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Everything posted by TricksterArcane

  1. that was the latrines lol. the bed were not bolted down, but incinerated by the fireball spell.
  2. Leloup Neutral Harengon 3 AC: 18 (w/Shield) | HP: 41/41 | Initiative: +5 | Passive Perception: 12 | Passive Insight: 12 Rage: 3/3 | Rabbit Hop: 2/2 Conditions: none| DM Inspiration: 0 The harengon looks at the newcomers and repeats his explanation in the same even tone. There is not a hint of frustration nor annoyance in his voice. Evidently, this isn't the first time he has had to repeat his words to someone so he is quite well practiced in it. "The disappearance of Elturel has caused the Feywild crossing to be blocked. I cannot return home and the Queen's emissaries can not come here. We must find a way to restore Elturel before a diplomatic catastrophe occurs between realms." "Ah Miss Xanthe, it is a pleasure to meet you and your friends. I am Leloup of the Thistledowns, guard of honor to the Sun-kissed Court." Mechanics/OOC Main Hand: Off Hand: Saving Throws: STR +6 DEX +3 CON +5 INT -1 WIS +0 CHA -1 Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.
  3. Ah interesting. Can you open up the AL log so I can review it?
  4. Zorzula's Rest, Sword Mountains Por'guk peeks over at the repaired lift with astonishment. "You fixed! Now we go down mine tunnels easy. Boss Ruxithid talk to mighty guards below. Right then left then right." The goblin nods his head to the east. "That eating room. Sawplees all eat there. Then kitchen. Then Boss Ruxithid room." OOC Damage tracker G3 -21 Bruhl -15 Kat -13
  5. The Description tab is private in dndbeyond unless the character is in a campaign. Then, you as the DM, will be able to see those details. And yes, you're able to type whatever you want into the Bonds, Flaws, Ideals, etc. sections regardless of which digital source books you own.
  6. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Thank you for joining this game. I will be your humble Dungeon Master for this evening/session. We'll be starting the game as soon as we have five seats filled up. In the meantime, feel free to use this thread to discuss or ask anything you'd like.
  7. Zorzula's Rest, Sword Mountains Lotham happily tinkers away at the mechanism while Kat comes over, eager to help. While the two work, the rest of the group continues questioning the goblin. "Sawplees live here many cycles. Boss Ruxithid chosen by mighty gods. Has big brain." "Boss Ruxithid say we take rocks. Say where rocks are. Say which ones. Mighty gods want rocks." Lotham and Kat's efforts are finally rewarded by a low hum as the lift mechanism springs back to lift after ages of inactivity. A shimmering platform materializes in the shaft, stays for one minute and then begins lowering into the darkness below. OOC 6 minutes pass, lift works now Damage tracker G3 -21 Bruhl -15 Kat -13
  8. Audren Erser Neutral Human AC: 16 (w/Mage Armor) | HP: 24/24 +3T | Initiative: +8 | Passive Perception: 13 | Passive Insight: 13 Psionic Energy: 4/4 | Psionic Power Recovery: 1/1 (sr) | Psychic Whispers: 1/1 Conditions: Alert | DM Inspiration: 0 Audren shook her head in response to Fuma's first question. "It is unfamiliar to me, but maybe it was something they used in their alleged witchcraft." "Oh that better not be human skin," Audren tried to push the thought out of her mind as quickly as possible. Why would they bother to drag the bodies out here? What purposed would that achieve? Mechanics/OOC Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Saving Throws: STR -1 DEX +5 CON +2 INT +3 WIS +1 CHA +1 Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here. Maybe a hail-mary Arcana check would be able to figure out what the weapon is. Investigation:1d20+3 to see if I can figure out why the bodies were dragged out here.
  9. Leloup Neutral Harengon 3 AC: 18 (w/Shield) | HP: 41/41 | Initiative: +5 | Passive Perception: 12 | Passive Insight: 12 Rage: 3/3 | Rabbit Hop: 2/2 Conditions: none| DM Inspiration: 0 "Yes, Elturel. Elturel is the key. Whatever has befallen Elturel has caused the Feywild crossing to be blocked." "I am unable to return, but more importantly, the Queen's emissaries are unable to arrive. This must be rectified with utmost priority." The harengon speaks in a tone that is both calm and steady yet imbued with a sense of determination. His large gray eyes lock on Manip Foremantle with anticipation. Standing slightly under three feet from heel to head, the harengon appears stocky relative to his kin. His well-groomed fur blends ash gray, deep brown, and golden orange hues. A tailored black coat, soft as the dark of night, hangs over his shoulders. The lapels are embellished with delicate embroidery in grays and golds, forming complex vine and thorn patterns. Small blood-red crystals stud the lapels, glinting like scattered droplets of wine. Underneath, he sports a crisp white shirt with ruffled cuffs, a crimson vest, and striped black breeches. A sheathed rapier, its hilt intricately engraved, rests at his side. Mechanics/OOC Main Hand: Off Hand: Saving Throws: STR +6 DEX +3 CON +5 INT -1 WIS +0 CHA -1 Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here. Hello everyone! Thanks for having me.
  10. Oh, I discovered an interesting hack for the APL 3 challenge. In the latest adventure , you can create a level 3• Characters start with an additional 250 gp to spend on additional nonmagical gear or kept as coin. • At 3rd level, each character also gains one uncommon magic item (same as level 5 list) for the Planescape campaign (to play Turn of Fortune's Wheel). Planescape campaign characters are eligible to play Nest of the Eldritch Eye. After completing NotEE, you can continue on to play ToFW or abandon that (forever) and join in Forgotten Realms campaign adventures.
  11. Ah, it seems we are both heading in similar directions :) As I was trying to flesh out his background more, I came up with the idea that Leloup would be an honor guard in the Summer Court. His grandfather, The Lord Thistledown, is one of the advisors/nuisances to the Seelie Queen herself. Through this, Leloup was able to navigate the politics & bureaucracies of the Flaming Fists and get the attention of people in charge. He has been trying, unsuccessfully, to convince them that his problem getting home is also their problem too because the Feywild crossing is blocked both ways. With her emissaries unable to travel to Faerun, the Summer Queen is unable to obtain one of her most favorite pastries of the Sword Coast.
  12. Yeah, it's part of the Quests from the Infinite Staircase book. The book releases July, but AL guidance probably won't come until at least a month later. Are you calling dibbs to run a game? If so, I'll join rauhric along for the ride :D
  13. Yes, this is totally in context. Err, I'm totally not posting cute bunny pictures just because. Totally.
  14. Audren Erser Neutral Human AC: 16 (w/Mage Armor) | HP: 24/24 +3T | Initiative: +8 | Passive Perception: 13 | Passive Insight: 13 Psionic Energy: 4/4 | Psionic Power Recovery: 1/1 (sr) | Psychic Whispers: 1/1 Conditions: Alert | DM Inspiration: 0 Audren was mostly quiet during the trip south, pointing out directions to Krone when needed but otherwise kept to herself. She peered out towards the hills of white and lost herself in its vastness. The signs of conflict at the Callidel farm snapped her back to the moment. Nice things don't last. Audren took out a decorative leather stud resembling a flower that had been hanging on a simple braided cord around her neck, pressed it close and uttered a single word, "Juliote." Suddenly, dark tendrils of smoke enveloped her, obscuring her limbs and torso. A faint hiss sounded, accompanied by the scent of something burning, and then the smoke dissipated. Her clothes had transformed; she was now clad in a dark, sinewy hide that stretched and flexed effortlessly. At the center of her body, just above the collarbone, there was an embossed flower. Audren nodded to Sanguinius' suggestion and watched as the dancer and the elf set off. She followed behind the winking giant, joining in his search. Mechanics/OOC Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Empty Saving Throws: STR -1 DEX +5 CON +2 INT +3 WIS +1 CHA +1 Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here. Casting Mage Armor on herself when she sees the bodies Initiative Rolls
  15. Leloup Neutral Harengon 3 AC: 18 (w/Shield) | HP: 41/41 | Initiative: +5 | Passive Perception: 12 | Passive Insight: 12 Rage: 3/3 | Rabbit Hop: 2/2 Conditions: none| DM Inspiration: 0 Post goes here. "Speech." thoughts in italics Mechanics/OOC Main Hand: Rapier Off Hand: Shield Saving Throws: STR +6 DEX +3 CON +5 INT -1 WIS +0 CHA -1 Action: Your action goes here. Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here. OOC
  16. Since you wanted to use the goblin as inspiration for a future character, why don't you choose a name?
  17. Waterdeep, 20th of Ches When Jin pushes the button, the western wall swings inward to reveal another corridor and the owner of the voice that he had been speaking to. * * * * The corridor eventually leads into a 20-feet by 60-feet room that apparently has no exits. A pair of overstuffed couches and a well-cared for carpet hints at the once luxurious accommodations this room might have contained. However, the debris and detritus indicate that the room has fallen into disrepair for quite some time. OOC Would you like to take a moment to describe Greybitt?
  18. Zorzula's Rest, Sword Mountains The captured goblin shrugs, "Always like that. Broken." "Just goblins. No dwarves. No mind flayers." As the questions continue, Lotham investigates the shard mechanism. He is able to determine that the shard, once charged, would act as a power source for some kind of lift mechanism for the shaft. Even more exciting, he has figured out how to fully repair it! "We take rocks for Boss. Boss Ruxithid say rocks for mighty gods." OOC As I said, if Lotham takes the full 5 minutes, he can repair the lift mechanism. Damage tracker G3 -21 Bruhl -15 Kat -13
  19. I'm not on desktop so harder for me to check, but Tome of Foes is no longer a valid source book. Any tiefling features from that can't be used. IIRC only PHB and SCAG tiefling options are allowed.
  20. Honestly, it's better to turn that setting off on the character and just track it manually with each game entry.
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