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Character Creation Guidelines

Follow the standard character creation rules starting on pg. 5, except where noted below.


Sourcebooks: Cities Without Number, New Seattle (Shadowrun 3e)

Starting Level: 1st

Attributes: Roll 3d6 straight for each attribute (you may swap a single score with a 14) OR roll 3d6 six times and place the scores where you wish (may NOT swap for a 14) OR take the standard array of 14, 12, 11, 10, 9, 7

Please also roll your Luck attribute as described below.

Origin Foci: Players who wish to play as one of the other Metatypes (Dwarves, Elves, Orks, or Trolls) may opt to forgo their 2nd level focus for the Origin focus of their choice at character creation. If a player opts to stay as the default Human, they may start with a base of 4 Luck points instead of the usual 3.

Backgrounds: No restrictions.

Skills: Cast and Summon are on the skill list. While any character can take the skill to represent an intellectual pursuit, only characters with the proper magical Edge can use them to cast spells or summon spirits.

Contacts: No changes, create them as directed by the rule book.

Edges: Underdog Rule can be applied if you meet the requirements (if you combine all your attribute modifiers and it is -1 or less). The Spellcaster Edge, Summoner Edge, and Graced Edge are available as well.

Foci: Magical foci are open as well, but can only be taken by characters with a magical edge. Additionally, the homebrew focus, Feelin' Lucky, can be selected by any character.

Starting Gear: Select one of the gear packages or receive $500 for buying gear and select a single item worth no more than $1000. Weapons from the list here are also available.

Starting HP: Max at 1st level

Character Backgrounds: A paragraph or two will suffice. The only background requirement is that all characters should be from Seattle or have been living in the metroplex for some time. Please do not write up a lone wolf edgelord who doesn't get along with anyone.



Metahuman Types (Foci)

The metahuman foci are largely taken from the Variant Humanity section of the CWN book, with some minor tweaks here and there



Gain +1 to your Str or Con modifier to a maximum of +2. Gain a +2 bonus to all Physical and Mental saving throws. Gain infrared (thermographic) vision. Movement is reduced to 8m instead of 10m.


Gain a +1 to either your Dex or Cha modifier to a maximum of +2. Gain either Notice or Talk. Gain low-light vision.


Gain Exert as a bonus skill. Gain a +1 bonus to both Str and Con modifiers, up to a maximum of +2. Suffer a -1 penalty to either your Int or Wis modifier. Gain low-light vision.


You are twice the size of a human. Replace your Strength score with 14, if it’s less than 14. Gain a +1 to both Str and Con modifiers, up to a maximum of +3. Suffer a -1 penalty to Dex modifier, and -1 penalty to your choice of Int, Wis, or Cha modifiers. You gain a +2 bonus to all Strength-based damage rolls, not including Shock. Your base ranged and melee AC is 14. You don’t require an Exert skill check to lift, break, or throw anything humanly possible for a baseline human to handle. You possess infrared (thermographic) vision. Armor and other worn gear specifically sized for humans costs twice as much for you.


New Mechanics


This is an attempt to mimic the Edge point system in Shadowrun (with adjustments for CWN), but I’m calling it Luck/Karma so it doesn't get confused with CWN Edges.

Luck is a special attribute that represents the luckiness of a Runner, that unknown factor that allows them to walk away from an impossible situation unscathed. It is rolled the same as other attributes, 3d6 straight, modifiers derived as normal. It is not eligible to be substituted with a 14 like your other Attribute scores, and does not count against you for the purposes of the Underdog Rule.

Each player has a number of Karma they may use in play, that may be spent to better the odds. Your total amount of Karma equals 3 + Luck mod + any other mod (Human and/or foci). Spending one Karma in a single scene does not incur any System Strain, however each additional point you spend accrues one point of System Strain. So, spending 2 Karma in a single scene accumulates 1 System Strain, while spending 3 Karma in a single scene accumulates 2 System Strain, and so on.

As you use Karma, your current total of points can never go below zero or above your maximum total. Even if you have no points you can still “push your luck” by taking 3 System Strain to spend one. If this would put you over your maximum System Strain, you cannot “push your luck.”

If your System Strain is maxed out, you cannot use Karma.

Spending Karma:

  • If declared before any attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, or Major Injury rolls, you may roll with advantage. This means you roll one additional die and take the highest result (e.g., 2d20 take highest for attacks and saves, 2d12 keep highest for Major Injuries, +1d6 keep 2 highest for skill checks).
  • You may also declare after you've rolled an attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or Major Injury roll. If you do so, you may reroll 1 die per point spent up to the number of dice originally rolled.
  • You may ignore the effects of a Traumatic Hit after one has been rolled against. The damage from the base attack still applies, but damage from the traumatic hit is ignored. Costs 1 System Strain to activate.
  • You may spend a Karma to go first in Initiative. It must be declared before initiative has been rolled. If multiple people spend luck to go first, the higher initiative will go first. If there is still a tie, whoever has the higher DEX score will go first. If a Runner spends a Karma and there is someone else with cyberware or a Graced Art that allows them to go first, it is resolved as if multiple people had spent luck to go first. If a person has cyberware or a Graced Art and spends a point of Karma, they will go before someone who spent the Karma without the cyberware or Graced Art.

Regaining Karma:

Your luck refreshes to the maximum total at the start of each in-game day.

  • Impressive roleplaying
  • Achievement of important personal goals
  • Rolling a Natural 20 on any d20 roll or rolling a Natural 12 on a skill check
  • Heroic acts of self-sacrifice/Rule of Cool

Burning Karma:
You may choose to permanently burn a Karma, lowering your maximum total Karma by one, in order to do the following:

  • Hand of God: This option allows characters to escape certain death. This represents the character getting a second chance at life, though always at a cost. A character who uses this option rolls on the Major Injuries table on pg. 41. However, instead of rolling a d12, they roll 2d6, as using this ability helps the character avoid instant death. Additionally, the character suffers any narrative consequences, depending on the situation they were in when they activated this option.


New Foci

Feelin’ Lucky:

Some people are born lucky, others make their own luck. Regardless of which side you fall on, there’s no denying you’re feeling luckier than usual. Aren’t ya, chummer? You may take this focus more than once.

Level 1: Increase your maximum total Karma by 1 and increase your maximum System Strain by 2.


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