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  1. that's why i like quickstarts - enough to get you going, you can see the system in action, and then decide if you want to commit to the full rules
  2. i would love to play that module - not crazy about Basic [ i don't like race as class, or homogenous classes ] and i don't know that other systems listed
  3. Kordannaghlan Penniesaver (gnome f2/th3) AC 09 Hp 16 thac0 19 "I didn't get close enough to find out." He looks down the other hall to see what Jack is up to. Show this broadsword thac0 19, 1att/rnd, 2d4/1d6+1, spd5; dagger thac0 19 2att/rnd, d4/d3; shortbow thac0 19, 2a/rnd, d6; backstab x2 gnome, common, giant, goblin, kobold wi/10' passage slope 1-5 d6, wi/10' unsafe walls 1-7 d10, open locks 60%, find traps 45%, move silent 40%, hide in shadows 30%, detect noise 25%, climb walls 70%
  4. sandbox is hard to do on a forum - too slow, fast rate of growing boredom, too much prep for too little reward adventure path - too long for forum, too much attrition throughout == the last 'campaign' i started to prep was tbis - i went through my scenarios and picked the ones i liked - noted their locations/features, then created a 'borderlands area' of a generic world i plopped in villages and sites from many varied sources that fit with the scenarios - and populated the region i designated the largest town/city as the closest point to 'civilization' and decided that all the PCs would come from somewhere in or near it they would also have a list of the other communities in the borderlands in order to tie their characters in to the area i have a 5" binder with location and modules printouts that needs to be updated/ completed this way, the PCs have a grounding, don't have to learn a whole game worlds history, and have freedom to explore/ reach out that was the plan - need to get back to it at some point
  5. Kordannaghlan Penniesaver (gnome f2/th3) AC 09 Hp 16 thac0 19 "We have a tomb here, open, and what appears to be a resting spirit, shimmering in blue light." Show this broadsword thac0 19, 1att/rnd, 2d4/1d6+1, spd5; dagger thac0 19 2att/rnd, d4/d3; shortbow thac0 19, 2a/rnd, d6; backstab x2 gnome, common, giant, goblin, kobold wi/10' passage slope 1-5 d6, wi/10' unsafe walls 1-7 d10, open locks 60%, find traps 45%, move silent 40%, hide in shadows 30%, detect noise 25%, climb walls 70% traps1d100 80 80traps1d100 80 80traps1d100 80 80traps1d100 80 80traps1d100 80 80traps1d100 80 80
  6. undecided - i have SW, but been a few years since i read it; also have some supers stuff, but haven't read that
  7. Kordannaghlan Penniesaver (gnome f2/th3) AC 09 Hp 16 thac0 19 The gnome nods, briefly glances north, and then cautiously heads south, scanning for possible traps and missteps. If he detects nothing he continues on to the corner. He stops before the corner, kneels down and peaks around the corner. Show this broadsword thac0 19, 1att/rnd, 2d4/1d6+1, spd5; dagger thac0 19 2att/rnd, d4/d3; shortbow thac0 19, 2a/rnd, d6; backstab x2 gnome, common, giant, goblin, kobold wi/10' passage slope 1-5 d6, wi/10' unsafe walls 1-7 d10, open locks 60%, find traps 45%, move silent 40%, hide in shadows 30%, detect noise 25%, climb walls 70% trapstrapstrapstrapstrapstraps
  8. Corvath Edmuns looks at the assembled crew. "Off to the scene of the crime, then?"
  9. i don't have a problem with rewarding a player for posting more / acting more / participating more - or in this case, figuring out the puzzle more he's playing his character well
  10. Kordannaghlan Penniesaver (gnome f2/th3) AC 09 Hp 16 thac0 19 "Well, we need information. He has a large library - information. I thought maybe his clues were asking us to ask for information, but i'm not versed in the mystical arts. It was just a thought. You know the subject better then i." Show this broadsword thac0 19, 1att/rnd, 2d4/1d6+1, spd5; dagger thac0 19 2att/rnd, d4/d3; shortbow thac0 19, 2a/rnd, d6 gnome, common, giant, goblin, kobold wi/10' unsafe walls 1-7d10 9 9traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33
  11. Kordannaghlan Penniesaver (gnome f2/th3) AC 09 Hp 16 thac0 19 "Wait. Maybe information is most important?" Show this broadsword thac0 19, 1att/rnd, 2d4/1d6+1, spd5; dagger thac0 19 2att/rnd, d4/d3; shortbow thac0 19, 2a/rnd, d6 gnome, common, giant, goblin, kobold wi/10' unsafe walls 1-7d10 9 9traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33
  12. when we figured out it was schools, i guessed that's how it works - but my CHARACTER probably wouldn't, being a sneaky-sneak, not a caster
  13. Kordannaghlan Penniesaver (gnome f2/th3) AC 09 Hp 16 thac0 19 "Do the schools of magic have opposites? Is it perhaps that simple - place them at opposite ends? Maybe his favorite is the main indentation?" Show this broadsword thac0 19, 1att/rnd, 2d4/1d6+1, spd5; dagger thac0 19 2att/rnd, d4/d3; shortbow thac0 19, 2a/rnd, d6 gnome, common, giant, goblin, kobold wi/10' unsafe walls 1-7d10 9 9traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33traps 451d100 33 33
  14. have that - looked interesting, haven't read it yet
  15. i think that was Jack, Kordannaghlan didn't go near any of the urns
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