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  1. "Being nice means following a common code of etiquette that does not stand for harsh language, explicit sexual content, name calling, demoralizing, or otherwise attacking/demeaning a fellow Human Being"


    Why this site? What in the frilly heck do you think we're doing here? Now I'm going to be forced to come up with fun and creative ways around swearing...

  2. Oh you've got to be fornicating kidding me.


    heh. Take that you anti-first-amendment female dogs!

  3. OH MY GOD! It ****ing censored me. This is regoddamneddiculous. What if you say****in inside a couple other words? I guess we'll see.
  4. You're a young adult dragon? what the **** does that even mean? You're retarded.
  5. I just accepted your application to the game.
  6. You're more than welcome to start with the rifle that's in the core WoD book assuming you have the resources for it. As far as the merit, I'm going to turn you down on that. It's not so much a matter of balance or simplicity as it is me not having the book. Sorry dude.
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