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Wizard of the Coat

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  1. Here's a . Unkabear's post (just before this one) suggests that none of us already know Lee. Maybe that's by your design. If not, if you think Lee and one or more of the other PCs might have previous knowledge of each other, now would be a good time to work those details out with the other player(s). If you'd prefer to keep Lee an unknown in this prequel, that's fine.
  2. Thanks for the clarification! Lys tends to have a biased/misinformed sense of himself as a smooth talker. I plan on having him always willing to take the lead during negotiations even if he's not that good at it. But ever since I saw Elspeth's Cunning Diplomat feature, I've been eager to see her using her brains/cunning to persuade people (as opposed to using her charisma). I get that Elspeth is a bit uncertain about--adventuring, so I'm gonna back off on Lys as the incompetent smooth talker in order to give Elspeth room to (eventually?) step into her role as the cunning diplomat.
  3. is perhaps the most painful live performances cringe I've ever experienced. The bizarre pauses and painful syncopation outdid any public school performance I experienced as a parent. In a way, it was a blessing. I've always been able to truthfully tell my kids "I've seen worse," no matter how badly the kids on stage bombed. [I wasn't at the 1978 Sci Fi Awards (linked above). I saw Shatner destroy Rocket Man in L.A. a couple of years later at a sci-fi themed outdoor (Dodger Stadium) pageant-like show with live performances and fireworks.]
  4. Copper - Half Hexblood Fixer for the Fourth Chair Init +4 | Perception 18 (Darkvision) | Insight 15 | Investigation 18 | Common, Elven, Sylvan, Thieves Cant AC 14/17 (Mage Armor) | HP 39/39 | HD 6/6 | Inspiration 0/1 | 3 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp Copper thought through his memories of these underground passageways, trying to recall if this side passage could eventually take them to the city above--without first leading back to the massacre they fled or to some dead end. As an one-time urchin of the city, the fixer had traveled the undercity passages since childhood. But he mostly knew the lava tubes and aqueducts from the perspective of the city streets, as shortcuts to get from one part of the city to another. It took a moment, but the fixer managed to reorient his thinking, considering his current position in relation to the massacre he'd left behind, and the various access points up to the city. Like a rat in a maze, his mind raced through various paths until he saw his way up to the Market District--which would be crowded this time of day. An ideal location to lose pursuers. The side passage could get them there more quickly via smaller passageways that would counter the enemy's advantage of superior numbers. "This way," he announced, turning into the side passage. He easily kept ahead of the others, but matched their pace, not willing to leave them behind. Of all within the group, only the owl was faster than the fixer, doubling back and darting into the side tunnel to scout just ahead of him. OOC - Empty STAT BLOCK Male Half-Elf Rogue 6 (Arcane Trickster) Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan, Thieves' Cant Passive Perception 18 (darkvision 60) AC 14 (17 with Mage Armor) Hit Points 39 Speed 30, climb 30 Str 8 Dex 18Point Buy: 15 Half Elf: +2 Elven Accuracy: +1 Con 12 Int 14Point Buy: 13 Half Elf: +1 Wis 14Point Buy: 13 Half Elf: +1 Cha 12 Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +5 Skills Arcana +5, Deception +7*, Insight +5, Investigation +8*, Perception +8*, Persuasion +4, Slight of Hand +10*, Stealth +7 Resistances advantage on saves vs being charmed Immunities magical sleep Other Defenses Uncanny Dodge * Expertise Actions Knifereskinned dagger +7 [1d4+3 (+3d6 w/sneak attack)] piercing | finesse, light, thrown (20/60) Cast a Spell Green Flame Blade, Charm Person Bonus Actions Knifereskinned dagger +7 [1d4 (+3d6 w/sneak attack)] piercing | finesse, light, thrown (20/60) Cunning Action (Dash, Disengage, Hide) Mage Hand Legerdemain stow one object in a container worn or carried by another creature, retrieve an object in a container worn or carried by another creature, use thieves' tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range. Reactions Opportunity Attack (with additional Sneak Attack) Familiar's Actions Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Ready, Search Familiar's Reactions deliver touch spell Tool Proficiencies thieves tools, disguise kit, forger's kit Racial Features Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Skill Versatility Class Features Expertise, Sneak Attack, Spell Casting, Mage Hand Legerdemain, Steady Aim, Uncanny Dodge Feats Elven Accuracy, Magic Initiate (Wizard) Background Feature Urchin (City SecretsYou know the secret patterns and flow to cities and can find passages through the urban sprawl that others would miss. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.) Spell Slots 3 | Spell Save DC: 13 | Spell Attack Mod: +5 | Spells Known: 4 Cantrips Friends* | Green Flame Blade | Mage Hand | Minor Illusion* | Prestidigitation 1st Level Spells Charm Person, Find Familiar*, Disguise, Mage Armor, Silent Image * Magic Initiate feat Mundane Equipment common clothes (5 sp, 3 lb) 4 knivesreskinned daggers (8 gp, 4 lbs) small cross-body bagreskinned pouch [A pouch can hold up to ⅕ cubic foot or 6 pounds of gear.] (5 sp, 1 lb) [thieves tools (25 gp, 1 lb), map of Tremont in map case (1 gp, 1 lb), rations (5 sp, 2 lb), 10 ft of string (.1 gp), a bell (1 gp), candle (.01 gp), chalk (.01 gp), soap (.01 gp), sack (.01 gp, .5 lb), material components for Find Familiar spell x3 (30 gp), coin purse (1 cp) containing 4 gp, 3 sp, and 5 cp] Magic Items Slippers (light shoes) of Spider Climbing (uncommon, requires attunement) Ruby of the War Mage (common, requires attunement by a spellcaster) 2 potions of healing Trinket: a copper piece inscribed with fey rune (enchanted by Copper's mother) worn on a cord as a necklace tucked underneath clothing. Effect: when in darkness, the coin sheds dim light in a 5 foot radius. [Precedent: Gate Warden Trinket table - "A feather that sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius" (Sigil and the Outlands, p. 7)] Other Resources Poor Lifestyle Flophouse Room (6 gp/month), with lock on door (10 gp) chest (5 gp) with lock (10 gp): disguise kit (25 gp), forgery kit (15 gp), steel mirror (5 gp) Trusted friend/roommate (Hodge): 37 gp Poor Lifestyle (sans food) Safe House (6 gp/month)
  5. LYS MOONSAIL AC: 15 | HP: 6/9 | Passive Perception: 13 (20 listening or scent; darkvision 90) | Passive Insight: 11 Languages: common, silvan, aklo Supply: 4/4 | Hit Dice: 1/1 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 | arrows: 19/20 | throwing knives: 2/2 | healer's satchel: 10/10 Lys wanted to reply to the madrai's unnecessarily harsh assessment, but the little guy wasn't wrong. Instead the dreamborn swallowed and drew his short bow. He nodded in response to Sable's question about his condition. Before giving Sable the thumbs up to open the next door, Lys recast his spell of dancing lights. Mechanics Main Hand: Short Bow Off Hand: Empty NOTE: -- Manipulate: -- Free Action: -- Move: -- to DD-40 Bonus Action: -- Action: -- Reaction: --
  6. I'm a bit behind on my pre-semester prep, which is limiting my creativity and motivation for a Ragz-&-NPC scene. If something comes to me, I'll certainly jump on it. But don't wait for me.
  7. Hafa - Nagai Mystic Desert Nomad Init +11 | Perception +8 | Basic, Nagai, Iridian, Jawa Trade Language, Military Sign | Acute SensesYou may reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse. This Talent applies to Use Computer checks made to perceive enemy ships (see Use Sensors). | Soothing VoiceA Nagai may choose to reroll any Persuasion check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse. Fort 17 | Ref 23 | Will 16 | HP 44/44 | DT 17 | CT 0 -1-1 Penalty to all Defenses; -1 Penalty on Attacks, Ability Checks, and Skill Checks -2-2 Penalty to all Defenses; -1 Penalty on Attacks, Ability Checks, and Skill Checks -5-5 Penalty to all Defenses; -1 Penalty on Attacks, Ability Checks, and Skill Checks -10Move at half speed; -10 Penalty to all Defenses; -10 Penalty on Attacks, Ability Checks, and Skill Checks HHelpless (unconscious or disabled) | FP 4/6 | For the first time since joining the trio and their little pacithhip, Hafa found the brown-eyed human's purred words less-than-entertaining. Instead of calling a reply down to her, he looked to Aosa, still shaking dust and sand off his desert cloak. "So how does this work? Does the witch float the climbing harness back up to us?" He'd watched as Ghost, an experienced climber, nearly fell to an unpleasant landing--saved only by the climbing harness. It didn't take much imagination to guess the outcome if an inexperienced climber were to attempt the descent without a harness. OOC
  8. LYS MOONSAIL AC: 15 | HP: 6/9 | Passive Perception: 13 (20 listening or scent; darkvision 90) | Passive Insight: 11 Languages: common, silvan, aklo Supply: 4/4 | Hit Dice: 1/1 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 | arrows: 19/20 | throwing knives: 2/2 | healer's satchel: 10/10 The priestess laid a hand on the wound at his side. Lys felt the healing energy repairing the damage inside his body. Then he watched with relief and some amazement as the puncture in his skin sealed into smooth skin without so much as a scar. "Thanks," he offered at a loss for words. He repeated his earlier cautious stretching and twisting, smiling when he realized the pain was gone. Lys climbed his way out of the pit as easily as walking up a flight of stair, pulling himself up onto the floor before the open double doors. He looked to the final mitflit corpse in hopes of retrieving the arrow he'd shot. He took a step forward to get a better view of the corpse, but stopped himself. That skeleton looked rather foreboding. Instead, he summoned his twilight orbs, placing them within the pit room and the skeleton chamber. Within the dim light of the orb now illuminating the skeleton chamber, Lys could see as if in daylight. He examined the skeleton, and the arrow he'd fired into the final mitflit. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty NOTE: -- Does Level Up 5e have rules in place for determining if fired arrows are destroyed or salvageable? Manipulate: -- Free Action: -- Move: -- to DD-40 Bonus Action: -- Move Dancing Lights to new positions = DD-34, AA-37, DD-38, EE-41 Action: -- Perception Check Reaction: --
  9. Forgot to roll a concentration check (Dancing Lights) for the damage Lys took in this battle. DC 13 Con save.
  10. LYS MOONSAIL AC: 15 | HP: 1/9 | Passive Perception: 13 (20 listening or scent; darkvision 90) | Passive Insight: 11 Languages: common, silvan, aklo Supply: 4/4 | Hit Dice: 1/1 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 | arrows: 19/20 | throwing knives: 1/2 | healer's satchel: 10/10 The dreamborn turned to face the golden-haired woman, struck by her angelic presence. "Yes, please. I could use some help if you've got doctoring skills or healing spells." He was showing the priestess his wounds when Elspeth spoke up. The dreamborn did a double-take, momentarily confused. "What? Elspeth, no. You did great. This was my own fault. I think we're all still leaning how to work together, and ..." Lys lost his train of thought, distracted by Good Boy barking and shouting in some foreign tongue, seemingly taunting the skeleton. "Whoa, what's he doing?" Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty NOTE: -- Manipulate: -- Free Action: -- Move: -- Bonus Action: -- Action: -- Reaction: --
  11. LYS MOONSAIL AC: 15 | HP: 1/9 | Passive Perception: 13 (20 listening or scent; darkvision 90) | Passive Insight: 11 Languages: common, silvan, aklo Supply: 4/4 | Hit Dice: 1/1 | DM Inspiration: 1/1 | arrows: 19/20 | throwing knives: 1/2 | healer's satchel: 10/10 The dreamborn's spirits rose further with the death of the mitflit in the pit, ending the dark magic that had shrouded him in despair. With the battle at an end, he reached for the dart in his side and gingerly drew it out, realizing the wound was not fatal. As far as he could tell, the primitive weapon had been stopped or at least deflected by one of his ribs. Slowly, he inhaled deeply and exhaled. No sign of a punctured lung--though some pain. He slowly twisted his torso one way and then the other. Greater pain, but nothing deep. The pain would limit his range of motion, but the wound did not start gushing blood. He would need to be careful. He would need to stick to ranged combat rather than melee. But the wound on its own would not kill him. Lys let out a long sigh. Then he flashed a somewhat chagrinned smile to Sable, Good Boy, and the others--feeling foolish for having thought his end had come. "I think I'll live." He picked up the short sword and sheathed it. And he secured the short bow. Then he climbed down into the pit, nimble as a mountain goat, his tail out for balance. He pulled his throwing dagger from one of the mitflit corpses, wiping and sheathing it. He gazed to the headless corpse, suddenly curious. He'd never known mitflits who could cast magic curses. He moved the the headless corpse and searched it, looking for some holy symbol or arcane item that might shed light upon the mitflit's power. Mechanics Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty NOTE: -- Lys has a climb speed, so he doesn't need to make climb checks. Manipulate: -- Free Action: -- Move: -- Bonus Action: -- Action: -- Reaction: --
  12. Ragz Drinking cold water within earshot, Ragz stifled a chortle, nearly snorting his drink when the human youngling asked to pet the bugbear. As he watched the unfolding scene with interest, his eyes betrayed an elder's sense of delight in the socially unaware antics of younglings. As expected, the boy took liberties with the bugbear's invitation. Torben endured in patience, even if the womenfolk did not. Ragz reflected upon the dynamic and how it could have easily occurred within his own family back home under the Mountain. The boy took so much delight in petting the bugbear. How strange the pleasure humans took in rubbing the fur of their pets. Chagrinned, became aware of his own hand absentmindedly rubbing and scratching behind Yonto's tufted ears. Perhaps the behavior was not so strange. As was his way, he reflected upon the experience. What had begun as a way to praise or settle a stray black dog had turned into a pattern of mutual benefit between master and pet. Petting Yontu somehow grounded Ragz. Not unlike his morning exercises and meditations. And it settled him. In the same way it settled the mastiff. Perhaps, when next he returned to his clan, Ragz would introduce them to the idea of keeping pets. Although, as with other cultural changes he had introduced, he suspected it would take generations to overcome the cultural resistance.
  13. A great idea. Makes for fun reading. I think I'll steal it for some future character.
  14. I love Sophic's irreverence! Always puts a smile on my face.
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