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Application Rules

Please post applications in the Applications group.

Make sure to mark your app when complete! I don't like to guess.

I have two Discord servers, one for players and one for pre-game. You are not required to use them, but I do strongly recommend players use it. Pre-game is just for me to answer your questions more quickly. HERE's a link to the pre-game server.



Ranked Choice Voting: In your application - somewhere clear, please rank which job posting you'd like to take on in order of preference. It will help me organize everyone into the right parties.

Starting Level: We will begin at 2nd level. You are well-trained and/or lightly tested, possibly having even aided a Journeyman on a few simple tasks, fought a battle while in the militia, or spent enough time traveling to know how to handle yourself.  Leveling will be based on story progression.

Starting Wealth: You have 1,000gp worth of equipment to your name. Most of it is likely personal, but a chunk of it is likely provided by the Guild.

Races: See the overhauled Core Races for more info. Although Monster and Elemental Races have ideas behind them, I will not be using them this time around. As such, I will also attempt to limit their mechanical usage on my end.
Half-Races will not be codified as specific races. Instead, you may take the Half-Race traits presented under Setting Traits.

Classes/Archetypes: Any first-party found on the pfsrd/aonprd. AoN is preferred due to being much more accurate, but work with me to paint over the Golarion-specific info.
•Unchained is required, work with me to adjust archetypes as needed.
•Firearms, the Gunslinger, and firearm-using archetypes are allowed. Firearms are Emerging, but ammunition and some equipment may be subject to deep discounts in the right areas.
•Third-party Favored Class Bonuses are allowed for race/class combinations that otherwise do not have specific favored class bonuses.
•Orcs and Elves may use Half-Orc and Half-Elf Favored Class Bonuses, respectively.
•You may use the 3rd Party Unchained Ninja. Similar 3pp that "plugs holes" in published material may be allowed on request. Note: Spheres, Path of War, Psionics, and whatever else does not plug holes.

Stats: 21 point buy. Also, there’s a not-so-secret code at the bottom of this page. Include it in your application somehow.

HP/HitDice: Max at first, average rounded up for the rest. This applies to animal companions, as well.

Traits/Drawbacks: One trait that must be a Regional, Racial, or Affiliation Trait, two that can be any, then a drawback may be taken for another.

Feats: 3.5's Brutal Throw is allowed.
•Elephant in the Room is in effect. Classes that gain an ability that is made moot by this (such as Unchained Rogue) may take Weapon Focus or another feat that has the replaced ability as a prerequisite. Classes that have exceptionally weapon-specific abilities (mostly the religious classes that get deity focus weapons) are still restricted to that specific weapon. Further, Point-Blank Shot is still a feat, but Precise Shot is no longer a feat (the penalty that it negates no longer exists).
•I will not be allowing Leadership to be taken as a feat. However! You are free to take the Squire, Page, Light Bearer, Weapon Bearer, Torchbearer, and Groom feats, but they cannot evolve into Leadership.
•I allow instant retraining of the Undersized Mount feat if your little creature buddy (Animal Companion, Special Mount, etc) gets bigger when you level.

Skills: Background Skills are in effect.
•All classes gain one Skill Unlock every 5 levels. This stacks with other sources.
•Appraise is gone. We will roll appropriate skills per item instead, such as but not limited to an applicable Profession, Lore, or Knowledge skill.
•Swim and Climb are truncated into Athletics. Your ability to Jump Good may use either Athletics or Acrobatics.
•We will be using Rich Burlew's Diplomacy Fix.

Alignment: I'm going to tentatively allow any alignment, but understand that this is not the game for Baron von Doomkill, eater of orphans.

Deities: Any of the ones listed in the setting info listing.

Backstory: I'm not looking for a novel. Just do the interview HERE. Keep the potential job offers in mind, as well. HERE

Don’t be afraid to connect yourself to the job postings or something else, such as being from a destination town, having extended family in the area, or a professional connection.

Personality: Not needed due to the above change.

Appearance: An appropriate image for token purposes is nice, but I don’t need an essay about your mooscles and whatnot. Just a sentence or two will do.

Please, do not hesitate to raise concerns with me should I turn out to be wrong about something. I often post very late at night, and can be forgetful!
I'm frequently fiddling with house rules from game to game, so if you have concerns or questions, don't hesitate to let me know. Oh look here's the secret code: Premade naan is a better pizza crust than premade pizza crust.

Further, this is my totally untested, barely-ready personal setting with significant houserules. There's gonna be glitches. There's gonna be confusing elements. You bet your butt I'mma retcon and "Uhm, ahcktually" you when you write something that doesn’t quite fit with my initial vision. I'm going to do my best to be nice about it, as I am not writing a book and instead am writing a world for RPGing. I'm going to try my best to give you information and am very open to questions to avoid those situations. But I am human. Please Understand™.


How I will be accepting applications:
I will be accepting two parties. One will play here on Baldr, the other will play on OG. Both parties will be 2-4 players each. This means I will be accepting 4-8 players and shifting them around to form two parties based on their site preference and adventure preference. I will not be accepting a third party at this time. Perhaps, in the future, when I am settled into the groove of this upcoming semester and find myself flush with spare time and a desire, I will contact old applicants or re-run recruitment to form a third party for the adventure that was left out.

I am posting my game advertisement on August 4rd at 12:10am on both sites. I will be giving a lengthy 15 days for applications to come in plus an additional 3 days after that for everyone to finish editing. This means applications will close on August 22st at midnight. I will have the player selection by the end of the weekend after. I will warn that I begin my semester on the 28th, so there will be an adjustment period, but I've persevered through worse.

A note on joint applications:
Given my intention of accepting smaller groups, if you wish to apply as a duo or trio (or quad, if you’re feeling spicy), I won’t stop you. You should coordinate as early as possible - finishing your app and then asking someone to fuse with you is a bit rude! - and submit in the same thread.
Again, this is entirely optional. Don’t seek out a joint app if you’re not setting out to make a joint app. And don’t feel bad if someone rejects your offer. Let people do their thang.

A note on multiple applications and the Baldr/OG split:
Please only apply in one place. This will signal your preference for which site you'd prefer at this time. You will eventually need to move to Baldr, but I can understand wanting to stay on OG for a bit longer.
If you have no preference, please mark in your application that even if you apply here you do not mind moving to OG if you or I feel the party/adventure that forms there is where you belong.

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