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Closed Game

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About This Game

The game starts in Dementlieu in Ravenloft. Hans Modenheim is Victor's 3rd cousin and has lived in Dementlieu all his life and is nothing like his famous cousin, being far more humane. He is also a wizard of no little power seeing magic as just another kind of science. He had started a detective agency 6 years ago and employs a decent number of detectives to hire out. He specializes in cases dealing with the supernatural. Hans acknowledges supernatural agents buts thinks of them as part of the natural world as he does magic. Your characters are among the detectives he hires out. This is less dangerous as it might sound since most Dark Lords don't care too much if you kill anyone outside their direct control . The characters should be ECL 10. They will be built on 32 points and 49,000 GP . The maximum you can spend on any one items is 25,000 GP. Outside domains that require them to maintain the atmospehre such as Falkovnia and Tempest the OR of all races is 0. For example an elf will likely be shot on sight as a witch in Tempest but treated like anyone else in Mordent. Any non-evil class under books used can be used. Companions and familiars are not dread companions or familiars in this game, they are regular companions and familiars as I don't like the rule.

Game System

D&D 3.5e

Detailed Description

xpect a lot of mystery mixed in with the horror. This is as much about figuring out what is going on as about killing lycanthropes, banishing ghosts and dealing with red widows. If you short shift the investigations you may wind up ill prepared and that can be fatal! You might also wind up killing the wrong people and thus having to make dark powers checks. I am pretty harsh with the consequences of failed dark powers checks. You don't have any greater chance than normal of needing them or failing them but the consequences of blowing them are quite severe. Muskets are considered martial weapons in this game.

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