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  1. Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholar (25Item Bonus +5, Dex +1, Trained +9 Bulwark: The armor covers you so completely that it provides benefits against some damaging effects. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier Plate: The sturdy plate provides no purchase for a cutting edge. You gain resistance to slashing damage equal to 1 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for medium armor, or 2 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for heavy armor.) | HP: 99/99 | Fortitude: +18 | Reflex: +12 | Will: +13 | Perception: +9 Arionne tensed when Nketiah drew close, flinching noticeably when the magic touched her. She blinked, and as she did the shadow began to fade from her vision, replaced with her usual piercing amber eyes. Tears came to her then, and she sat down in the dirt with a heavy groan. "I... that was horrible." It wasn't just that she'd been struck blind, it was that she'd been struck blind and then pounced by one of the things. Her last memory had been of the dark and of pain, sinking into oblivion, before her companion's magic had pulled her from the brink of nothingness. When Matilde came over, Arionne did not have the fake the gratitude in her voice. "Thank you all, for standing tall." While she, dragon blood and all, had fallen. Mechanics
  2. Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholar (25Item Bonus +5, Dex +1, Trained +9 Bulwark: The armor covers you so completely that it provides benefits against some damaging effects. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier Plate: The sturdy plate provides no purchase for a cutting edge. You gain resistance to slashing damage equal to 1 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for medium armor, or 2 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for heavy armor.) | HP: 41/99 | Fortitude: +18 | Reflex: +12 | Will: +13 | Perception: +9 "Are they dead?" Arionne called out, and they could hear the fear and stress in her voice. Her aura didn't drop, as it normally did after a fight. Instead, she stood there, eyes wide and blinking. Looking closer, her companions could see why. Her amber eyes were entirely black. She was blind. Mechanics
  3. Irven Capercaillie and the Book of Grievances AC: 15 | HP: 16/16 | Fortitude: +5 | Reflex: +5 | Will: +6 | Perception: Irven nodded at being called white beard, evidently interpreting the moniker as a show of respect from the Elf. It was going to make things difficult with the book if he kept finding himself agreeing with her, but he was sure she'd find an opportunity to create the grievances he was seeking at some point. "He's calling you long legged, and wants to see the sky" He rapped his knuckles against his own knee. He started to translate Artax'erxes' speech, but gave up when it became clear it was going to be a long one, assisting with bringing the Goblin out as he'd requested. He asked in Goblin as they were shuffling him outside, condensing the words down to their essential essence. "The Blue one thinks you didn't do it, feels a right bastard for gutting you and yours if that be the case." Mechanics
  4. Vir Corath - Kryn Bladesinger AC: 16 (19) | HP: 24/24 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: +9 | Bladesong: 1/2 Their wards still up, Kir wasted no time swimming towards the secret passage. With their magic infusing them, they swam even faster, their lean muscles pulling them rapidly through the water. Mechanics
  5. Sorena Ortho - Traitor to Cheliax AC: (21Frightened 1 Shield Raised Metal Carapace) | HP: 21/56 | Fortitude: +12 | Reflex: +9 | Will: +8 | Perception: +6 | Conditions: Channel ElementsAura Kineticist Primal Requirements Your kinetic gate isn't active. You tap into your kinetic gate to make elements flow around you. Your kinetic aura activates, and as a part of this action, you can use a 1-action Elemental Blast or a 1-action stance impulse. Your kinetic aura is a 10-foot emanation where pieces of your kinetic element (or all your kinetic elements, if you can channel more than one) flow around you. The kinetic aura can't damage anything or affect the environment around you unless another ability allows it to. Channel Elements has the traits of all your kinetic elements. Your kinetic aura automatically deactivates if you're knocked out, you use an impulse with the overflow trait, or you Dismiss the aura. Though you can't use new impulses while your kinetic aura is deactivated, ones you already used remain, and you can still Sustain any that can be sustained. Stance impulses are linked to your kinetic aura and end when the aura deactivates., Metal CarapaceImpulse, Kineticist, Metal, Primal Sheets of bent and rusted metal cover you in an armored shell. The carapace is medium armor but uses your highest armor proficiency. The carapace's statistics are: AC bonus +3, Dex Cap +2, Check Penalty -2, Speed Penalty -5 feet, Strength 14, Bulk 2, Group plate, Armor Traits noisy. An bonuses, runes, and magical abilities of your actual armor are suppressed, but any that could apply to the metal carapace are replicated onto it. When you use this impulse, you can create a rusty steel shield in a free hand, which uses the statistics of a regular steel shield. You can Shield Block with this shield even if you don't have that feat. The hand wielding this shield counts as a dree hand for using impulses. The shield crumbles to flakes of rust if it becomes broken or leaves your grasp. Hardness 5; HP (BT) 20 (10) The impulse lasts for 10 minutes, and you can Dismiss this impulse. If you use this impulse again, any existing one ends. The metal is rusted and fragile. If you take damage from a critical hit, the metal shatters and the impulse ends. Level (+3) The shield's Hardness increases by 1, its HPP by 4, and its BT by 2., Frightened 2You're gripped by fear and struggle to control your nerves. The frightened condition always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to this value to all your checks and DCs. Unless specified otherwise, at the end of each of your turns, the value of your frightened condition decreases by 1., Thermal NimbusFire Impulse Kineticist Primal Stance You direct waves of warmth into or out of your kinetic gate to drastically shift the temperature around you. Choose cold or fire. You and allies in your kinetic aura gain resistance equal to your level to damage of that type. Any creature that starts its turn in your kinetic aura or moves into your aura during its turn takes damage equal to half your level of the chosen type. Elemental resistance from a gate junction is cumulative with resistance from Thermal Nimbus. Striking fangs, shattered forgeiron, searing pain, purifying heat, healing light, her reforged. She started to lose track of how many times she'd been struck, how many times she'd been healed. Her world was a circle, a cycle of pain and relief, blood and life. Over and over she was struck, over and over her wounds were mended, over and over she fought back. She'd already died once, what was there left to fear? Mechanics
  6. Lol. Irven translates. Edit: I should have looked at the monologue before I said that! He summarized.
  7. Mei/Zhi/Rin Mei ran their options through their Gorgon Defense System's Aetherial Guardian v4.7 Tactical Support and Observation Network's software, making sure that they could see the results. They switched to a more conversational style of speaking over the encrypted channels, rather than the clipped, data heavy forms of communication they'd gotten used to using with the Red Queen. They knew T.Z. was an infolife, but their communication style felt more meat-suit than synthetic. TacNet: Team >>> The Red Queen and I are specialists, not primary combatants. A direct confrontation with the security forces rallying within the residential quarter is ill advised. Primary objectives should be better achieved by going through the experimental mining sector, accessing the out of bounds tunnel network, and then proceeding on to R&D. >>> Red Queen's Cult can keep the security forces chasing ghosts here. Even though they were now armed and fully outfitted, they didn't want to go toe to toe with trained security forces.
  8. My AC would have been 21 last round, counting the fact that I was still Frightened 1. So that attack hits, no?
  9. Irven Capercaillie and the Book of Grievances AC: 15 | HP: 16/16 | Fortitude: +5 | Reflex: +5 | Will: +6 | Perception: "The little bugger yields, but he'll stick a blade up your backside if you let him." Irven said in common, though where he got off calling anyone a "little bugger" was anyone's guess considering he didn't even manage to make it a full three feet before he ran out of hairs on the top of his head. He called out in the Goblin tongue, withdrawing his quill and ink pot so that he could resume writing in that book of his. He had a knack for languages, picking them up as easily as he picked up most things he set his mind too. A result of his wanderings, he'd learned a smattering of a half a dozen tongues, and could probably add more if he really put his mind to it. Mechanics
  10. Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholar (25Item Bonus +5, Dex +1, Trained +8 +1 Rallying Bulwark: The armor covers you so completely that it provides benefits against some damaging effects. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier Plate: The sturdy plate provides no purchase for a cutting edge. You gain resistance to slashing damage equal to 1 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for medium armor, or 2 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for heavy armor.) | HP: 41/80 | Fortitude: +14 | Reflex: +11 | Will: +12 | Perception: +8 Arionne woke to a world of pain and darkness, her eyesight still gone. She struggled to her feet, listening as the battle still unfolded around her. She felt more then heard the creature next to her, and with an effort of will brought her Draconic scales back to her. That at least still obeyed her, even if her eyes had betrayed her. She felt foreign magic play over her, a surge of energy that sought to close her wounds. Would it be enough? She didn't know, but she could do all she could to go down fighting. She reformed the chain, lashing out with jagged shards of onyx at the unseen foe. Mechanics
  11. Pay no attention to the Gnome frantically finishing his halfway filled out sheet.
  12. Irven speaks Goblin. Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Fey, Gnomish, Goblin Hey boss, does this mean I know what they are saying?
  13. Chapter I - Act II: Games of Chance Narrative: Action ModeThe first mode, called Action Mode, is the one with the greatest focus on detail. It’s where everyone involved is together (probably sitting around a table with all the Black Cube components out) and the action is being tracked round by round so that every player gets a turn before anyone gets a second turn. This could be a fight, a chase, or a tense moment of negotiation. Most roleplayers are very familiar with this mode. Sooth Deck: Effective level of all Blue magic is raised by 1, or Sorcery cost reduced by 1. Effective level of all Red magic is decreased by 1, or Sorcery cost increased by 1. Divination: "Elusive Sleep indicates one is wracked with worry. . . or should be. It might indicate that the stress that one feels is a real detriment, and that whatever is being attempted is utterly futile. Last, this card turn might suggest that the key to success lies in vigilance." It was a familiar feeling for Felicia. Not the pain, though that was familiar too. No, the sensation of Aldrion being right there... and then just gone. How many times had she felt the same? How many times had the only family she had left simply not been there? She couldn't say, but it felt like an endless cycle. It was silly to think about, and yet as Aldrion vanished she found that was what her thoughts were locked upon. In a way, it was better than the searing agony of the Pain Powder, yet it was just another type of pain. A distracting one at that, and they needed their focus and attention on the matter at hand. They were on a ticking clock, for the agony that even now was causing the Chorus to sing in unholy glory within her veins could expire at any moment. For Aldrion, it already had. Perhaps his nature as an Apostate was simply too chaotic for the Ephemera to take hold of, perhaps the act of teleportation had not taken it with him. Whatever the case, he instantly felt the full effect of the Elusive Nightmare the moment he apparated into the room. Looking about, it appeared to be a high ceilinged drawing room of some sort. In the darkness, his eyes found first the still lit fireplace, then the three crumpled forms lying on the floor. They groaned at his appearance, moving weakly, though in the wane light it looked like their eyes were closed. The one closest to him on his left, between himself and the glowing hearth, looked pale and grey skinned in the firelight. Her satchel lay spilled upon the floor next to her, its clasp opened and its contents spilled out upon the ground. Between the two red sitting chairs was another form, flat on their back with their suit jacket splayed wide about them like some malformed bird. Aldrion's eyes caught the glimmer of coins in the light from the fireplace and the few lit candles in the opulent, a purse lying spilled open next to him. The third shape he couldn't see clearly, obscured by some large round object, perhaps a wide brimmed hat? There wasn't enough light to see, the only illumination on that side of the room... He saw it then. An open archway leading to circular room across from where he had entered. Within, a glowing circle of glyphs, and from that space the waves of weariness that were overwhelming him. For that what it was, a rising tide of languid pressure, as if the gravity itself was increasing. He felt the weight baring down on him, crushing him, trying to bring him to the floor. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that it was coming from that room. Beyond the glowing sigils, he saw it too, the plinth that Hannah had spoken of. Wide a square, upon it was mounted a standing mirror. Shapes danced on its surface, but from where he was standing he couldn't see more than the sensation of movement. Of the Grey Man, he saw nothing yet. Felicia pushed forward, stumbling blindly into the dark of the entryway before her. Leading the other two Vislae, she pressed on and saw light emerging from a doorway to her right. Shuistliel was close behind, with Xanah bringing up the rear. Housekeeping Threads Chase the Grey Man Construct an object of power to trace the Grey Man's miasma Learn more of the Grey Man and of Shadow from the Hendas'a Survey the spot where the Nameless Vance was stricken Learn more of the Nameless-Ones from Non Donus Pool Retrieve five Cordovin Stones from the Ruined Expanses Bleed by the end of the week
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