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Everything posted by Maester1216

  1. Opinions of the Group Fleur LeBlanc: James places great value on Fleur's technical aptitudes, recognizing that she'll be integral to the restoration and maintenance of things essential to the group's survival - weapons, vehicles, generators, and everything in between. Moreover ingenuity like Fleur's could be the difference between life and undeath in the wilds, so her counsel is quite valued. Even still, James struggles to trust her completely; pragmatism's keeping her with the group, but what if another opportunity comes knocking? For now best to keep her close by for everyone sake, but this will be something to think on in the future. Deano Alexander: James can't help but be cautious of Deano, though he keeps these feelings to himself for the most part given Deano's valuable skill set. James hasn't had the best experiences with soldiers over the years; his dad was a bundle of nerves with a hair-trigger temper who lost the better part of himself in the jungles of Vietnam, and the Army forces that occupied Denver ended up doing infinitely more harm than good. Deano wasn't part of that sure, but how far has the apple actual fallen from the tree here? God knows what could happen if someone like that took charge. James'll hope for the best that he's proven wrong, but also expect the worst and do what's necessary for the good of the Group. Hyori Lee: Doctor Lee has more or less earned James' confidence and trust, thanks to her medical knowledge but also her humanity which has remained undimmed by the horrors that have assailed the group. He believes that she can keep the group honest, keep them from becoming little better than bandits or psychopaths exploiting the chaos for their own benefits. In a world like this, humanity such as Hyori commands is an exceedingly valuable (and increasingly rare) commodity. Given that, and her skills as a doctor, James holds her counsel in high regard and endeavours to keep her well-stocked. Sheperd Sierra: Sheperd is something of an odd-ball that James hasn't fully wrapped his head around. His philosophy still requires some dissecting, and even it's still iffy whether or not this is just a damaged man who just so happens to be in his element right now. Conflict between the two over the direction the group should go seems like a real possibility, but nevertheless steps can be taken to delay such a confrontation. Whatever the case may be James is cordial as ever with Sheperd, recognizing his value to the Group as a survivalist and scout. Emily Riley (Anchor): James has a soft-spot for Emily, recognizing that she's clearly had a rough life and empathizing with her. In a lot of ways he sees a great deal of himself in this young woman - perhaps even a different life if he'd let himself be beaten down by the world around him. If there's a chance he can help Emily with the new trajectory of her life he'll do everything in his power to help, offering mentorship and insight amongst other resources. Beyond all that he values her abilities as a runner, trusting her behind the wheel of his car at times.
  2. Arman Khosla Description An Odian man in his mid-twenties, Arman is in the kind of shape that comes with service in the National Guard. His black hair has grown increasingly unkempt over the last few weeks even as he's grown a thick beard, and his eyes bear a a certain unease about them. He's managed to scrounge together some casual clothes since leaving Denver, but generally he still prefers to wear his National Guard uniform. His GI Glasses are burgundy in colouration with thick frames and a narrow bridge. Personality Arman is the quintessential soldier, excelling in situations where there are clear objectives and procedures. He is most comfortable within established structures and hierarchy where everyone knows their role and does it, however he does not adhere to orders blindly; he simply prefers to apply his own methods to other's goals. To that end Arman has no compunctions about using whatever means necessary to do what needs to be done, so long as the orders to do so came from the right place. Conservative rather than reactionary, Arman prefers to weigh his options first before settling on a decision. History The only child of a pair of expatriates from the Indian state of Jharkhand, Arman grew up in the town of Castle Rock some 40 minutes due south of Denver. Initially wanting to enlist in the Marine Corps, his parents (anxious at their only child following such a high-risk profession) managed to persuade him to at least finish college before enlisting. After completing an undergraduate at Leeds School of Business the call to service had no abated, but the life of a soldier had lost some measure of lustre in his eyes. He settled on a compromise choice and enlisted with Colorado's Army National Guard, his skills and aptitudes seeing him attached to the Guard's Military Police Company based in Denver. He regularly served 150 days out of the year with the Guard, with the other 215 spent working sales for some virtual marketing firm. When the Outbreak began Arman and his squad were part of the National Guard detachment serving at Safe Zone Hotel in Sloane's Lake Park. It was here that he made the acquaintance of James Havel, the civilian liaison to military leadership in the Safe Zone. The two worked well together in administering to the needs of those living at Sloane's Lake, but as the situation became worse and worse James convinced Arman that staying would be a death sentence and that they should leave. Torn by his sense of duty and disgust with the state of affairs in the Safe Zone, Arman ended up deserting and leaving Denver with James. Seeing the destruction caused by Operation: COBALT and the Sunset Protocol, Arman acknowledged that James was right to leave, and over the last few weeks has come to place more and more trust in him as a leader while the two moved northward into the mountains. Role in the Group Arman's marksmanship and keen eyes make him invaluable as a scout and sentry. Whether hunting for supplies or on the lookout for Walkers or bandits, he brings much needed military discipline to an increasingly chaotic world.
  3. Characteristic Bonuses: Str +10, Tgh +8, Ag +3, Int +4, Per +3, Will +4, Fel +5 Wounds: 22/22 Movement: 4/8/12/24 Armour: Body - 10 (Front)/6 (Back), Arms - 7 (Front)/6 (Back), Other Locations - 9 (Front)/6 (Back) Pain Suppressant Doses: 8/8 Current Ammunition: N/A Fate Points: 2/3 Rubbing the back of his head, Vorticar ponders for a moment before at least giving Degei his question. "Hmmm... best be prosaic then. If I am to ask any question Degei it will be this - where shall we find the greatest glory upon the field of battle this day?" OOC
  4. With the ship landed and secured, now was the time to begin preparing for another day of chasing credits for EJ... OOC So sorry for the quiet there folks! I genuinely thought I'd added this with the initial post last week, so here's a quick updated post. I really gotta stop doing posts at the crack of dawn. But yeah, now that you've landed you're free to walk or drive into Hivemarket. Consulting the Infosphere gets you a map of Hivemarket, the location of Ka Imports, and the quickest route to their office. You can also hire a taxi - 1 credit will cover a round-trip journey for the crew. I say this because loading up the rig's gonna take a few hours like it did on Castrovel, so it may be more time efficient to call or meet them first. To reiterate, you're about 2 miles out from Hivemarket. You can also call Ka Imports on ship or personal comms to touch base on the contract.
  5. Br贸in was happy to hear of Bofri's continuing progress on the Old Forest Road, ever hopeful as he was for the day that trade could finally commence along that route. Still, such a day was many years down the line; for the time being at least, Br贸in would still have to work for his coin... As Segrid details the situation in the north of Wilderland, Br贸in can all too clearly see the opportunity that lay before him. Having the ground-floor on a new hold such as this could prove a lucrative business venture to tied him over for the next little while... but more than that, a part of of him felt that this is something that Dody, Agatha and their kin would want. Breaking new ground on the ruins of the Easterly Inn was the very least he could do to honour the memory of his old friends. It was with such thoughts that Br贸in joined with his companions and began the journey northward, Vara gliding through the air ahead of the party and intermittently gliding low to quip and jape with the others. Reaching Beorn's Hall, Br贸in took this opportunity to begin making preparations for the work ahead... OOC Current Momentum: +2 Vara's Health: 2/2
  6. Characteristic Bonuses: Str +10, Tgh +8, Ag +3, Int +4, Per +3, Will +4, Fel +5 Wounds: 22/22 Movement: 4/8/12/24 Armour: Body - 10 (Front)/6 (Back), Arms - 7 (Front)/6 (Back), Other Locations - 9 (Front)/6 (Back) Pain Suppressant Doses: 8/8 Current Ammunition: N/A Fate Points: 2/3 With weapons of war chosen Vorticar re-joined the others in the final preparations before their drop. Matters of command still needed to be settled - whether by banter or blade - and the taking of an oath that would guide them through the trial ahead. As Vorticar tested his axe with a few impassive swings, he takes the measure of his kinsmen to see who if any would challenge him should he move to assume command. Degei's request elicits a chortle of laughter. "I would sooner make my own destiny Bajan, facing whatever the universe sets before me with a bared blade and blood boiling. Then again, I would rather not meander about in search of great foes to fell; anything that narrows our focus can only help us in that regard. Tell me what must be done." OOC
  7. Vorticar Seraddon 1 Astartes Power Axe: 20 Req 1 Volkite Serpenta: 10 Req 1 Volkite Charger: 15 Req 1 Back Banner: 15 Req 4 Kraken Rounds: 20 Req
  8. I鈥檇 be happy to put Vorticar forward as a candidate for squad leadership. If we do decide on him, how does Oath of Glory sound to people?
  9. - While James would never wish poverty and scarcity on anyone, he does take a certain amount of pride in coming from nothing to a position in Denver's city government. Before the Outbreak he had never really given much thought to his legacy - more concerned as he was with city politics and the like - but since the Outbreak thoughts of just what he'll end up leaving behind for people is coming more and more into focus. In that his sense of 'Justice' is rather classically Platonic; in other words, a just person is someone who contributes to society according to their unique abilities and receives what is proportionate to their contribution, irrespective of things like race, creed, gender, or politics. They are in the right place, always striving to do their best, and reciprocating what they receive in a fair and equitable manner. - Life amongst the lower classes taught James that the harder things are, the more people need each other to get by... and the more likely it seems they are to disagree. James knows how to get people together, to settle disputes, to find compromises, and to generally grease the rusty wheels of conflicting agendas so they turn in unison once more. Couple that with a knack for making good first impressions, and the network followed suite. This opened a lot of doors for James that helped him get his initial position with the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, and also helped him facilitate a lot of the duties required of his position (a little quid pro quo helped there to, especially with regards to deeds and property foreclosure). - He never married, or even seriously considered a relationship at this juncture - a few flings here and there, but James is very career-focused and confident in his people skills. He was only ever a member of staff before the Outbreak, wanting to bide his time and make sure he was ready for the position before putting his name forward. Truthfully though, James simply wanted to bide his time and make sure he was ready before putting his name forward for Clerk and Recorder. That's why becoming Mayor was so far down the line in his life's plan; he wanted to familiarize himself as best he could with Denver's government before making a go at becoming the Mayor, a plan that would've seen him through to at least the mid 2010's. - Thanks to his connections James was one of the first people admitted into Safe Zone Hotel after it opened. Quick to offer his aid to military officials he began liaising between civilians and military leadership in the Safe Zone, a job that only got harder and harder as the Army and National Guard started coming to blows. Even still James couldn't deny sharing many sentiments with the National Guard troops, finding the Army command at Hotel more interested in ending the crisis rather than saving lives. The Sunset Protocol all but confirmed that, and James holds Major General Hayes personally responsible for the deaths of so many civilians. It may come to pass that Lieutenant Colonel Ramirez can count on James, should they cross paths... - I'd say James is very much "I will lead them." He's willing to stand up, take responsibility and make decisions, get things done and live with the outcomes. He's devoted to those under his protection and to his own principles - and convinced of his ability to persuade others towards those principles - but he confuses this vision with absolute truth sometimes, which can lead him to offer it where it's not welcome or to try and eliminate other visions he sees as false or competition. He wants to lead and do right by fellow survivors, but is often too my-way-or-the-highway about it.
  10. Personality WIP History - James was born April 22nd, 1976 at the Porter Memorial Hospital in Denver. The middle of three children born to Dominic Havel - a former G.I - and Veora Havel-Lawson, James' family lived in Denver's North Capitol Hill neighbourhood. His early years weren't the easiest; Dominic's service in Vietnam had left more than just physical scars that made holding down work difficult for him, and a lack of education all but earmarked him for a life of low-paying, menial labour. The family got good at making do and stretching out resources in between paychecks and friends of Dom and Veora helped out whenever they could, but silent resentment swelled up inside James as he grew. Sure they weren't on the streets, but was scrapping by like this any better? And what kind of life would this leave him or his siblings? When it became clear his parents couldn't give him the answers he wanted to these questions, James decided to find them himself. - Singularly focused on bettering his lot in life, James threw himself into his studies and student life - he was involved in student government throughout junior high and high school as well as serving on the debate team at Cedar High School, even while holding down a part-time job to pay for school and support his family. All this hard work paid off with a series of generous scholarships that allowed James to attend the Metropolitan State College of Denver; he finished his schooling in 2003 with a focus in Communications and Business Administration, which he quickly parlayed into a position at the office of the Clerk and Recorder. For seven years he worked in Denver's city government, making connections and building his influence; he could've been the city's Auditor, hell even Mayor given enough time. - The Outbreak changed all that. Law and order are non-existent in Denver, just scattered bands of survivors with hordes of undead separating them. It falls to James to bring much needed order and stability to his little neck of the woods. In that, maybe he can finally be the man he knew he was destined to be...
  11. Starting at a higher Renown does seem appropo, but I'm fine with any decision on that front.
  12. Characteristic Bonuses: Str +10, Tgh +8, Ag +3, Int +4, Per +3, Will +4, Fel +5 Wounds: 22/22 Movement: 4/8/12/24 Armour: Body - 10 (Front)/6 (Back), Arms - 7 (Front)/6 (Back), Other Locations - 9 (Front)/6 (Back) Pain Suppressant Doses: 8/8 Current Ammunition: N/A Fate Points: 2/3 Excusing himself from the presence of his Primarch by forming the Aquila with his hands in salute, Vorticar has one of the junior deck officers guide him to the commander center for the Somnium. When planning an assault such as this it was his style to approach the battlefield holistically - only by examining the full scope of the conflict at hand could one hope to best maximize a given asset's potential to the fullest. In the case of the Astartes that might finding a location to maximize the yields on their shock tactics (while still keeping the objective within arm's length). Unfortunately, it seems that Vorticar's hunger for glory occluded his judgement in his proposed deployment. Wiser heads will hopefully prevail and a sounder orbital drop strategy will be implemented, but Seraddon takes at least having his voice heard as a small victory. A fool may become great after all, but the unknown are unknown for a reason. His piece said, Vorticar withdraws and begins making his way down to the Armoury to begin preparations... OOC Okay, gonna take a crack at that Tactics roll. Difficulty's +0 so the TN's at 49. You know what? I'm gonna spend a Fate Point for a Re-Roll there. ....worth a shot.
  13. Requisitions Mission 1 Requisition Points: 80 Astartes Power Axe: 20 Volkite Serpenta: 10 Volkite Charger: 15 Back Banner: 15 Kraken Rounds x4: 20
  14. , For reference I was giving the Errata a look over, and it seems they dropped the Melta Bomb's Requisition from 25 to 12. So that should free you up for an extra 13 points. Or wait, the Requisition is different between the Corebook and Rites of Battle... are they technically different weapons? , Remind me, can a Kill-Team try and persuade their higher-ups for more Requisition on a mission? I know you can do that in Only War, but all I found relating to that in Deathwatch is this line on page 138: "A straight forward Mission may have a Requisition rating of 50, while the protracted defence of a planet may warrant a rating of 200 or more. If a Kill-team disagrees with the assessment of a Mission鈥檚 difficulty, their Leader can try to convince the Mission authority, but frequent quibbling is not viewed favourably." Also what would be the difficulty of a Tactics (Orbital Drop Procedures) roll ahead of the Mission?
  15. A regular Bolter can be used to make a Full-Auto Attack, and by extension Suppressive Fire.
  16. To clarify, Requisition isn鈥檛 necessarily collective. We can certainly pool our individual Requisitions for larger purchases, but in practice here we each get 80 points of Requisition to spend on our kits. I鈥檒l get Vorticar鈥檚 shopping list up in his thread.
  17. AC: 16 | Hit Points: 75/75 | Passive Perception: 19 | Passive Insight: 16 | Init: +4 Descriptive Text "Valagar Thinking" "Valagar Speaking"
  18. Characteristic Bonuses: Str +10, Tgh +8, Ag +3, Int +4, Per +3, Will +4, Fel +5 Wounds: 22/22 Movement: 4/8/12/24 Armour: Body - 10 (Front)/6 (Back), Arms - 7 (Front)/6 (Back), Other Locations - 9 (Front)/6 (Back) Pain Suppressant Doses: 8/8 Current Ammunition: N/A Fate Points: 3/3 As the Lupercal expands on the mission's finer details, mention of insertion via drop pod peaks Vorticar's interest. "If I may my lord, have the details of our orbital drop been finalized? Strike procedures such as these are something of a specialty of mine, and I would be remiss not to offer my insight where it may be best utilized." With that stood at attention before his gene-father, awaiting dismissal to begin the preparations for the work ahead. OOC Figure I could put that Tactics skill to good use here.
  19. With the direction clear, the crew guides BD514 down to Akiton's surface. No traffic control or other bureaucratic apparatus seeks confirmation of their identities as they enter the planet's atmosphere - in fact no word comes up from the planet's surface at all. Unsurprising really; Akiton has no central government and is functionally lawless, and the oligarchs in charge of the few city-states would rather fight over resources than build any meaningful infrastructure. Hivemarket is only a marginal step-up in that regard. Despite a mostly transient population, its status as Akiton's mercantile centre makes it ideal for traders to pick up and drop-off cargo, which in turn has drawn various corporations and merchant interests to the community. Between them they settle disputes, maintain order, and provide some basic services rarely seen on Akiton... even as they plot and scheme against each other while rubbing shoulders with the organized crime endemic to the planet. As the ship inches closer to the massive sandstone walls that mark off Hivemarket proper, the sea of sand beneath them becomes increasingly littered with visiting starships. Beyond the walls, market stalls of every imaginable colour, with all manner of strange symbols, crowd each other along haphazard pedestrian paths and a few narrow roads. Amid all the colourful chaos stand dozens of permanent buildings, most made of the same sandstone as the settlement's walls. Based on the jumble of vehicles outside, it's fair to say that Hivemarket has no official landing facilities; the crew simply needs to claim a piece of desert outside the walls. In short order BD514 has snuggly planted itself about two miles out from the market itself. Culture Results So here's the breakdown of what y'all have learned about Akiton: - Akiton is a desert world with a thin atmosphere and low gravity. Its economy was based on thasteron, a fuel used in sub-light travel; when the Drift was discovered, Akiton's economy crashed. - Akiton is home to red-skinned Humans known as Hykli, Ysokis, four-armed Shobhads, lizard-like Ikeshtis, and many other species. You have knowledge equivalent to that found on page 442-443 of the Starfinder Corebook. - Hivemarket is located at the base of Ka, the Pillar of the Sky, but it also extends through subterranean lava tubes into the mountain itself. When dust storms strike or raiders attack the city, the market's merchants take cover in these tunnels. OOC
  20. Character Sheet Archetype: Politician PC Anchor: Emily "Emms" RileyOdd Friendship. Drive: I Will Lead Them NPC Anchor: Arman KhoslaMy Bodyguard Issues: I Never Apologize Strength Agility Wits Empathy 2 2 4 5 Close Combat 1 Mobility 2 Scout 0 Medicine 0 Endure 0 Ranged Combat 0 Survival 0 Manipulation 2 Force 0 Stealth 2 Tech 2 Leadership 3 TALENTS HEALTH 3. Unharmed 2. Bruised [ ] RecruiterYou can use Leadership instead of Manipulation when you speak for your cause. 1. Battered [ ] 0. Broken [ ] Critical Injuries Stress Experience Encumbrance Weapons Bonus Damage Rounds Range Knife x3 +2 1 - - Armour Protection Penalty James Havel James stands around 5'6" and weighs in at 154 lbs. His build tends towards the lissom, but the rigours of survival have made his muscles increasingly wiry. His black hair is cropped exceedingly close to his scalp, and he seems to have a permanent shadow of a goatee. His dark brown eyes have a cast to them that is by turns thoughtful and calculating. GEAR Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Bonus Knife x2 Knife - 1/2 Stored Items Location TINY ITEMS Hand-Crank Radio Vehicle Maneuverability Damage Hull Armour Bullet-Proof Car +2 2 4 6
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