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  1. It has been a long time since I've been here posting anything, but I have been peeking in at this game for a little while to see what everything is shaping up to be. Considering making something if I can think of a concept that is good enough and makes sense.
  2. How is your game going?
  3. Just wanted to say, I am going to try and give myself a crash course in Serenity's rules and the like. I have a lot of experience with multiple characters and technically I can run the Captain and the Pilot. While you are gone if you want, you can give us some small side task to do.
  4. Yep yep, I have already posted the first post and I am going to make a place for the characters to go
  5. Figured you saw it, just wanted to make sure everything was kosher :P
  6. Yeah, just been a little busy today. I'll get that stuff done for you asap, sorry about that.
  7. You still playing in Supernatural.
  8. Alrightie, just checking up on you.
  9. Yep, just been busy juggling my schedule of classes and work. I should be back all the way once I get into a pattern.
  10. You doing okay there?
  11. Did you see my sheet? It's there? Just making sure you knew.
  12. Nope. Sorry, from West Virginia.
  13. Is this the same WVU fan from North Castle?
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