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  1. Cripes. I forgot how it can be a little intimidating to make a higher level character in spheres without knowing much more than the basics.
  2. I've always been a big fan of the grappler type character too, just never have been able to actually play I one. It's gonna be interesting to figure out how to make all the numbers fit into how I'd like him to be portrayed. New to the race creation too, so that's a new fun thing to attempt. Hopefully I can make something that fits, this game looks like a blast.
  3. Notes for a build. Glīman: 20 RP +4 str, -2 dex, +2 mental (4) Advanced Strength +2 (4) Advanced Constitution +2 (4) Darkvision 60ft (2) Feat: Eternal Transformation (2) Feat: Improved Initiative (2) Conscript 9 Conscript Specializations: Resolve, Maneuver Training, Extra Feats at 4, 8, 12, 16 Mageknight 9 (Marshal Controller)
  4. Glīma: A Brief History In the vast expanse of the cosmos lies Glīma, a world uniquely empowered by the confluence of planar leylines. These leylines imbue everything in Glīma with extraordinary strength and size, creating a realm where beings and nature alike are manifestations of power. This land of giants, both literal and figurative, has a history as formidable as its inhabitants. Centuries ago, Glīma faced a cataclysmic threat from extraplanar forces, an onslaught that threatened its very existence. In these darkest moments, the Realmwalkers, a group of interstellar mercenaries and peacekeepers, emerged as unexpected saviors. Their intervention not only repelled the invasion but also forged a new era for Glīma, one of interstellar alliance and cooperation. The aftermath of this near-apocalyptic event saw the birth of the Thousand-Nation Army, a testament to Glīma's newfound unity. This coalition was not a melting pot but a mosaic, where each tribe, clan, and kingdom maintained its unique identity. From expansive empires to nomadic tribes wandering the untamed wilderness, every culture preserved its traditions while sharing a common commitment to the alliance. This unity in diversity is the bedrock of Glīman society, a symphony of varied customs and traditions, all resonating with the same underlying principles of strength and cooperation. In Glīma, combat transcends mere physical conflict, evolving into a deep-seated cultural element. Disputes, whether trivial or significant, find resolution in the arena rather than the council chamber. These battles are spectacles, akin to grand performances, where warriors display their skills in what is revered as an art form. The Glīman ethos of combat extends beyond the battlefield, ingraining a warrior's mindset into the fabric of everyday life. This ethos emphasizes not just honor in combat but also integrity, courage, and respect in all aspects of life. The strong are expected to protect the weak, ensuring a balance that permeates every facet of Glīman society. The reverence for gladiators in Glīma goes beyond their martial prowess. These warriors are symbols of the highest virtues in Glīman culture - honor, bravery, and skill. To be a gladiator is to be an idol, embodying the ideals every Glīman aspires to uphold. The arena is their temple, a place where skill, courage, and adherence to the warrior code are displayed. For young warriors across Glīma, the dream of stepping into these arenas is not just about seeking glory but about upholding and perpetuating the values that define their world. Politically, Glīma is a realm where directness and honesty are valued over deceit and subterfuge. The political landscape, influenced by the warrior code, fosters an environment where underhanded tactics are scorned. Leaders are expected to be as strong in character as they are in battle, upholding principles of fairness and justice. Wars in Glīma, rare as they are, are conducted less for conquest and more for showcasing skill and maintaining martial prowess. They are grand events, focusing on the demonstration of skill and the principles of fairness and honor. Glīma's role in the multiverse is not just as a participant but as a symbol of what can be achieved through unity and honor. Their Tournament of Champions, a spectacle where Glīma's finest warriors vie for a chance to join the Realmwalkers, epitomizes the aspirations of a world that values courage and honor above all else. Today, Glīma stands as a testament to the power of unity and resilience. It is a world where every individual, from the humblest farmer to the mightiest warrior, contributes to a legacy that resonates far beyond its borders, into the vastness of the multiverse. In Glīma, battles are fought not just with might but with principles, where honor is the highest currency and the protection of the less able is a duty held sacred by all. In the heart of this world, the echoes of its tumultuous past blend seamlessly with the vibrant present, creating a legacy of resilience, unity, and honor. Glīma stands as a beacon in the cosmos, a testament to what can be achieved when strength is wielded with integrity and alliances are built on mutual respect and shared ideals.
  5. Have a great game folks! It'll be a fun one to follow.
  6. Name: Margaret "Mad Madge" Smith Profession: Lawman, Researcher Role: Utility, Ranged Support, Reckless endangerment Class: Technician (Mad Scientist) A Madge World Margaret Smith is something of a polarizing figure in the world of academia, specifically during her tenure at the Plenary College. Lauded for her scientific achievements, she is said to be on the path to be a bright star in the progress of understanding the ancient Arcanum and its applications in the modern Empire. Simultaneously, she's known as a dangerous element to the high standards of the college, with as many demerits to her name as there are awards. She is the closest one can get to a zealot of something other than the Church without being heretical. Science drives her, experimentation excites her, and being proved either right or wrong is a thrill. This zeal is what drove her to volunteer for the Imperial Marshals as only real world experimentation and application could be of any use. Anything is possible in a controlled environment with controlled variables, so the Wastes became the perfect setting for her to continue her good works. It does help that she (generally) supports the Imperial regime, as societal order is preferable to societal chaos, though the line where the support begins and where her desire for lack of beaurocratic oversight is a little blurry at times.
  7. Merry Christmas you as well, and to the rest of you too!
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