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Everything posted by TiffanyKorta

  1. Scene 5: On the Road After three weeks on the road you arrive at the town of Klausenburg, the journey has been quiet with few towns and villages along the route. Crossing the border you quickly notice a difference among the peasants, treating you as fearful lords to be avoided as unlike the nobles you meet they seem aware of your Kindred nature. Compared to others Klausenburg seems a minor problem, those servants you sent ahead to arrange lodgings had been told by the local tavern that they have no rooms, or stabling to handle your travelling group. Whilst your servants are tired you could probably easily travel for a few hours to the next village.
  2. Quick correction Arthur Emerson is the guy you've been dealing with N'Kwane is the mysterious name on the card.
  3. Sorry wasn't as good as I figured. Squished things together a little so we're not waiting on me again for a week or so, feel free to add in details as needed the guy is on the level and his intel is good. We'll see how we go, but I might have to think about streamline some of the less important events to try and pick up some momentum.
  4. My apologies the last few weeks have been a little busier than I expected, I'll push on and get things back up and rolling in a day or so.
  5. My apologies last week wiped me out more than I'd expected, word to the wise don't have a week off just before the clocks change! Give me a day of so and I'll get some up, again sorry for this!
  6. 1. Not dangerous just chilly, like a frosty morning. 2. Heating units and mission jackets as desired. 3. About 10 minutes walk from the cryo chamber. 4. You can also have the doc cook up an injection with a roll if desired.
  7. Nine times out of ten you'll probably look the same as priority anyways, still you have nothing to lose by checking!
  8. We can assume both are uniform options, so whichever works for the character and mission.
  9. GM's call and all, but here's the template from Howling (p 39). ALLIGATOR MENTOR SPIRIT A follower of the Gator mentor spirit feels at home in cities as well as swamps and rivers. Gator shamans are ill-tempered and lazy, expecting a larger share for the work he does—assuming you can get him to agree to do it. He is also a miser when it comes to having to pay for anything including meals and he’s a real big eater. The virtuous aspects of the gator magician is that he’s a strong fighter and will finish what he agrees to do. They may seem to be motionless, but once roused to action they are ferocious and nearly unstoppable. ADVANTAGES All: +2 to Intimidation skill tests Magician: +2 to Conjuring skill tests for spirits of water or man (choose one) Adept: Receives Inertia Strike power for free Disadvantages: A follower of the alligator is stubborn in changing plan or action after he has committed to it. When the rest of the team goes to plan B, the magician must succeed in a Charisma + Willpower (3) Test to make the mental adjustment. Otherwise, they continue trying to execute plan A.
  10. "Where are you all going to? To burn the corps they don't belong!"
  11. Jessie Mae Whilst Jessie seemed to be relaxing in the Caboose in fact she was focused on the senses of Karl, her Raven familiar who was sitting watching the engine in case anything went wrong. Not that could mention how she was doing it, she reckoned good god-fearing folk might not be too pleased to find a witch on their train, especially with what she'd heard about the Wichita Witches. Still, everyone was nervous sensing something was wrong, something that you learned a witch was never to ignore the signs. "By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes!" she mumbled dramatically loud enough for those nearby to hear. A little drama didn't go a miss either, helping to sell the image and prevent trouble further down the line!
  12. AP Pool: 0/6 Defense: 1 HP: 11/11 Initiative: 13 Luck: 6/6 Conditions: None Medicine had never been her strong suit, but she was sure that one of the others (as it appeared already) would be able to help. So she focused on what she could do, quickly making her way over to the computer still working away. Hopefully, it would help give them some idea of just what happened here, and just how much trouble they were now about to find themselves!
  13. I apologize I've really let this slide due to some RL issues during the tail end of last year. Are people interested in picking this backup, either to just see the story out or maybe a reboot or refresh of the ship and crew?
  14. My apologies was ill over the weekend, I am working on a post as we speak!
  15. Scene 4: The Patron's Request “I am willing to advance you certain sums of money to cover the cost of hiring guards and skilled workmen, but your sires assure me that you have enough resourcefulness to complete the work yourselves. The previous owners of the nearby domains are absent so you will be able to get control of the Kine villages. And since you will be taking charge of the lands and nearby villages, you may tax the peasantry and use their labour in your building as well. Luckily, the foundation is already there, as an old wooden tower once stood on the spot." "You should be able to utilize the stone foundation and build upward from there. I shall expect you to have the first floor, at least, completed by winter. Complete this and those domains are yours to do with as you wish!”
  16. Here's the space for general discussion of things outside of the game.
  17. Jessie Mae Whilst Jessie hadn't said anything, not out of rudeness (mostly) but just tired after a long day riding the rails, so she was feeling a little better after a good night's sleep in a real bed for once. Though she had this vague feeling of kind of dream, not the kind that made you go to ground, or stock up on tinned food and bullets, but a push to follow this expedition and find out what was going on, cause it could have just been the previous night's food with to much cheese! "Jessie Mae! Hopefully, I can be of some help on your little expedition!" As she spoke a Raven swooped down and landed on her shoulder, looking around at everyone with intelligent-looking eyes.
  18. AP Pool: 0/6 Defense: 1 HP: 11/11 Initiative: 13 Luck: 6/6 Conditions: None Being a little behind the others, taking in everything she could, she had some warning from the sound of the others struggling with the blockade. So girding herself she kept low and fast as she caught up with the others, thankfully avoiding all the trouble ahead of them "Is there another way around this? Or will we need to force our way through everything?" OOC: Borrow a point for the roll, thankfully it seems!
  19. My apologies. Apart from the long scarves they're wearing, and the throwing knives, the cultist aren't carrying any other cultist symbols, including any tattoos or carvings into the flesh. The cult and the ship come down to time, you know where to look but it will take time (about a day) to track things down, and for the ship, you'd need to travel to something like Lloyds of London to track down records. I'd suggest for now, that you focus on those clues related to New York, though I'm aware globe trotting isn't a massive issue here!
  20. Scene 4: The Patron's Request You don't have much time to share with your Sire as a servant beckons you all to follow. Those a little more reluctant around you are encouraged to go by your Sire, obviously whoever you are meeting is much more important (and powerful) than even your own Sires. The servant leads you down a series of stairs winding down into the darkness, so deep it seems like your descending to hell itself! At the bottom of the stairs are a series of narrow corridors apparently made when mankind was shorter than now, no firey pit awaits at the end of this maze but instead a plain solid door. He knocks twice then opens the door gesturing for you all to enter. Inside is a massive table surrounded by high-back chairs, enough for you all on one side and a single chair on the other. You can pick out a few other shapes in the flickering darkness, except what may be a sarchogahous in one corner of the room. Sat in the other chair is a female vampire watching impassively as you enter, she says nothing but gestures for you all to sit, waiting until you are all seated before introducing herself. “My name is Lucretia of Hardtz. I have asked that you join me here in order to offer you a great opportunity. Your sires have assured me you will be happy to assist me and thereby secure for yourselves a comfortable future. I wish for you to travel to the eastern border of Hungary, to the region known as Transylvania. High in the Carpathian Mountains beyond the city of Bistritz lies a natural mountain gateway called the Tihuta Pass. As the main access to Transylvania from the East, it holds strategic importance. My request to you is this: Travel to the Tihuta Pass and erect a fortress there to guard this important trade route.”
  21. Well y'know can't take all the credit, Chaosium did most of the work for me! 😄
  22. Actually, that Path sounds spot on, add them to the roll.
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