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  • Open Game 聽路聽 6 members 聽路聽 Last active

    What on E'n has happened to the Baron Segrado? He was last seen about a week ago, heading out towards his country estate in the hills outside Venza, where he often goes to tend his collection of rare and exotic plants. With no messages arriving since then, his wife the Baroness is becoming concerned that something untoward has happened, and is now taking the unusual step of seeking assistance among the clientele of the Dunn Wright Inn. Discretion will be essential.

  • Open Game 聽路聽 6 members 聽路聽 Last active

    An LPF Adventure with the party looking to recover artifacts from the lost ships belonging to the Kaijitsu Family.

  • Open Game 聽路聽 24 members 聽路聽 Last active

    Welcome to Living Pathfinder (LPF) here at Myth-Weavers! Since our creation in 2010, we are a sandbox community of online play-by-post gamers that mechanically uses the Pathfinder roleplaying system, but create our own homebrew non-Golarion campaign content in the world of E'n. LPF is a community campaign setting where a large number of characters can interact in multiple different adventures, campaigns, and stories. Multiple adventures run simultaneously with their own game master and players. What happens in one adventure can directly affect another adventure, and what happens in all of the adventures affects what is happening in the world.

  • Open Game 聽路聽 5 members 聽路聽 Last active

    The mines of the Coast D鈥橭ro beckon once more. Mael Lo茂c is continuing to explore and develop the mines on the coast and several have reached the point where he has started to send miners in. One such group of miners recently sent a message out that they were trapped and needed assistance. As such, he once more finds himself recruiting adventurers for what he believes should be a simple rescue mission.

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