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Posts posted by zeone3000


    Tetra Terrabreaker

    Tetra Terrabreaker




    Tetra thought for a moment and then rubbed his chin, still deep in thought, "What I am trying to say is, aren't the odds always stacked against the players? They say, 'The house always wins'. I mean, there's a reason why there are so many sayings about it."


    Tetra Terrabreaker

    Tetra Terrabreaker




    Tetra's demeanor was quite surprising, considering the gravity of the situation. He didn't seem to be fazed by it at all. He appeared to be calm and collected. He nonchalantly moved his hands behind his head and flashed a toothy grin. "Sounds like we'll cross that bridge when we get to it," he said, almost carefree, as if he was confident they could handle whatever challenges lay ahead.


    Tetra Terrabreaker

    Tetra Terrabreaker





    Tetra gave a sharp whistle and said, "I see why they call you Steel Nina..." He thumbed to the retreating bikers, "If that's you being taken by surprise, they're in some real poodoo when you get some prep time."


    Tetra Terrabreaker

    Tetra Terrabreaker




    The moment the bikers vanished, Tetra emerged from his hiding spot. He headed towards the others' location, "I can't help but think that there might be a granule of truth in the desert that is his mind."


  5. Bio-Booster Armor Guyver, old school anime. It's close to Kamen Rider, but shares a lot of elements. A high schooler stumbles upon a anicent and powerful artifact that gives him tremendous power. An evil orginization, that is trying to rule the world, is also after it.


    Tetra Terrabreaker

    Tetra Terrabreaker




    Tetra remained calm and composed yet alert and prepared to act swiftly if the need arose. Activating his comm with a determined clench of his jaw, Tetra said, "I'm in position. Keep the line open so I can assess the situation. If I need to get involved, signal me by clicking the comm twice." His words were concise and confident, conveying a sense of readiness and confidence.

  7. Keeping momentum is crucial in PBP, so kudos for coming up with something. Either way, this is a challenge to overcome. If we can do it diplomatically, great. If not, also good. None of us have any problem knocking some thugs around.

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