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  1. Yeah if you could fish her application out of the Archives, that would be great. Regarding Tab's background...well she's an infiltrator and scout, so I can imagine her being one for the Ironclad Regiment. Do you have some information about the mercenary company...or point me to where I can read more about them?
  2. I apologise if this is a stupid question, but I can't seem to find the answer/information myself... I remember this game recruiting Level 1 characters. I had started an application (Tabitha Fairchilde) but couldn't complete it due to time constraints. But now the game has progressed and applications are Level 5...can I ask what are the circumstances of our character's introduction into the story? Is there a place where I can find a short summary of what has transpired thus far and what of it is common or public knowledge?
  3. @bwatford You posted a preferred submission template. Will we be giving ourselves negative points if we deviate slightly from it? I'd like to merge my own prefered application method with yours (mostly in the application section)...
  4. @bwatford considering how much is being asked, I would suggest you add "Tasha's is not allowed" in the approved book list. I know it's superfluous but you've been asked close to 5 times already. Now, a more important question...is Tasha's allowed? (only joking 😛)
  5. Yes indeed! They're Eloquence bards, so the pair are used to singing songs together...think Rap Battles but not using rap
  6. Actually...belay that. I can't find any decent Rogue-y art of twins. I'll be making a pair of bards hehe
  7. Hey all...sorry for being late to the party, but I've had a hectic week and a half! Regarding my character I was thinking of making a pair of Dvati Rogue twins who are "treasure liberators"...they're hired to either delve ruins in search of artifacts or relieve then from the possession of someone.
  8. While the storyteller in me thinks that makes total sense, the gamer in me thinks that it might dissuade people from makeing Dvati characters that need heavier armour...buying 2 sets of Plate armour will honestly bankrupt a player hehe
  9. First of all, I'll echo what the others have said, the amount of world building you've done is truly impressive! I had another question about Dvati? Considering they're 2 people, would I need to buy 2 sets of everything or would armour, for example, come in a pair for Dvati characters?
  10. So you're telling me I can go with a Human (getting +1 in all stats) and then take Dvati?
  11. I wanted to ask about Dvati. Does a Dvati character only get a single +1 modifier to either Wisdom or Intelligence? Nothing else stats-wise?   Or am I misunderstanding Dvatinand they're taken like Wood, Dark and High variants of the Elf race?
  12. Good luck to everyone! I wasn't able to finish off my application, which is disappointing...but I hope I can continue to watch this game and read the amazing adventure you guys will be on! 😄
  13. Yeah it does help! I assume what the "line" was...like crossing a line. But was unsure about the veil.
  14. I'm probably going to sound like a newb...but what do you mean by lines and veils?
  15. @Kamishiro_Rin thanks for looking over my character sheet this far. I wanted to ask, what is the deadline for applications?
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