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  1. I haven't heard anything directly, but Rob has been posting every other day or so on the game.
  2. Shaa arrives at the inner door and is looking through the window into the air lock as Baby is opening the outer door. As Baby is opening the door, she is asking in English, "Do you understand the language I am speaking in?"
  3. The race is Leviathan, patterned after the Leviathan Race on the Farscape series. The Leviathan race jump-space travel is based on the Traveller game mechanics system. I also have some ships in this game use a Warp FTL system like in Star Trek system. The 2 systems, when in FTL, can not interact with each other. If you watch a ship beginning 'Jump' travel, you can not tell which direction it is going and you can not track it. That ship can not change direction till the 'Jump' to the destination is complete. If you watch a ship begin 'Warp' travel, you can tell which direction it is going and you can even track it with the right sensors. The ship can change direction or exit 'Warp' at any time during the 'Warp' travel.
  4. Baby interrupts Katt's conversation with the two Elves. "Excuse me captain, but there is a being approaching. It is about half your height and does not appear to be of the elfish race. Also, the suit and weapon(s) do not look similar to anything I have seen the elves wearing." Baby shows, on a monitor, a view of the area near the airlock. Audio is also provided. *See post above. The elves speak up, saying, "That 'person' has been visiting our city for a while now. She says she is a sage and wishes to learn about our people. Our priests have indicated that as far as they can tell, she has been truthful in her dealing with us." Baby patiently awaits instruction from Katt.
  5. Most of your race knows about these living ships, but do not usually use them as; 1. The ships do not normally grow weapons. 2. They tend to get scared easily and may perform an FTL jump(1 to 5 parsecs) in a random direction to get to safety. (Once they enter the FTL jump, they can't exit early or change direction till the 6-day jump has ended.) {They can make shorter jumps when doing a 'planned jump' of shorter duration/distance.} 3. After making a 'scared-jump', they need at least a few hours to recharge before making another jump. (Planned jumps don't require as much recharge time after the jump.) 4. They can not end a jump early, no matter what duration/distance they planned.
  6. It is looking like it. But I'll check and see what I can find out.
  7. That was what I was thinking, but didn't want to speak out of turn in case it was different in this universe.
  8. Jayne's thoughts get caught up in the subject of 'shields'. "Has anyone 'looked' at what we've got for shields, if we've got any at all, on this bucket?"
  9. Baby replies to Katt's question about the humanoid approaching the ship. "It appears to be about half the height of the Elf adults. Perhaps a child? But the suit and armor does not look like what I have seen the Elves wearing. And there is a faint electronic signature emanate emanating from it." Show OOC 8w_gremlin, assuming your character is approaching the ship, start in now with description and what it is attempting to do.
  10. 8w_gremlin, if you want to continue along the line of the post/plot you started with, back up a few minutes to Oolanni approaching the ship. I can describe what Oolanni sees and Baby(the ship) can report that a person is approaching. And we can take the story from there.
  11. @8w_gremlin, In case you didn't see it, there is a post for you(Oolanni) on the Discovery of Elves, Thur., 3:05 PM.
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