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  1. Gentleman and ladies, unfortunately I've been caught by life tasks which became very demanding lately. Hence I'm not posting as much as I'd like. Feel free to replace Muad'dib if you wish as I believe I'm not getting too much time as needed for a little while.
  2. Muad'dib starts inspecting the sorroundings in serach for a crackle or a window where he, and maybe the others, would be able to sneak in
  3. Lirion stands still and puts great attention to what's happening, for the moment he does not feel like undertaking any choice so he observes
  4. I'm digging a lot White Box FMAG. I'm also leaning quite heavily on that side. When we were kids we attempted to almost impossible fights/tasks, trying to describe them carefully and with much details as possible because we knew our abilities where not there to help us 😂
  5. "oh, I'd gladly devour its content as soon as we'll get out and safe from here. You'll be happy to learn what's in the one I'm taking back also, I'm sure" ...after granting himself and his comrade greater knowledge, Lirion then looks ahead, in what kind of place are him and the company delving?
  6. Muad'dib carefully walks few steps in order to decide where to start the inspection of the room. Looking around himself, he's on the search for anything that might look like a contraptions.
  7. "choose which way we'll get in, then I'll check for any hidden trap before we get in" Muad'dib looks around to get a hint of which could be the safer entrance
  8. "This is surely something that Lhaeo and Elminster would appreciate seeing..." Lirion blows some dust off it, then bends on his knees to carefully place it into his backpack.
  9. I've forgot adding known languages when I created Lirion Eldermist, the 4 languages are now on the character sheet
  10. Lirion is clearly amazed by the collection of tomes and knowledge in there, he's scanning around to find something he can recognize by languages, and hopefully some scroll of arcane wisdom he might decypher and make his own...
  11. Muad'dib scans the gate and the walls of the perimeter, then focuses on the overgrown gardens that are likely forming a second protection to the house itself. He could attempt getting past the gate using the exploited parts of the walls, but he also considers: what may lurk in the green around the house?? Maybe going alone is not at all a good idea... " if you agree I'd check the gate first...unless we are in possession of a key of some sort" Show this OOC: if that is locked Muad'dib could try lock picking it or get past the gate climbing the tumbled walls...but not alone!
  12. "well, somehow we made it through that horror..." asserts Lirion as he checks his wounds. Nothing too bad, but he could make use of some healing since the exploration of the tomb has just started. "there's still this chamber where this pile of creeping bones came from to explore.." his sight pierces straight ahed looking at the room
  13. Muad'dib replies with a gentle nod of his head to Estella Peake, after a second he forwards that sign to all the presents.
  14. Totally fine with that for me, I'll be checking the game as soon as I get home (I'm gmt+1)
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