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About This Game

This game is for the AP Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen. Warriors of Krynn is being used as a supplement.

Game System

D&D 5e

Detailed Description

To the Council of Maelgoth:

War is coming, that truth I can no longer deny. Here in Solamnia's eastern reaches, rumors swirl of human-led armies on the march, their ranks swelled by hobgoblins, minotaurs, ogres, and mysterious hooded mercenaries, all seeking a share of the spoils. Our allies in Nordmaar have fallen silent, and desperate travelers say the people of Khur have joined the enemy en masse. Whispers also speak of winged doom, wild reports of riders on dragonnels, and I dare imagine worse.

I don't yet understand the shape of our enemy. Their motivations, their origins, and their very nature remain opaque. What is clear is that we face a threat unlike any since the Cataclysm. And when it comes, it will come for Kalaman.

Good lieges, I pray you make overtures toward healing the old wounds between our order and the Beacon of the East. If we knights are to meet this threat, we need the sharp eyes and strong shields of Kalaman as allies.

To aid your efforts, I have compiled my notes n the Kalaman region's history, neighbors, and lore. I hope this knowledge proves useful in meeting the threat before us.

Live with honor,
Becklin uth Viharin,
Knight of the Crown

The world has ended, and it's ending again.

Three hundred years ago, the Cataclysm brought ruin to the world of Krynn. In a single day, an age of wonders came to an end. Countless innocents died, the face of the world was reshaped, and the gods themselves faded into legend. Through ages of struggle, the people of Krynn survived, but the world isn't what it was. Those nations that remain linger in the shadows of their ancestors' wonders. Only slowly have they begun to push back centuries of darkness and rediscover how the world has changed.

Then came the Dragon Armies, legions of soldiers devoted to the wicked god Takhisis the Dragon Queen, and the world faces ruin once more. The War of the Lance has begun, and in a conflict between gods and dragons, a wounded world hangs in the balance.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. Okay, take your time. I don't want you to feel rushed while you recover.
  3. righto.... just got out of hospital Monday... I'll need a few days on pain meds before I can catch up. If anyone wants to offer advise until then, feel free 😎
  4. This scenario is being run for the Blue Team with the following turn order: Itasca Rosecliff Sean Finn Sabian Zexus Teeli Th'Underfoot Moricarn Cursewielder It is currently Sabian's turn. Itasca has 2 stress. Sean has 4 stress. Sabian has 2 stress. Teeli has 1 stress. Show Event Card LEFT FLANK RIGHT NOW The left flank becomes the active flank. BATTLE PHASE All-out battle. Activate commander powers at the start of this battle. Blue Training Ground: Turn 8 All-Out Battle All Unit Lines will engage in battle this turn. Commander Powers will be activated this turn. Show Battle and Adventure Tile Information Tomb 2 DEX Draw 1 Equipment Card Rocky Path Road extending from left to right Abandoned Fields Road connecting the top left, bottom left, and bottom right corners Trail Road extending from left to right Prairie Road extending along the bottom from left to right Command Tent 2 WIS Add the Reinforcements event card (11) to the bottom of the event deck. Flip this tile. Sacred Glade 2 WIS Refresh 6 Alliance units on 1 battle tile. Flip this tile. Show Commander: Darrett Highwater DARRETT HIGHWATER ⚔️: Shake 2 units in any Dragon Army Line. DARRETT HIGHWATER SHAKEN Refresh this commander. [2 CHA] Show Commander: Raven Uth Vogler RAVEN UTH VOGLER ⚔️: Add 2 shaken units to any Alliance line. RAVEN UTH VOGLER SHAKEN Refresh this commander. [3 WIS] Show Commander: Grikan Ghar GRIKAN GHAR ⚔️: Shake 2 units in the Alliance line with the most ready units. Show Commander: Lohezet of the Black Robes LOHEZET OF THE BLACK ROBES ⚔️: Add 1 fire token to an Alliance line. Show Vile Champion: Tomb GOBLIN POISONERS 2 CON
  5. There are 7 total hits between the two lines. Which 5 hits are you taking?
  6. Stress When a hero expends effort or something goes wrong, they take stress. For example, a hero might take stress due to a Woe result or leaving a tile with a vile champion on it. When a hero's stress changes, move their stress marker higher or lower by the specified amount. Once a hero has reached their maximum stress, they must remove 1 card from their hand per additional stress they would take. If a hero would take stress beyond their maximum and they have no cards in their hand, the scenario immediately ends in a loss. Sean currently has 1 Stress and has a maximum of 4 Stress. This means Sean can take 3 hits before reaching his maximum Stress. Sean has 2 ability cards remaining. This means Sean can take up to an additional 2 hits beyond his maximum Stress. So Sean can currently take up to 5 hits and not lose.
  7. Before I progress to the next turn, did rauhric want Sean to absorb any hits from the Dragon Army? The Dragon Army Missile Line rolled 4 hits against the Alliance Foot Line. The Dragon Army Mounted Line rolled 3 hits against the Alliance Mounted Line.
  8. Your foot line is the attacking line and can be resolved as follows: Choose one: Apply 2 hits to any line on the left flank Shake the Dragon Army commander
  9. Commander Powers Commander powers were activated this turn. Grikan Ghar shakens two Alliance Mounted Units. Sean uses Surprise Attack on the Dragon Army Foot Line. Turn 7: Commander Powers Show Alliance Foot Card MERCENARY COMPANY RECRUIT Choose one: Apply 2 hits to any line. Shake the Dragon Army commander. Turn 4: Foot Line Battle Show Dragon Army Missile Card HOBGOBLIN HEAVY BOWS RECRUIT Roll 3 battle dice. Apply hits to the Foot line. Turn 7: Missile Line Battle Show Dragon Army Mounted Card HOBGOBLIN PIKE MASS RECRUIT Roll 3 battle dice. Apply hits to the Mounted line. Turn 7: Mounted Line Battle
  10. Ok. I made those changes. Sorry about holding that up. I thought I had posted Tuesday night.
  11. You need to be on the appropriate tile before you can take an action that affects that tile. So you would need to move to the Right Flank before you can put out fires on the right flank. And you would need to be on the Left Flank before you could put out fires on the left flank. So this would be an appropriate set of actions: Sean: Put Reinforcements on the Left Flank Free Action: Move to Right Flank Battlefield Action 1: Put out fire on "Calvary Line" on Right Side of Right Flank Battlefield Action 2: Put out fire on "Calvary Line" on Left Side of Right Flank Battlefield Action 3: Move to the Left Flank Battlefield Action 4: Put out fire on "Archery Line" on Left Flank Battlefield Battle Phase: Use Surprise Attack card to Shake 2 Dragon Army Units "Foot Line" on Left Flank Battlefield
  12. So this ... Sean: Put Reinforcements on the Left Flank Free Action: Move to Right Flank Battlefield Action 1: Put out fire on "Calvary Line" on Right Side of Right Flank Battlefield Action 2: Put out fire on "Calvary Line" on Left Side of Right Flank Battlefield Action 3: Put out fire on "Archery Line" on Left Flank Battlefield Action 4: Put out Fire on "Infantry Line" on Left Flank Battlefield Battle Phase: Use Surprise Attack card to Shake 2 Dragon Army Units "Foot Line" on Left Flank Battlefield
  13. Yes, you could do that. Some things to consider: You could split up your put out fire actions for each tile or put out fires on the right flank instead. This would consume all four moves if you end your turn on the left flank. However, if your goal is to clear out the fires on the Active Flank, then you don't necessarily have to use all four of your actions, and what you have right now would suffice. It may be better to use Surprise Attack on the Foot Line. This will result in the Alliance Foot line being the attacking line. The Alliance Missile and Alliance Mounted lines would not be able to become the attacking line even with Surprise Attack being used in their favor.
  14. OK, so can I do this ... Sean: Put Reinforcements on the Left Flank Action 1: Move to Left Flank Battlefield Action 2: Put out fire on "Archery Line" Action 3: Put out Fire on "Infantry Line" Action 4: (not sure what to use this for so I could use some advice) Battle Phase: Use Surprise Attack card to Shake 2 Dragon Army Units "Calvary"
  15. As morgan indicated, there is a path from the prairie to the rocky path. This means you can travel to the left flank with just one action instead of spending two actions and a free action. So really, you're wasting a free action and a regular action here. When are battle dice rolled? This depends on what you're trying to use the battle dice for. If you are battling a Vile Champion, then they are rolled as soon as you take the action (during the Action Phase). Battle dice are also rolled during the Battle Phase as directed by the unit cards. So if you are on the active battle tile, you can use abilities with the prerequisite "before battle dice are rolled" or "after battle dice are rolled" when the skirmishes are being resolved. Some unit cards do not resolve with battle dice, so you would not be able to use such abilities for such resolutions. Can I use the Response Card to add 1 additional die to the roll? You can use your response card, but this card is generally used when you or the alliance is the attacking side. As a defender, you would not want to give the attacker additional battle dice. Also, how many dice can I roll? The response card adds one additional battle die in addition to whatever you would normally be rolling. For a conflict with a Vile Champion: You start with 1 battle die. You gain 1 additional battle die for each additional action spent for the conflict. You gain 1 additional battle die for each ability card of the specified type spent for the conflict (for example: discarding a Strength Ability Card while against a Strength-based Vile Champion). For the Battle Phase: The number of battle dice used is indicated by the unit card drawn for the attacking line, if any.
  16. did I post my actions correctly? Or did I make an error in what I think I can do this turn?
  17. FYI, there are road connections between the prairie and the rocky path.
  18. Sorry for the delay, was traveling yesterday, I have updated my last game post.
  19. You could also choose to forego the fires and work on your other objectives.
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