options. • Cook Cool, warm, or flavor 1 pound of nonliving material. • Lift Slowly lift an unattended object of light Bulk or less 1 foot off the ground. • Make Create a temporary object of negligible Bulk, made of congealed magical substance. The object looks crude and artificial and is extremely fragile - it can't be used as a tool, weapon, or locus or cost for a spell. • Tidy Color, clean, or soil an object of light Bulk or less. You can affect an object of 1 Bulk with 10 rounds of concentration, and a larger object a 1 minute per Bulk. Prestidigitation can't deal damage or cause adverse conditions. Any actual change to an object (beyond what is noted above) persists only as long as you Sustain the spell.[/OOC] [OOC=Frostbite (>>)]Cantrip Cold Concentrate Manipulate Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature Defense Fortitude An orb of biting cold coalesces around your target, freezing its body. The target takes 2d4 cold damage with a basic Fortitude save. On a critical failure, the target also gains weakness 1 to bludgeoning until the start of your next turn. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4 and the weakness on a critical failure increases by 1.[/OOC] [/fieldset] [fieldset=Spells][OOC=Heal (> - >>>)]Healing Manipulate Vitality Range varies; Targets 1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature You channel vital energy to heal the living or damage the undead. If the target is a willing living creature, you restore 1d8 Hit Points. If the target is undead, you deal that amount of vitality damage to it, and it gets a basic Fortitude save. The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell determines its targets, range, area, and other parameters. The spell has a range of touch. (concentrate) The spell has a range of 30 feet. If you're healing a living creature, increase the Hit Points restored by 8. (concentrate) You disperse vital energy in a 30-foot emanation. This targets all living and undead creatures in the burst. Heightened (+1) The amount of healing or damage increases by 1d8, and the extra healing for the 2-action version increases by 8.[/OOC] [OOC=Fear (>>)]Concentrate Emotion Fear Manipulate Mental Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Defense Will; Duration varies You plant fear in the target; it must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target is frightened 1. Failure The target is frightened 2. Critical Failure The target is frightened 3 and fleeing for 1 round. Heightened (3rd) You can target up to five creatures.[/OOC] [b]Focus Spells[/b] [OOC=Untamed Form (>>)]Uncommon Concentrate Druid Focus Manipulate Polymorph Duration varies You reach within for a different part of yourself, and you set it free, transforming your body into another form. You polymorph into any form listed in pest form, which lasts 10 minutes. All other untamed form shapes last 1 minute. You can add more shapes to your untamed form list with druid feats; your feat might grant you some or all of the shapes from a given polymorph spell. When you transform into a shape granted by a spell, you gain all the effects of the shape you chose from a version of the spell heightened to untamed form's rank. Untamed form allows you to use your own shapeshifting training more easily than most polymorph spells. When you choose to use your own attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the form's default attack modifier, you gain a +2 status bonus to your attack rolls. Heightened (2nd) You can transform into shapes listed in animal form.[/OOC] [OOC=Untamed Shift (> - >>)]Uncommon Concentrate Druid Focus Manipulate Morph Duration 1 minute You transform just a part of your body. Choose any one effect that matches an untamed order feat you have. • Untamed Form Your hands transform into incredibly sharp claws. Untamed claws are an unarmed attack, have the agile and finesse traits, and deal 1d6 slashing damage. You can still hold and use items with your hands while they're transformed by this spell, but you must have a hand free to attack with it. • Insect Shape Your mouth becomes deadly jaws. Untamed jaws are an unarmed attack that deal 1d8 piercing damage. • Elemental Shape You shift your body to be partially composed of elemental matter, granting you resistance 5 to critical hits and precision damage. • Plant Shape Your arms become long vines, increasing your reach to 10 feet (or 15 feet with a reach weapon). • Soaring Shape You must cast untamed shift using 2 actions for this benefit. You grow wings from your back, gaining a fly Speed of 30 feet. Heightened (6th) You can choose up to two effects from the list. Untamed claws leave terrible, ragged wounds that also deal 2d6 persistent bleed damage on a hit, and untamed jaws are envenomed, also dealing 2d6 persistent poison damage on a hit Heightened (10th) You can choose up to three effects from the list. Untamed claws deal 4d6 persistent bleed damage on a hit, and untamed jaws deal 4d6 persistent poison damage on a hit.[/OOC] [OOC=Pest Form (>>)]Concentrate Manipulate Polymorph Duration 10 minutes You transform into the battle form of a Tiny animal, such as a cat, insect, lizard, or rat. You can decide the specific type of animal (such as a rat or praying mantis), but this has no effect on your Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the animal trait, and you can't make Strikes. You can Dismiss the spell. You gain the following statistics and abilities: • AC = 15 + your level. Ignore your armor's check penalty and Speed reduction. • Speed 20 feet. • Weakness 5 to physical damage. (If you take physical damage in this form, you take 5 additional damage.) • Low-light vision and imprecise scent 30 feet. • Acrobatics and Stealth modifiers of +10, unless your own is higher; Athletics modifier –4. Heightened (4th) You can turn into a flying creature, such as a bird, which grants you a fly Speed of 20 feet.[/OOC] [/fieldset][/spoiler] [SPOILER=Equipment]Studded Leather Armor 4 Javelins Spear Adventurers Pack Primal Symbol Healer's Toolkit Total Funds - 45 gp 40 sp[/SPOILER][/spoiler][/fieldset] Annah Kamau Changeling Druid 1 HP: 17/17 AC: 16 Spell Slots: 2/2 L1 Focus Points: 1/1 Hero Points 1/1 Spell Save DC: 17 Status: Normal and Healthy Details Statblock Female Changeling Druid 1 Neutral Student STR: 12/+1 DEX: 12/+1 CON: 12/+1 INT: 14/+2 WIS: 18/+4 CHA: 10/+0 Saves: FOR +4 REF +4 WIL +9 Speed: 25 AC: 16 Perception: 7 Languages: Common (Mwangi), Draconic, Sylvan, Xanmba, Wildsong (Druidic) Abilities and Features Animal EmpathyFeat Source Class Feat Level 1 You have a connection to the creatures of the natural world that allows you to communicate with them on a rudimentary level. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with animals. In most cases, wild animals will give you time to make your case. Untamed FormFeat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites untamed order You are one with the wild, always changing and adapting to meet any challenge. You gain the untamed form order spell, which lets you transform into a variety of shapes that you can expand with druid feats. Shield BlockFeat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Trigger While you have your shield raised, you would take physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) from an attack. You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield's Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield. Charming LiarFeat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites trained in Deception Your charm allows you to win over those you lie to. When you get a critical success using the Lie action, the target's attitude toward you improves by one step, as though you'd succeeded at using Diplomacy to Make an Impression. This works only once per conversation, and if you critically succeed against multiple targets using the same result, you choose one creature's attitude to improve. You must be lying to impart seemingly important information, inflate your status, or ingratiate yourself, which trivial or irrelevant lies can't achieve. Quick IdentificationFeat Source Awarded Feat Level 1 Prerequisites trained in Arcana, Nature, Occultism or Religion You can Identify Magic swiftly. You take only 1 minute when using Identify Magic to determine the properties of an item, ongoing effect, or location, rather than 10 minutes. If you're a master, it takes a 3-action activity, and if you're legendary, it takes 1 action. Callow MayFeat Source Ancestry Feat Level 1 You are among the most common of changelings - those born to sweet hags - and a vibrant green eye signifies that parentage. Your mother's manipulative nature and versatile voice gives you an edge when deceiving others. You gain the Charming Liar skill feat. If you roll Deception for initiative, foes in that combat encounter that haven't acted yet are off-guard against you. Druid AnathemaSpecial Feature Level 1 As stewards of the natural order, druids find affronts to nature anathema. If you repeatedly perform these acts, you lose your magical abilities from the druid class, including your druid spellcasting and the benefits of your order. These abilities can be regained only if you demonstrate your repentance with an atone ritual. The following acts are anathema to all druids. Anathema despoil natural places, consume more natural resources than you require to live comfortably, teach the Wildsong to non-druids. Your choice of druidic order adds further anathema, as detailed in the order’s entry Druidic Order - Untamed OrderSpecial Feature Level 1 Upon becoming a druid, you align yourself with a druidic order, which grants you a class feat, an order spell (see below), and an additional trained skill tied to your order. While you’ll always be a member of your initial order, it’s not unheard of for a druid to request to study with other orders in search of greater understanding of the natural world, and PC druids are among the most likely to blend the powers of different orders. Order spells are a type of focus spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell, and you start with a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to commune with local nature spirits or otherwise tend to the wilderness in a way befitting your order. Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, much like cantrips. Focus spells don’t require spell slots, and you can’t cast them using spell slots. Certain feats give you more focus spells. The maximum Focus Points your focus pool can hold is equal to the number of focus spells you have, but can never be more than 3 points. Untamed Order The uncontrollable call of the natural world courses through your body. You might have been raised by a wild animal, or you might have come to reject the artifices of cities after growing up in one. Now, primal magic grants you the ability to wear the form of an untamed creature. Order Skill: Intimidation Druid Feat: Untamed Form Order Spell: Untamed shift Anathema: Become fully domesticated by the temptations of civilization. (This doesn’t prevent you from buying and using processed goods or staying in a city for an adventure, but you can never come to rely on these conveniences or truly call such a place your permanent home. Heritage - ChangelingHeritage Special Feature Level 1 You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you from your ancestors or common among those of your ancestry in the environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one heritage and can’t change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have more or fewer members from a particular heritage. Changeling Uncommon Changeling Your mother was a hag. Your eyes' heterochromia is the most obvious signifier of this parentage, but you likely also have a slighter build, paler skin, and darker hair than most members of your other parent’s ancestry. You gain the changeling trait. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your ancestry already has low light vision. You can select from changeling feats and feats from your other parent's ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat. Low Light VisionSpecial Feature Level 1 You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light. Voice of NatureSpecial Feature Level 1 You gain your choice of the Animal Empathy or Plant Empathy druid feat. WildsongSpecial Feature Level 1 You know the Wildsong, a secret language known only within druid orders, in addition to any languages you know through your ancestry. The Wildsong is a melodic and tonal language sounding more like animal calls than a spoken tongue, and its alphabet involves fractals and spirals, like the arrangement of a seashell’s chambers, a snowflake’s crystals, or a fern’s fronds. Teaching the Wildsong to non-druids is anathema. Combat Perception:1d20+7 Electric Arc:2d4 Frostbite:2d4 Saves Fortitude Save:1d20+4 Reflex Save:1d20+4 Will Save:1d20+9 Perception:1d20+7 Skills Acrobatics (U - Dex):1d20+3 Arcana (U - Int):1d20+2 Athletics (U - Str):1d20+1 Crafting (T - Int):1d20+5 Deception (T - Cha):1d20+3 Diplomacy (U - Cha):1d20 Intimidation (T - Cha):1d20+3 Lore:Insect (T - Int):1d20+5 Medicine (T - Wis):1d20+7 Nature (T - Wis):1d20+7 Occultism (T - Int):1d20+5 Performance (U - Cha):1d20 Religion (U - Wis):1d20+4 Society (U - Int):1d20+2 Stealth (U - Dex):1d20+1 Survival (T - Wis):1d20+7 Thievery (U - Dex):1d20+1 "Magic" Spell Save DC: 17 Spell Attack Modifier: +7 Druid Cantrips Prepared: 5 Druid Spells Prepared: 2 L1 Cantrips Electric Arc (>>)Cantrip Concentrate Electricity Manipulate Range 30 feet; Targets 1 or 2 creatures Defense basic Reflex An arc of lightning leaps from one target to another. Each target takes 2d4 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4. Guidance (>)CantripConcentrate Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Duration until the start of your next turn You ask for the guidance of supernatural entities, granting the target a +1 status bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends. The target chooses which roll to use the bonus on before rolling. If the target uses the bonus, the spell ends. Either way, the target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour. Detect Magic (>>)Cantrip Concentrate Detection Manipulate Area 30-foot emanation You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic. You receive no information beyond the presence or absence of magic. You can choose to ignore magic you're fully aware of, such as the magic items and ongoing spells of you and your allies. You detect illusion magic only if that magic's effect has a lower rank than the rank of your detect magic spell. However, items that have an illusion aura but aren't deceptive in appearance (such as an invisibility potion) typically are detected normally. Heightened (3rd) You learn the rank or level of the most powerful magical effect the spell detects, as determined by the GM. Heightened (4th) As 3rd rank, but you also pinpoint the source of the highest-rank magic. Like for an imprecise sense, you don't learn the exact location, but can narrow down the source to within a 5-foot cube (or the nearest if larger than that). Prestidigitation (>>)Range 10 feet; Targets 1 object (cook, lift, or tidy only) Duration sustained The simplest magic does your bidding. You can perform simple magical effects for as long as you Sustain the spell. Each time you Sustain the spell, you can choose one of four options. • Cook Cool, warm, or flavor 1 pound of nonliving material. • Lift Slowly lift an unattended object of light Bulk or less 1 foot off the ground. • Make Create a temporary object of negligible Bulk, made of congealed magical substance. The object looks crude and artificial and is extremely fragile - it can't be used as a tool, weapon, or locus or cost for a spell. • Tidy Color, clean, or soil an object of light Bulk or less. You can affect an object of 1 Bulk with 10 rounds of concentration, and a larger object a 1 minute per Bulk. Prestidigitation can't deal damage or cause adverse conditions. Any actual change to an object (beyond what is noted above) persists only as long as you Sustain the spell. Frostbite (>>)Cantrip Cold Concentrate Manipulate Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature Defense Fortitude An orb of biting cold coalesces around your target, freezing its body. The target takes 2d4 cold damage with a basic Fortitude save. On a critical failure, the target also gains weakness 1 to bludgeoning until the start of your next turn. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4 and the weakness on a critical failure increases by 1. Spells Heal (> - >>>)Healing Manipulate Vitality Range varies; Targets 1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature You channel vital energy to heal the living or damage the undead. If the target is a willing living creature, you restore 1d8 Hit Points. If the target is undead, you deal that amount of vitality damage to it, and it gets a basic Fortitude save. The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell determines its targets, range, area, and other parameters. The spell has a range of touch. (concentrate) The spell has a range of 30 feet. If you're healing a living creature, increase the Hit Points restored by 8. (concentrate) You disperse vital energy in a 30-foot emanation. This targets all living and undead creatures in the burst. Heightened (+1) The amount of healing or damage increases by 1d8, and the extra healing for the 2-action version increases by 8. Fear (>>)Concentrate Emotion Fear Manipulate Mental Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Defense Will; Duration varies You plant fear in the target; it must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target is frightened 1. Failure The target is frightened 2. Critical Failure The target is frightened 3 and fleeing for 1 round. Heightened (3rd) You can target up to five creatures. Focus Spells Untamed Form (>>)Uncommon Concentrate Druid Focus Manipulate Polymorph Duration varies You reach within for a different part of yourself, and you set it free, transforming your body into another form. You polymorph into any form listed in pest form, which lasts 10 minutes. All other untamed form shapes last 1 minute. You can add more shapes to your untamed form list with druid feats; your feat might grant you some or all of the shapes from a given polymorph spell. When you transform into a shape granted by a spell, you gain all the effects of the shape you chose from a version of the spell heightened to untamed form's rank. Untamed form allows you to use your own shapeshifting training more easily than most polymorph spells. When you choose to use your own attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the form's default attack modifier, you gain a +2 status bonus to your attack rolls. Heightened (2nd) You can transform into shapes listed in animal form. Untamed Shift (> - >>)Uncommon Concentrate Druid Focus Manipulate Morph Duration 1 minute You transform just a part of your body. Choose any one effect that matches an untamed order feat you have. • Untamed Form Your hands transform into incredibly sharp claws. Untamed claws are an unarmed attack, have the agile and finesse traits, and deal 1d6 slashing damage. You can still hold and use items with your hands while they're transformed by this spell, but you must have a hand free to attack with it. • Insect Shape Your mouth becomes deadly jaws. Untamed jaws are an unarmed attack that deal 1d8 piercing damage. • Elemental Shape You shift your body to be partially composed of elemental matter, granting you resistance 5 to critical hits and precision damage. • Plant Shape Your arms become long vines, increasing your reach to 10 feet (or 15 feet with a reach weapon). • Soaring Shape You must cast untamed shift using 2 actions for this benefit. You grow wings from your back, gaining a fly Speed of 30 feet. Heightened (6th) You can choose up to two effects from the list. Untamed claws leave terrible, ragged wounds that also deal 2d6 persistent bleed damage on a hit, and untamed jaws are envenomed, also dealing 2d6 persistent poison damage on a hit Heightened (10th) You can choose up to three effects from the list. Untamed claws deal 4d6 persistent bleed damage on a hit, and untamed jaws deal 4d6 persistent poison damage on a hit. Pest Form (>>)Concentrate Manipulate Polymorph Duration 10 minutes You transform into the battle form of a Tiny animal, such as a cat, insect, lizard, or rat. You can decide the specific type of animal (such as a rat or praying mantis), but this has no effect on your Size or statistics. While in this form, you gain the animal trait, and you can't make Strikes. You can Dismiss the spell. You gain the following statistics and abilities: • AC = 15 + your level. Ignore your armor's check penalty and Speed reduction. • Speed 20 feet. • Weakness 5 to physical damage. (If you take physical damage in this form, you take 5 additional damage.) • Low-light vision and imprecise scent 30 feet. • Acrobatics and Stealth modifiers of +10, unless your own is higher; Athletics modifier –4. Heightened (4th) You can turn into a flying creature, such as a bird, which grants you a fly Speed of 20 feet. Equipment Studded Leather Armor 4 Javelins Spear Adventurers Pack Primal Symbol Healer's Toolkit Total Funds - 45 gp 40 sp "Ooh... not at all... well it depends... so long as I don't feel like I've become dependent on such, it should be alright. Ah, if I can help by that... yes, I'd need to check the grounds... but I'd be willing to help that kitchen that way... hunting, tending to gardens, gathering fruit... I can do all of those things if you'd allow me" says Annah with relish in between big bites of bread, trying out the different flavored oils and making quite a variety of faces at them.
  12. Branch Benefits Level Benefit 1 Additional Lore 2 Steeped in History +1 3 Dedicated Attendant 4 Skill Feat (Trained) 5 Branch Influence +1 6 Skill Increase (Expert) 7 First Branch Feat 8 General Feat 9 Skill Feat (Expert) 10 Skill Increase (Master) 11 Steeped in History +2 12 Second Branch Feat 13 Branch Influence +2 14 Skill Increase (Master) 15 Skill Feat (Master) 16 Make Your Own Luck 17 Branch Influence +3 18 Skill Increase (Legendary) 19 Skill Feat (Legendary) 20 Magical Paragon “Many of you already understand that the five branches of scholarship shape your journey through the Magaambya. What you probably haven’t realized is that they will shape your legacy as well. All of us stand here buoyed by the strength of the thousands who came before, each with their own unique story to tell. Ask yourself: what will your story be?” —High Sun-Mage Oyamba At every branch level, you gain the benefit listed in the table above. The benefit entries below also include the branch levels at which you gain them. Additional Lore (1st): At 1st level in a branch, you learn more of the Magaambya’s deep well of lore associated with your branch. You gain the Additional Lore feat in a Lore skill associated with the branch. Steeped in History (2nd): At 2nd level in a branch, you learn about the history of the branch and the Magaambya in general. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge about the Magaambya, the tenets or history of your branch, and members of your branch. At 11th level, this increases to a +2 circumstance bonus. Dedicated Attendant (3rd): At 3rd level in a branch, if you have completed your Perquisite, you have proven your commitment to a sufficient degree that your branch promotes and supports you as an affiliated attendant. The first time you reach this level in a branch, you gain the Dedication feat as a bonus feat (even if you haven’t taken enough feats with a previous archetype to take another dedication feat). Skill Feat (4th): At 4th level in a branch, you uncover hidden techniques that grant you extra benefits from your branch’s associated skills. You gain a skill feat that requires the trained rank in one the branch’s associated skills. At 9th level, you gain an additional skill feat that requires the expert or trained rank in one the branch’s associated skills; at 15th level, you gain an additional skill feat that requires master (or lower) rank in one of the branch’s associated skills; and at 19th level, you gain an additional skill feat that requires legendary (or lower) rank in one of the branch’s associated skills. For any of these skill feats, you can select a variable skill feat, such as Automatic Knowledge or Assurance, as long as you do so for an associated skill. Branch Influence (5th): At 5th level in a branch, you gain greater influence, making it easier to collaborate, hoodwink, or browbeat members of that branch. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, and Performance checks to interact with members of the branch. At 13th level, this increases to a +2 circumstance bonus, and at 17th level, it increases again to a +3 circumstance bonus. Skill Increase (6th): At 6th level in a branch, and every 4 levels thereafter, your studies lead you to deeper understanding of your branch’s associated skills, causing you to gain an additional skill increase that you can use to raise one of the branch’s associated skills, up to a maximum of expert. At 10th branch level or higher, you can use these skill increases to become a master in a skill in which you’re already an expert. At 18th level, you can use this skill increase to become legendary in a skill in which you’re already a master. For Uzunjati, who have Lore as an associated skill, you gain the Additional Lore feat when you choose to improve Lore, instead of gaining a single skill increase to a Lore. Branch Feat (7th): At 7th level in a branch, you become so immersed in your branch’s secrets that you gain access to special training only offered to other members of your branch. You gain the 6th-level Magaambyan attendant archetype feat requiring affiliation with your branch (such as Uzunjati Storytelling for the Uzunjati). You must still meet any skill prerequisites the feat has. If you already have that feat, you gain an additional 6th-level class feat (even if your branch’s feat was not a class feat). At 12th level, you also gain the 10th-level Magaambyan attendant archetype feat requiring affiliation with the branch (such as Tempest-Sun Shielding for the Tempest-Sun Mages). If you already have that feat, you gain an additional 10th-level class feat (even if your branch’s feat was not a class feat). General Feat (8th): At 8th level in a branch, your understanding of your branch’s traditions improves your general capabilities, stretching beyond your studies in specific skills. You gain the general feat associated with the branch. If you already have that general feat, you gain a 1st-level general feat of your choice instead. Make Your Own Luck (16th): At 16th level in a branch, you’re so accomplished with your branch’s associated skills that you make your own luck. Once per day, you can reroll a skill check with one of those skills and take the new result. This is a fortune effect. Magical Paragon (20th): At 20th level in a branch, you embody the branch so completely that you gain a unique special ability depending on your branch. Many of these abilities build upon Magaambyan attendant archetype feats you have gained. Cascade Bearers: Nothing is beyond your imagination. Once per day, you can cast any common 7th-level spell from the arcane, divine, occult, or primal spell lists without expending a spell slot. When you do, you use your spellcasting proficiency for your halcyon spells. Emerald Boughs: You can stretch your hideaway well beyond the original intended usage, creating a special extradimensional abode in which to rest with your allies, host visiting diplomats, and more. At any time, you can spend 1 minute to enter and expand your hideaway into a magnificent mansion; it remains in this form until you leave, at which point it expels all remaining guests and becomes a normal hideaway as Emerald Boughs Hideaway until you spend another minute to enter and expand your hideaway again. Rain-Scribes: You can adapt to almost any situation. You can survive in severe and extreme cold and heat without taking damage. You move at full Speed through difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain, and take no damage from hazardous terrain. When using Rain-Scribe Mobility, you clear the effects of all three types of terrain from the spaces you enter for 1 round. Tempest-Sun Mages: You have the courage and magic to protect all your allies from harm. When you use Tempest-Sun Shielding, you can choose to reduce the triggering damage to you and all allies within 30 feet by four times the spell level, rather than reducing the triggering damage to you or a single ally by four times the spell level. Uzunjati: You know a surprising number of stories, and you weave them all together into a coherent narrative. When you use Uzunjati Recollection, you Recall Knowledge three times instead of once, each with a +2 circumstance bonus. You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your skill check for Uzunjati Storytelling from the captivating combined narrative.
  13. Downtime Actions STUDY [DOWNTIME] Requirements: You are an initiate, attendant, or conversant. You give everything you have to your studies, in keeping with your branch. Choose either your primary or secondary branch and attempt a skill check with one of the branch’s associated skills against a standard DC of the branch’s level. Critical Success: Incredible results! You ace every exam and cause a stir that all the instructors notice. Increase the level of the branch you chose by 2. Success: You succeed in your studies admirably. Increase the level of the branch you chose by 1. Failure: You need to work harder and try again. Your branch level remains the same. Critical Failure: You make a major mistake that requires you to perform remedial studies! The next time you would get an opportunity to attempt this activity, you must skip that opportunity to catch up. CRAM [DOWNTIME] Requirements: You are an initiate, attendant, or conversant, and your branch level for either your primary or secondary branch is 2 or more levels below the limit. Realizing that you’re falling behind in your studies, you cram more than you probably should. You Study twice, each in a branch that satisfies the activity requirements. However, the extra studying comes at a price. Until the next time you take the Study downtime activity, you’re particularly tired from all the extra hours cramming; at the start of each day of adventuring, you must succeed at a DC 10 flat check or be fatigued for that day. PRACTICAL RESEARCH [DOWNTIME] Requirements: You are a conversant or lore-speaker. You identify something interesting in the field and perform special research on it. This requires an appropriate check, which the GM will describe when the opportunity arises (GM's Note: You can make your own up, as mentioned, but most Practical Research opportunities are part of the marvels and dangers you encounter during our adventures, and will arise naturally!). The results of the check vary. While they typically include all the benefits of the Study activity, some opportunities for Practical Research also offer unique benefits, such as access to new character options.
  14. Branch Skill, Lores, and Feats Each branch has two or three associated skills, one or more subcategories of lore, and a general feat. As you gain levels in your branch, you’ll gain benefits that apply to the associated skills and lore, as well as the associated general feat. Changing Branches It’s perfectly natural that a player might choose a primary or secondary branch at character creation and, after roleplaying the character for some time, decide it was the wrong branch to represent their character’s personality. While your GM could create a downtime activity to allow branch retraining in place of advancing in a branch, this can wind up permanently leaving your character behind the rest of your party. Instead, work with your GM to swap out your branches. Keep in mind, the Magaambya looks extremely poorly on those who flippantly attempt to alter their branches of scholarship to gain personal power and will staunchly deny any such exploit. Advancing Your Branch Level "From my time studying medicine at the Magaambya, I might not have learned any magic, but I did learn to value service over promoting my academic publications. That’s not to say the Magaambya doesn’t produce some of the finest scholarship in the world, but rather that a true Magaambyan doesn’t care about taking credit. It’s about building knowledge for everyone. Of course, that sort of attitude led to my work being plagiarized before I started taking authorship more seriously, so this ideal isn’t as an absolute. Still, it’s the heroic attitude of Magaambyan scholars that has changed the world for millennia and continues to change it to this day." —Kassi Aziril Unlike your character’s level, your levels in your primary and secondary branches don’t advance automatically when you gain Experience Points. Instead, you advance your branches through academic achievement; early in your career, this typically happens via bookwork and exams. As a student at the Magaambya, you can use either the or the to represent your accomplishments in your studies and exams, with the timing based on the academic calendar (as noted for the GM in each volume of the Adventure Path). Truly accomplished scholars also might be able to use the in the field to gain additional new insights and academic advancements during adventures, as opposed to during the normal curriculum. Later volumes of the Adventure Path will note such opportunities for the GM, but if you have additional ideas for location-based research beyond those provided in the adventure. Magaambyan scholars believe in many fundamental values of scholarship. Key among them are adaptability, camaraderie, imagination, knowledge, and valour. The school’s faculty and lessons are divided into five branches, each emphasizing one of these values. Cascade Bearers esteem imagination, from the dreams of the most visionary magical theorists to the innovations of creative problem-solvers of all stripes. Emerald Boughs emphasize camaraderie, the sense of community and connection to fellow Magaambyans; they also interact with those outside the Magaambya and spread the academy’s message. Rain-Scribes value adaptability in thoughts and deeds, as well as a willingness to admit errors and learn from past mistakes. Tempest-Sun Mages inspire valor, not only the physical courage to stand up for friends and the school, but also the intellectual courage to consider opposing viewpoints and widen one’s understanding rather than staying entrenched in a single paradigm. Uzunjati understand that knowledge lives in stories passed down through the generations and also is earned every day through personal experience. While all Magaambyans are expected to embody these values to varying degrees, and members of the different branches work together on and off campus, every student joins one primary branch to shape their academic understanding. In addition to this choice, you’ll also select a secondary branch that influences the expression of your primary branch and supplements your education. Your learning within these branches progresses from levels 1 to 20, just like your character. You can never have more levels in your primary branch than your character’s level, and you can never have more levels in your secondary branch than half your character’s level. When you create your character, choose a primary branch and a secondary branch; both begin at level 0. Classes at the Magaambya are open to students of any branch, but each focuses on the values embodied by a specific branch. If your primary branch is Tempest-Sun Mages and your secondary branch is Rain-Scribes, you’ll attend Tempest-Sun Mage classes to advance your level in your primary branch or Rain-Scribe classes to advance your level in your secondary branch. You don’t need to create a specific course load or class schedule, since you’re always choosing whether to focus on your primary or secondary branch. Branch Skills, Lores, and Feats Each branch has two or three associated skills, one or more subcategories of lore, and a general feat. As you gain levels in your branch, you’ll gain benefits that apply to the associated skills and lore, as well as the associated general feat. Branch Skills Lore General Feat Cascade Bearers Arcana, Occultism, Religion Academia Lore Emerald Boughs Deception, Diplomacy, Society Specific Settlement (ie, Nantambu Lore) Rain-Scribes Medicine, Nature, Survival Specific Terrain (ie, Forest Lore) Tempest-Sun Mages Intimidation, Performance Warfare Lore Uzunjati Crafting, Lore Any Lore GM's note: You don't pick your branch as part of character creation. Don't worry about it. The entire first book is getting to know the campus, your teachers, and fellow students, including the different branches and their philosophies. Absolute crackerjack editing, Paizo. 🙄 The intent stands, though. You're not locked in, and I'm perfectly happy to help people switch, both IC and OOC, but the branches are meant to be long-term expressions of PC flavor and personality. Trying to jump around and feat-grab from all 5 will just hamstring you. Heed the warning.
  15. “As the creeping menace swept across the land, the snake led the way, ever the adaptable guide, ready to shed skin to fit the situation. The patient leopard, full of valour, crept closer toward the oncoming threat, the better to protect her friends from danger. The spider whispered quietly. Would the people be safe? Our comrades, our friends, our families? Would this be the end? The hyena laughed—not even he, who looks between, could have imagined the scope of the threat. But it was not the end, and the elephant never forgot.” —Elephant’s Chronicles The Five Branches of Scholarship Magaambyan scholars believe in many fundamental values of scholarship. Key among them are adaptability, camaraderie, imagination, knowledge, and valour. The school’s faculty and lessons are divided into five branches, each emphasizing one of these values. Cascade Bearers esteem imagination, from the dreams of the most visionary magical theorists to the innovations of creative problem-solvers of all stripes. Emerald Boughs emphasize camaraderie, the sense of community and connection to fellow Magaambyans; they also interact with those outside the Magaambya and spread the academy’s message. Rain-Scribes value adaptability in thoughts and deeds, as well as a willingness to admit errors and learn from past mistakes. Tempest-Sun Mages inspire valour, not only the physical courage to stand up for friends and the school, but also the intellectual courage to consider opposing viewpoints and widen one’s understanding rather than staying entrenched in a single paradigm. Uzunjati understand that knowledge lives in stories passed down through the generations and also is earned every day through personal experience. While all Magaambyans are expected to embody these values to varying degrees, and members of the different branches work together on and off campus, every student joins one primary branch to shape their academic understanding. In addition to this choice, you’ll also select a secondary branch that influences the expression of your primary branch and supplements your education. Your learning within these branches progresses from levels 1 to 20, just like your character. You can never have more levels in your primary branch than your character’s level, and you can never have more levels in your secondary branch than half your character’s level. When you create your character, choose a primary branch and a secondary branch; both begin at level 0. Classes at the Magaambya are open to students of any branch, but each focuses on the values embodied by a specific branch. If your primary branch is Tempest-Sun Mages and your secondary branch is Rain-Scribes, you’ll attend Tempest-Sun Mage classes to advance your level in your primary branch or Rain-Scribe classes to advance your level in your secondary branch. You don’t need to create a specific course load or class schedule, since you’re always choosing whether to focus on your primary or secondary branch.
  16. Chapter 1: Kindled Magic Magaambya Lumusi shrugs, "Some students like to experiment with food. It is something I spent years doing too," she pauses and lets out a breath, "So when students try something and want to share, I let them." The oils are of different flavours, a strong nut oil, chilli oils in two varieties, one mild and one very sharp, a lemon oil, one that tastes of truffles, mint, basil, and a few that are more difficult to identify and unfortunately not nearly as tasty. One could be hazel bark, another some sort of sap, and another a strong citrus flavour with bitter overtones. Others have left notes, a few are rude comments like, 'Why would you make something so disgusting?' or 'gross' while other comments are practically essays on the flavours of the oils. Lumisu begins to drift away but stops to speak to Annah, "How is the hunting going? I had an idea. You mentioned that you wanted to hunt your own food. Does that particular dietary restriction include cooking it yourself? I thought, if you wanted to, you could hunt and deliver food here for me to cook. I'd be willing to pay you, of course, for whatever you can bring in." Lumusi's offer If anyone wanted to take the to harvest nearby jungle fruit (using Survival), help tend the community gardens (using Nature), repair serving dishes or kitchen implements (Crafting), hunt for game (using Survival) or use other relevant skills. Lumusi typically has students conduct level 1 tasks she might have more challenging opportunities available. This offer stands and you can come back to it later when you have more free time. This was directed at Annah, but anyone may take advantage of it. OOC Scene Notes There is no active map in the spoiler below Please use directions when moving (N, S, E, SE, W, etc) We are not in initiative so your movement or actions per post is not limited to round actions. Show Bookkeeping COMBAT/CONDITIONS TRACKER INITIATIVE CONDITIONS MECHANICS DESCRIPTIONS Not in Use!! Default Marching Order CHARACTER STATUS ENEMY STATUS . . Show Active Map
  17. Elf (Tiefling), Field medic, Champion of Sarenrae (1) Magaambya Branch: TBD (Primary) TBD (Secondary) HP: 17/17 | AC: 18 (20 shield) | Speed: 30' | Low-Light VisionA creature with low-light vision can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light. | DarkvisionYou can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white. | Lang: Common (Mwangi), Taldane; elven| Perception (T): +4 ▪ Init: +4 | Fort (E): +6 | Ref (T): +4| Will (E): +6 | | SkillsTrained: Arcana (+3); Athletics (+7); Diplomacy (+4); Intimidation (+4); Lore/Warfare (+4); Medicine (+4); Religion (+4); Untrained: Acrobatics (+1); Crafting (+1); Deception (+1); Nature (+1); Occultism (+1); Performance (+1); Society (+1); Survival (+1); Stealth (+1); Thievery (+1) | AttributesSTR +4 DEX +1 CON +1 INT +1 WIS +1 CHA +1 | AttacksUnarmed: Unarmed +7/+2/-3 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 B • Agile; Finesse;non-lethal Melee: Longsword +7/+2/-3 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d8+4 S • Versatile P Dagger +7/+3/-2 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 S • Versatile P; Agile; Finesse; Thrown 10ft Ranged: Sling +4/-1/-6 • Trained +3 • Dex +1 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 B • Propulsive | Reactionsshield block Glimpse of Redemption | Divine DC (ATK): 14 (+4) | SpellsDetect Magic (innate) Lay on Hands (Focus) Weapon Surge (Focus) |Hero Pts: 1 | Focus Pool: 1/1 Olis went for a nice lunch, leaving the oils for now. "What's with those oils and such," She asked Lumusi when the woman came around with some seeds for Kraawkaw, "is that normal here to leave some stuff?" OOC ACTIONS
  18. KraawkawKraawkaw Cloistered Cleric of Nethys 1 LN Medium Tengu Skyborn Tengu Humanoid Perception +6; Low-Light Vision Languages Draconic, Sylvan Skills Acrobatics +2, Arcana +5, Athletics +0, Diplomacy +5, Intimidation +5, Lore: Academia +5, Lore: Lore (Magaambya) +5, Medicine +6, Religion +6, Stealth +5 Str +0, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2 Items Unarmored, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Antidote (Lesser), Antiplague (Lesser), Healer's Tools, Writing Set, Religious Symbol (Ceramic) AC 15; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8 HP 14 Squawk! Trigger You critically fail a Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation check against a creature that doesn't have the tengu trait. You let out an awkward squawk, ruffle your feathers, or fake some other birdlike tic to cover up a social misstep or faux pas. You get a failure on the triggering check, rather than a critical failure. All creatures that witnessed you Squawk are temporarily immune for 24 hours. Speed 25 feet Antidote (Lesser) (Alchemical, Consumable, Elixir, Healing) Activate Interact Antiplague (Lesser) (Alchemical, Consumable, Elixir, Healing) Activate Interact Divine Prepared Spells DC 16, attack +6; 1st Heal, Heal, Heal; Cantrips Divine Prepared Spells DC 16, attack +6; 1st Magic Missile, Fear; Cantrips Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Needle Darts, Shield Focus Spells (1 points) Scholarly Recollection Speaking a short prayer as you gather your thoughts, you're blessed to find that your deity gave you just the right bit of information for your situation. Roll the triggering check twice and use the better result. Additional Feats Assurance, Domain Initiate, Skyborn Tengu Additional Specials Anathema, Deity, Divine Font (Healing Font), Divine Spellcasting, Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric), Domain Initiate (Knowledge), Sharp Beak Skyborn TenguYour bones may be especially light, you may be a rare tengu with wings, or your connection to the spirits of wind and sky might be stronger than most, slowing your descent through the air. You take no damage from falling, regardless of the distance you fall.; Scholar (Arcana)You have a knack for learning, and sequestered yourself from the outside world to learn all you could. You read about so many wondrous places and things in your books, and always dreamed about one day seeing the real things. Eventually, that curiosity led you to leave your studies and become an adventurer. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in your choice of the Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion skill, and the Academia Lore skill. You gain the Assurance skill feat in your chosen skill.; Cloistered Cleric of (1) Magaambya Branch: TBD (Primary) TBD (Secondary) HP: 14/14 | AC: 15 (16): Explorer's ClothingEssentially Kraawkaw's habit as a Priest of Nethys White (really flax) tunic Leather cincture Black mantle Holy Symbol: a ceramic mosaic of the Face of Nethys. It is held by a chain, secured to the cincture. (shield spell) | Speed: 25' | Low-Light VisionA creature with low-light vision can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light. | Lang: Mwangi (Common); Tengu; Draconic; Sylvan | Hero Pts: 1 | Special Effects+1 Status bonus vs spells | Perception (T): +6 ▪ Init: +6 | Fort (T): +3 | Ref (T): +5| Will (E): +8 | | SkillsTrained: Arcana (+5); Diplomacy (+5); Intimidation (+5); Lore/Academia (+5); Lore/Magaambya (+5); Medicine (+5); Religion (+6); Stealth (+5); Untrained: Acrobatics (+2); Athletics (+0); Crafting (+0); Deception (+2); Nature (+3); Occultism (+2); Performance (+2); Society (+2); Survival (+3); Thievery (+2) | AttributesSTR +0 DEX +2 CON +0 INT +2 WIS +3 CHA +2 | AttacksUnarmed: Sharp Beak +5/+0/-5 • Trained +3 • Dex +2 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6 P • Finesse; Unarmed; Brawling Melee: Ranged: | Divine DC (ATK): 16 (+6) | Focus Points 1/1| The tengu accepts the bag of seeds, grateful, yet cautious. After all, he'd been attacked by laundry only two days before. Thank you, Mistress of the Kitchens, he manages to respond politely. Very kind of you to think of me amongst all your many cares. After finding some balsamic vinegar, he makes his way over to the oil trays. He emulsifies a number of the oils in turn with the vinegar; rolls the bread into balls before soaking up the mixture into each; and uses his beak to spear and swallow them. Birds are relatively tolerant of spicy foods, so he attacks each with relish, making tasting notes that he leaves in the bins for that purpose. He wonders what the others in his group might make of them. He wondered what tomorrow might bring: the Cascade Bearers was the Branch that most interested him, based on what he'd learned about the Magaambya at the seminary. Keep an open mind, he chided himself as he ate. Still, he felt a looming excitement. OOC ACTIONS
  19. Clarification: I was thinking specifically of the hidden tunnel entrance through which we returned to the surface. I suppose leaving an open tunnel in the midst of a dormitory quad would ensure word spread. 😉
  20. Chapter 1: Kindled Magic Magaambya "Would that be helpful to you?" Esi answers Kraawkaw, "It is the Cascade Bearers who will have a task for you tomorrow." You head off to the refectory to eat. As usual there are a variety of meals to choose from, salads, cold meats, cheeses, beans, seeds, and pulses. Someone has laid out a tray of oils and thinly sliced bread with a note asking people to try them and leave a review. You'd need to taste them to see what they are as there is no label by each oil. Lumusi sees the tengu and comes over with a small bag, "I have been reading about your people since you requested specific food stuffs," she hands the bag over, "Nettle seeds. They will make your plumage glow. If you each a handful every day for about six weeks you'll see the benefits. That is what I have read anyway and another student told me that it works for hair too. Who knew that a weed and a nuisance would be some useful?" OOC Scene Notes There is no active map in the spoiler below Please use directions when moving (N, S, E, SE, W, etc) We are not in initiative so your movement or actions per post is not limited to round actions. Show Bookkeeping COMBAT/CONDITIONS TRACKER INITIATIVE CONDITIONS MECHANICS DESCRIPTIONS Not in Use!! Default Marching Order CHARACTER STATUS ENEMY STATUS . . Show Active Map
  21. Elf (Tiefling), Field medic, Champion of Sarenrae (1) Magaambya Branch: TBD (Primary) TBD (Secondary) HP: 17/17 | AC: 18 (20 shield) | Speed: 30' | Low-Light VisionA creature with low-light vision can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light. | DarkvisionYou can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white. | Lang: Common (Mwangi), Taldane; elven| Perception (T): +4 ▪ Init: +4 | Fort (E): +6 | Ref (T): +4| Will (E): +6 | | SkillsTrained: Arcana (+3); Athletics (+7); Diplomacy (+4); Intimidation (+4); Lore/Warfare (+4); Medicine (+4); Religion (+4); Untrained: Acrobatics (+1); Crafting (+1); Deception (+1); Nature (+1); Occultism (+1); Performance (+1); Society (+1); Survival (+1); Stealth (+1); Thievery (+1) | AttributesSTR +4 DEX +1 CON +1 INT +1 WIS +1 CHA +1 | AttacksUnarmed: Unarmed +7/+2/-3 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 B • Agile; Finesse;non-lethal Melee: Longsword +7/+2/-3 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d8+4 S • Versatile P Dagger +7/+3/-2 • Trained +3 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 S • Versatile P; Agile; Finesse; Thrown 10ft Ranged: Sling +4/-1/-6 • Trained +3 • Dex +1 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 B • Propulsive | Reactionsshield block Glimpse of Redemption | Divine DC (ATK): 14 (+4) | SpellsDetect Magic (innate) Lay on Hands (Focus) Weapon Surge (Focus) |Hero Pts: 1 | Focus Pool: 1/1 Olis nodded to Esi. Having grown up in an hierarchy, she's conditioned not to question leaders on such things. The tunnels will be reported and the teachers will make a decision and that's it for her. "I can eat," She said to the others, "and after lunch, if someone wants to spar, I'm more than happy to." OOC I'm not sure if we could close the entrance to the tunnels as we went into them. ACTIONS
  22. Marica Elf (Duskwalker)• Undertaker • Investigator (Alchemical Investigator) 1 Medium • Lawful Good • Humanoid AC: 17 | HP 15/15 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +5 | Resistance: None | Speed 25 feet | Class DC 17 "Honestly, if I'd known this place was so interesting, I may have come sooner," Marica says. "Ghosts, tunnels, and learning." At the suggestion of going to refectory she nods eagerly, not wanting to pass up a chance for a meal. Actions: OOC
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