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  1. Corvath Edmuns nods to the bouncer and steps to the door, pauses, turns, and asks, "Say, you recognize the regulars around here?" Show this
  2. Corvath Edmuns tilts his head to look down the alley. He gives a quick smirk and saunters over. He glances around and behind the objects strewn about. Show this surv/wis+1sneak/dex+1
  3. figure i'd be a nephew of a lesser important House member; most likely either full duskblade or ranger2/Duskblade5 is Oracle class from Pathfinder? [ for kenku attache ]
  4. figured i'd save time - thought i labelled the rolls - he's pretty ineffectual against skeletons
  5. can't seem to post anywhere else Tiefling Duskblade so i guess House Harkonnen or Corrino?? statstatstatstatstatstatstatstat lvl3 hplvl2 hplvl4 hplvl5 hplvl6 hplvl7 hp
  6. which books specifically are you using? might help me decide if i can locate those specifics
  7. my experience online with sandbox is that this doesn't happen, or maybe the hints were too subtle
  8. Tracking things in pbp seems to be harder for me as well - as both player and GM. Files crash, notes get waylaid, forums are accessed from different points - i wonder how common this is.
  9. Corvath Edmuns "Politeness costs money. More'n i have at present. Unless you're lookin for somethin in trade? How many exits this place have? Clients have access to them?"
  10. Corvath Edmuns stands outside and looks for other exits. "Should we cover the exits?"
  11. is that per person or for the group?
  12. Kordannaghlan Penniesaver (gnome f2/th3) AC 09 Hp 16 thac0 19 "Grab that sword and let's get out of here?" He attacks the leg of the giant skeleton that the dogs aren't on. He will back out of the chamber, swinging at any opponent in reach as he does so Show this broadsword thac0 19, 1att/rnd, 2d4/1d6+1, spd5; dagger thac0 19 2att/rnd, d4/d3; shortbow thac0 19, 2a/rnd, d6; backstab x2 gnome, common, giant, goblin, kobold wi/10' passage slope 1-5 d6, wi/10' unsafe walls 1-7 d10, open locks 60%, find traps 45%, move silent 40%, hide in shadows 30%, detect noise 25%, climb walls 70% -4ac vs gnoll, bugbear, ogre, giant, titan lgswdmg lgswdmg rnd1 lgswdmg rnd2 lgswdmg rnd3
  13. Kordannaghlan Penniesaver (gnome f2/th3) AC 09 Hp 16 thac0 19 "Do we know what Morn looks like? Perhaps this ghostly emanation?" Show this broadsword thac0 19, 1att/rnd, 2d4/1d6+1, spd5; dagger thac0 19 2att/rnd, d4/d3; shortbow thac0 19, 2a/rnd, d6; backstab x2 gnome, common, giant, goblin, kobold wi/10' passage slope 1-5 d6, wi/10' unsafe walls 1-7 d10, open locks 60%, find traps 45%, move silent 40%, hide in shadows 30%, detect noise 25%, climb walls 70%
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