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  1. I take it this isn't happening anymore? Understandable if RL has gotten in the way, just want to confirm.
  2. Happy to be here as well. Looking forward to playing with you all. I think Kanno is basically good to go, I made and/or responded to the suggested changes, so unless I missed something or my changes weren't what you were looking for should be ready to hop in and play a totally normal Pokemon Go-like game with absolutely no strange happenings or world shattering revelations about the nature of Digimon :).
  3. Fair. I was kind of trying to go for a general "thinks fast" (but isn't necessarily faster on his feet) concept between that, Speed of Thought, and the Quick Thinking power, but 2 might be overkill. I'll drop it to 1 and move a point elsewhere. I was trying to go for a theme of "always has to take care of everything he needs himself"/"out on his own for the first time in his life" with that one given the backstory elements of having moved to a whole new city far away from his family just a few years ago. I'm totally fine dropping it if it's redundant with the game themes since we're all older protags anyway, but that was my intention, that unlike most Digimon protagonists he can't just drop by home for a ready-to-eat meal, nor can he afford to eat out regularly, so he has to find the time to shop and cook and all of that other stuff in between whatever adventure chaos we get into (and between classes and the like). I was fighting to keep it short (as most GM's I've applied to games for didn't want too much text to wade through) so if you want more, I can do that no problem :P. I'll focus some more on the current situation and add a paragraph or two.
  4. Yeah, does seem like a few with the same kind of starting point but very different responses. Kaede is less a"version to people" more "small-town dude in a big city with no idea how to navigate it". I tried to make him more interested in meeting people but with no idea how to do so in a metropolis to make joining up with whatever group the game has easier. I kind of figure that the premise of older teens/young adults + excited for a new video game + the normal rpg stuff of being the kind of person willing to go on an adventure does kind of push in the direction of shut in a bit. :P
  5. Notes: I was kind of vaguely aiming for a "Joe"-like character to start with, then modified as things came together. More of the dude in way over his head but here to help than the super nerd or leader or anything like that. Solarmon is very fire-focused in everything I've seen, so I stuck with that fully aware that it's going to be a problem when I encounter someone resistant (but isn't that the fun of rpgs? :P). If you'd like I can easily swap Shiny Tackle to be Normal or do some kind of split as it's described as Solarmon tackling an opponent while red hot, so it's kinda both. I'm not 100% sold on the digivolution path, so if anyone has suggestions would happily take a look. Starting with Solarmon (or the pallet-swap Hagurumon) I'm 99% certain on. I like Guardromon and have never played around with M&M's defend action or power stuff, so I think that could be fun. Beyond that I'm only vaguely confident. But I figure we don't need to have that set in stone at the start, so I threw in a possible path and will see how things go if I end up being in the group :). I'm also not a huge fan of either baby digimon that digivolve into Solarmon that I've seen, so if that level is needed I would like to ask for MetalKoromon instead. As for me as a player, I'm pretty well experienced with PbP games (played a bunch on the Giant In the Playground forums) and semi-knowledgeable about Digimon (I watched Adventures and Tamers, then basically nothing, and then recently got back into the franchise with the new TCG and Cyber Sleuth, which I kind of vaguely matched my character's knowledge to as well for convenience). I'm not at all up to date on the anime series or other games, but I'm confident I can muddle my way through playing a character who also hasn't paid attention for a while and just got back into it :P.
  6. Concept Digivolution Path: Solarmon > Guardromon (Gold) > Grademon > Valkyrimon (functionally a "normal" digivolution path, or at minimum one that exists in Cyber Sleuth, up to Grademon, then jumping over to Valkyrimon with the thematic similarity of speed + cursed blade, the idea being that it "conquers" the curse and is able to wield it without issue on digivolving) Solarmon - Machine (Fire element?) Vaccine Type [] Strength 2, Agility 2, Fighting 2, Awareness 2, Stamina 5, Dexterity 1, Intellect 1, Presence 0 Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 8, Toughness 8, Will 8 Initiative +10 -3 size rank Shiny Tackle +6 DC 25 --- Fire Solar Flare +8 DC 23 --- 200/400/800 ft. Fire, Crit 19-20 Soul Shocker 30ft radius sphere burst, DC 23 --- Fire Immunity 5 (3 PP) -- Damage Effect: Fire; Limited - Half Effect (Personal - Permanent) Natural Size: Shrinking 4 (8 PP) -- +4 Stealth, +2 Active Defenses, -1 STR, -2 Intimidate, -1 size rank; Permanent (Free - Personal - Permanent) Shiny Tackle: Strength-based Damage 8 (7pp) - Inaccurate (1) Solar Flare: Damage 8 (17pp) -- Increased Range: ranged; alternate effect (1) - Soul Shocker: Burst Area Damage 8 (16pp*) - Area (Burst) Protection 3 (3 PP) -- +3 Toughness (Personal - Permanent) Evasion (1), Improved Critical (1) [Solar Flare], Improved Initiative (2), Instant Up, Teamwork Base Movement Speed - 1 mile/hour, 15 feet/round Acrobatics +13, Athletics +6, Close Combat (Shiny Tackle) +8, Deception +2, Insight +4, Intimidation +7, Perception +13, Persuasion +1, Ranged Combat (Solar Flare) +8, Stealth +7
  7. Kanno Kaede Age: 19 Height: 5'10" (1.78m) Occupation: Full-time (second-year) College Student Weight: 148lbs (67.1kg) Image Description: Kanno is a mostly ordinary looking young adult who prefers heavy and simple clothing and wears a pair of rather large glasses on his face. He doesn't stick out much Personality: Kanno is very shy, but once he gets talking about a topic of interest (physics mostly) you need to work to shut him up. He doesn't generally go out of his way to talk to new people, but is very friendly when spoken to and would be happy to have reason to make some new friends in Tokyo. He's currently a bit of a shut-in, something he knows isn't healthy and is hoping this new game will help him with. Being originally from a smaller city the noise and chaos of Tokyo can be overwhelming to him but he mostly enjoys the sights and sounds of a major metropolis. Background: Born and raised out in a smaller city in the Shiga prefecture which mostly functioned as a tourist destination, Kanno was a pretty stereotypical nerdy kid. You were much more likely to find him sitting alone reading a book than hanging out with other kids. He always had a very good awareness of his surroundings, and learned at a young age how to judge other people's feelings so as to avoid (most) bullying. As he headed into adulthood, he managed to do very well at his placement tests and earn both a seat and a scholarship at the University of Tokyo. Bidding farewell to his parents (with the obligatory promises of visits) he moved to a small apartment near the campus last year to begin his studies. Being in his second year, Kanno hasn't yet picked a department to specialize in officially, but he's pretty well set on trying for the physics department when he finishes his general curriculum studies. He has few friends in most of his classes and is mostly focused on just getting through the junior part of his education without a hiccup, but has found he gets along well with the other students in his Russian language course (which he mostly picked on a whim but has been enjoying). Outside of the university he's tried a few places to meet new friends but hasn't yet had any serious success. Most of his apartment neighbors are also university students but in senior departments or other courses that have no overlap with Kanno's. He gets along quite well with the landlord, Morishita Yoshio, who enjoys renting out to university as a sort of way of vicarious living out his dreams of attending the university which he wasn't able to get into as a youth. Additionally Kanno quite enjoys chatting with his neighbor across the hall, Suzuki Aki, when he's around (which is very rare as Suzuki's a mathematics grad student at the university and practically sleeps on campus most days). Like most kids he was really into Digimon when he was younger, playing all the games and watching the early shows. However, he mostly fell out of it growing up and hadn't touched anything related to the franchise in several years when Digimon Go was announced. The trailer and reveal sparked a massive interest for Kanno and he has spent the months leading up to the release catching up on the franchise and making sure he has everything he needs to play the moment the game releases. Complications: Motivation: Thrills - Kanno is mostly interested in Digimon Go for the battles and challenge, with the partner companionship being a secondary matter (for now at least) Phobia (Spiders) - Kanno is terrified of spiders and has spent a not-insubstantial amount of time worrying about seeing any of the spider-like Digimon roaming around in AR while playing the game. Responsibility (School) - Kanno is a college student, with difficult homework and exams to deal with. Responsibility (Self) - Kanno lives in a small off-campus apartment on a modest budget from his scholarship. He needs to worry about keeping his place clean, cooking his own meals, and other demands on his time like other independent adults. Mechanics: Abilities (16pp) STR 0 AGI -1 FGT -1 AWE 4 STA 2 DEX 1 INT 2 PRE 1 Advantages (5pp) - Improved Initiative (1) [+4 init] - Luck (2) [1/rnd up to 2/refresh reroll a d20 roll as if spending a hero point] - Speed of Thought [use int for init instead of agl] - Equipment (1) [5ep] Skills (38pp) Skill Ranks Bonus Acrobatics 0 -1* Athletics 2 +2 Close Combat 0 -1 Deception 6 +7 Expertise [Cooking] 4 +6 Expertise [Science] 8 +10 Insight 10 +14 Intimidation 0 +1 Investigation 2 +4 Perception 11 +15 Persuasion 8 +9 Ranged Combat 0 +1 Sleight of Hand 0 -1* Stealth 2 +1 Technology 9 +11 Treatment 6 +8 Vehicles 8 +9 * = Skill is not typically usable untrained Defenses (14pp) - Dodge 4 (5) / Parry 4 (5) - Fort 4 (2) / Will 6 (2) - Toughness 3 Powers (2pp) - Quick Thinking: Quickness 1 --- Limited to Mental [Perform routine mental tasks in -1 time rank] - Surprisingly Durable: Protection 1 [+1 toughness] Equipment (4ep) - Mini-binoculars - Flashlight - Multi-tool - UV Light Other Stats: - 50lb load limit - +6 initiative - Languages: Japanese, Russian (limited)
  8. Jason takes advantage of the break between to read and sim-up on the new frame model he was able to get a license for, in preparation for the next op. When he sees the distraught scene outside the hospital a week later he looks sympathetic and remains quiet to honor what the group is going through. When he arrives in the dungeon for Ashe's "explanation" he is visibly taken aback by the modified Genghis, having not really paid much attention to the work Ashe was doing on it in light of everything else going on. He listens with rapt attention to Ashe's explanation and quietly offers a simple sympathetic "I'm sorry for you loss" in the pause.
  9. January - No issues with any Friday. My Saturdays continue to be quite packed. I have a small window around noon where I could theoretically squeeze in a game, but Friday remains much easier for me. Will respond to the thread shortly.
  10. "Alright. I'll make sure that Nino gets here safely." Jason says with a nod after spending a few seconds considering everything Ashe has said.
  11. Jason pays careful attention to the picture, doing his best to memories the face of the person that is apparently named Nino. After a few moments thought he nods. "Swing by the KTB and pick 'em up? I'm reasonably confident I can convince the team to manage that, yeah. Anything specific that makes this a job we need to run rather than something a normal transport can handle?" he asks, trying to make sure he understands the ask before completely agreeing to it. OOC Is this functionally going to end up as something similar to the last power at a price, with something related to this ask becoming the next op, or is it just something that would happen between the end of this op and the next one? Just trying to understand.
  12. "Alright. What do you need?" Jason asks simply, doing his best to keep his face relatively expressionless while a combination of anger at what's going on and worry about the scope of the mission fight it out in his head.
  13. Jason takes the offered seat with a nod of thanks. "Alright. Sanjak. Been blockaded for quite some time as I understand it. Way too long to be reasonable frankly, but I don't pretend to understand the kind of people running that. Obviously some people have found ways around it, no way it's had a perfect record for this long. You ever hear of anyone successfully running the blockade? Anything that worked before? Might make a decent starting point even if they'd be ready for an exact copy of the tactic now." he asks with a shrug. OOC Sounds good.
  14. 22nd 6pm mountain works for me. I think I'm going to Respec one of Jason's skills this level too. Leader is fun, and I might pick it up again later when we have more talent options, but the duplicate with Amani was a bit problematic, and Walking Armory fits the direction I'm headed way better. So just going to move my rank from Leader to that.
  15. Jason shrugs as he walks up to Ashe. "I certainly wouldn't mind hearing stories of the good old days, since I missed out on them stuck on a backwater, but yeah, I was hoping to chat about something else if you don't mind. We've got an op out at Sanjak if you haven't heard, trying to slip some troops onto the planet. Clyde mentioned you were familiar with the place so I thought I'd stop by, see if you had any advice 'fore we head out." he says, finding a railing to lean against out of the way of any moving parts.
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