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  1. The drake above Baldric lashes out at him, trying to snag him with the barb on its tail, but its attempt fails. Round 2 cont'd. Drake 1 Twisting Tail - if hit, Baldric's movement is disrupted Updated Map
  2. The drakes take a moment to inspect the tiger. It looks right, it smells right... but it just... appeared out of nowhere, and that's enough to tip them off that it isn't real. The two resume attacking Syhlas, though one becomes frustrated and flies over to easier prey, hovering just above Baldric. Round 2 cont'd. Drake 1 Seek Bite vs Syhlas Speed Surge - Stride or Fly twice Drake 2 Seek Bite vs Syhlas Grab vs Syhlas and are up. Also, because Syhlas failed his Fort save, he is 1 and takes 1d6 poison damage, and he must roll another Fort save for this round. Map
  3. Nketiah steps forward and calls out to Syhlas, teasing him a bit; "You're supposed to try not to get killed! Let me help." She casts a spell that sends music flowing through the air, much like Baldric's - and her magic weaves together with the other half-elf's, bolstering Syhlas just in time. Round 2 Nketiah Stride cast on Syhlas is up. Map
  4. Liam HP: 18/18 AC: 18 Perception +5 Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +5 Liam nods and does a bit of shadow-fencing; he's obviously eager to get started. "No telling what we'll find in there, but there's only one way to find out. Everyone ready?"
  5. Flavor-wise, I'm imagining a butt-kicking politician, kinda like Mike Haggar or Senator Armstrong. Mechanics-wise ... not sure yet.
  6. Syhlas successfully disables the pillar, but the drakes quickly swoop down and attack him. One stings him with the barb on its tail, while the other takes a bite out of him. Round 1 cont'd. Drake 1 Fly Stinger vs Syhlas - DC 22 Fortitude save if hit Prepare to Aid Drake 2 Fly Bite vs Syhlas (+2 Aid bonus) Bite again and are up. Map
  7. With Renali's magic and Nketiah's knowledge combined, traversing the jungle is much easier than it was before. Traveling directly to the east, you see nothing but trees and underbrush for about 20 miles. But eventually, you come to a clearing, and you see a pillar topped with a green dragon's visage. "Godsdamn, it feels like there's hot ash in my eyes," says Nketiah. "...Well, at least I'm not completely blind. Let's destroy that thing, quickly." Renali frowns. "Most of my magic is spent, so I should probably stay back..." Nketiah nods. "That's alright, friend. Your help is still appreciated." As Nketiah steps closer, the pillar's eyes light up, and beams of sickly green energy shoot out at her. The beams hit her square in the stomach, causing her to double over in pain and nausea. She recovers quickly, though, and even manages to cast a restorative spell that clears her vision. Thanks to that, she notices movement in the trees - "Jungle drakes! Watch out for them. I have a feeling they aren't here to help us." Round 1 Nketiah - dazzled Sound Body - counteracts the dazzled condition Point Out the drakes is up. The dragon pillar can be disabled with Arcana, Athletics, Religion, or Thievery (DC 26) or with 4th-level Dispel Magic, but these are temporary solutions - to permanently negate its threat, the pillar must be destroyed. Map
  8. After an evening of revelry and feasting in your honor, you are encouraged to get some rest for the journey ahead. Before you go to bed, Nketiah explains that the Cinderclaws have built several "dragon pillars", and she believes they are the source of the anti-Ekujae curse. She's still not sure if the curse will affect her... but regardless, she says she will work with Renali guide you through the jungle. Early in the morning, the tribe's leaders wake each of you and present you with a gift - <We'd be bad hosts if we did not help you stay alive,> they say somewhat jokingly. Armor Upgrades While you were sleeping, the Ekujae enhanced your armor (or Explorer's Clothing). Each PC's armor now has a +1 rune, along with a property rune: gets gets gets and get With that, you prepare to set out. "Our scouts who ventured to the east and southeast were affected by the curse," says Nketiah, "so we think that's where the Cinderclaws must be. So, shall we?" (this part is meant to be a , but I can make it more linear if y'all prefer)
  9. Syhlas goes with Nketiah and helps her gather a crowd while the rest of you take some time to explore the city, with the locals offering you various fruits and peppers along the way. Some of the peppers are extraordinarily spicy, but they do no lasting harm. Eventually, you find your way to a large circular platform with a large pot or cauldron at its center. Nketiah stands at the cauldron, and a group of young Ekujae sit around her. "You're just in time," she says with a grin as you arrive, then calls out to the crowd in Elven: <Tonight I tell a special story, the story of the Great Darkness and how our forefathers defeated him.> As she stirs the cauldron with her wooden arm, a cloud of smoke rises up from it and takes the shape of a huge, smoldering dragon. <It was just after Earthfall. That great cataclysm nearly destroyed the world, and the Great Darkness sought to finish the job. It was a time of anguish, a time of nights so dark that even moths refused to fly. But even in that dark time, when the Darkness came calling, we Ekujae bravely stood against him.> As she speaks, the smoke forms into many more shapes - smaller, humanoid ones. They fight the dragon - to no avail - but then, one by one, they seem to transform into motes of light which pierce through the smoky dragon, scattering him to the winds. <Our battle was a losing one at first,> explains Nketiah. <No weapons could pierce the evil wyrm's hide. He was a being of pure chaos and malice... and so, one Ekujae had an idea, to use our very souls against him... and it worked! Our ancestors' self-sacrifice, and the goodness of their souls, repelled the Darkness, trapped him in a space between spaces.> At that, she gives you a look - she must mean the portal network. <But will the Darkness stay in the prison we made for him? We do not know - and so, we must stay vigilant. That is our duty as Ekujae.> <That is our duty,> echoes the crowd, almost in unison. Soon afterward, the crowd begins to disperse, and Nketiah turns to you and smiles. "You've had a long day, hm? You must be tired and hungry. Let's go eat." (this thread will stay open for a while, but is up as well)
  10. Here's hoping an 18 is good enough...
  11. Flick HP: 30/30 AC: 17 Perception +7 Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +7 "We mean no harm," says Flick. "We're just searching for some missing people."
  12. The man sulks when Matilde calls him out. "...I'm sorry, you just remind me of... have you ever heard of the Aspis Consortium? They captured many of us, forced us to work ... even the ones who died, they'd just get reanimated as zombies." Society DC 20 or Legal Lore DC 18 You've heard this story and can confirm that it's true - the site of this atrocity was called Whitebridge Station. The Leopard Clan eventually raided the place, freed the captives, and killed the Aspis Consortium's men. "...anyway, you've made your point, you can keep the key. Just do me a favor..." He reaches into his satchel and pulls out a golden badge. "If you meet anyone out there who's wearing , kill 'em for me." With that, he leaves, allowing Syhlas to catch up with Nketiah and the rest of you to do as you will.
  13. IDK if Jin is there, but here's a Sense Motive roll just in case.
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