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Posts posted by Dybrar

  1. spacer.pngTɪᴋɪɴᴀ ᴛʜᴇ Tʜɪᴇғ Lifeblood: 8 / 8   Defence: 1          Hero Points: 2

    “Um,” she eloquently made to address Asara's enquiry. “They'd be terrible traps if I could simply see them.”

    Yet it did transpire that there were none to be found within this treasury, all but overflowing with riches though it was. Tikina helped herself to however many coins, jewels, and other lightweight baubles her pockets could accommodate without slowing her down, of course; a poor thief she would be otherwise, in more than one sense.

    However, what truly caught her eye was a large locket that had been left dangling on its chain from a dagger stowed in a weapon rack. It was wrought most exquisitely of gold and platinum, all further adorned with the most intricate ornamental carvings. On its front were depicted two birds, like unto ostriches, that preened beneath a stylised, burning sun; desert runners, Tikina supposed, from the far Beshaar. Opening the locket revealed a cameo carving of a young woman, as sternly beautiful of countenance as she was dark of skin. A slender, silver circlet helped keep the woman's long, curly hair in check; a delicate ring had a favourably diminishing effect on her prominent, aquiline nose.

    The woman's eyes of blackest, gleaming onyx looked out impassively at Tikina. Surely this must have been a princess, or at least a wealthy merchant's daughter? For its part, the locket offered little in the way of clues. There were only two letters engraved on the inside of the lid in a flowing script, raising more questions than they answered: Q. K.

  2. spacer.pngTɪᴋɪɴᴀ ᴛʜᴇ Tʜɪᴇғ Lifeblood: 8 / 8   Defence: 1          Hero Points: 2

    The only interest she showed in the armoury's implements of warfare, or in the meditation chambers, was of the monetary kind – i.e., was there anything here that was small yet valuable enough to make pocketing it worth her while? If so, she did just that; if not, she was content to let it all continue to gather dust.

    A little while later Tikina eyed the bronze door. “Uh, probably?” she answered Balathu, already stepping up to the door and examining it for any unwelcome surprises that might lie in store for would-be trespassers before producing her tools and setting to work once again.


    Mind + Thief and Thieves' Tools II: Electric Boogaloo! … or not, I guess, so I will spend a Hero Point to re-roll that.

  3. spacer.pngTɪᴋɪɴᴀ ᴛʜᴇ Tʜɪᴇғ (sheet)Lifeblood: 8 / 8   Defence: 1          Hero Points: 3

    “Um, thanks…” she said upon receiving her bloody dagger back. A few seconds passed as she looked mutely between it, the blue giant, and the men whom he had used it to slay. Not entirely able to keep from grimacing, Tikina then produced a badly stained rag from one of her countless pockets and used it to clean the weapon as best she could before sheathing it again.

    “Getting out of this place, I'd say,” the thief replied to Asara. “Sooner rather than, uh, later,” she added upon glimpsing the tentacled thing high overhead. “Umm…” Sniffing, she made a beeline for the great doors trapping them all in this pit. It ranked, no doubt, quite high on the list of tight spots she had gotten herself out of – but second only, perhaps, to her talent for getting into places she was not meant to enter was her skill at getting out of places she was not supposed to leave.

    It was with this curiously confident mindset that Tikina subjected the doors and their immediate environs to a close examination: probing the stone framing them for concealed catches, running her hands over their bronze plating in case in case any parts of responded to her touch. She even produced a small ear trumpet from the satchel containing the tools of her trade, using it to listen closely as she systemically rapped her knuckle against the doors in hopes of discerning their hidden interior workings, if there were any.


    That's Mind + Thief, then, plus a thieves' tools bonus die.

  4. I assume I'd be using the Mind attribute for that prospective Thief roll, rather than Agility? And what about my thieves' tools? I have to admit I am not entirely sure how they could be useful in looking for a hidden trigger.

  5. spacer.pngTɪᴋɪɴᴀ ᴛʜᴇ Tʜɪᴇғ (sheet)Lifeblood: 8 / 8   Defence: 1          Hero Points: 3

    She looked on, baffled, as the blue giant went to free the beast. Either it was not as savage as she had believed it to be, or else the giant possessed a singular bond with the creature. In any case, Tikina resolved to give it a prudently wide berth until she had a better notion of what she was dealing with here.

    “Balathu,” she murmured, taking note of the fallen sorcerer now that all their enemies lay slain. Swiftly padding over to him, she knelt by his side and eyed him uncertainly. “Um. Balathu?” the thief repeated, more loudly this time, trying to shake him awake.

  6. spacer.pngTɪᴋɪɴᴀ ᴛʜᴇ Tʜɪᴇғ (sheet)Lifeblood: 8 / 8   Defence: 1          Hero Points: 3

    Destroying the last guardian of this awful place ought to afford the group some respite for the time being – at least, unless that yowling beast should manage to break free of its iron cage. But that was a less immediate concern than putting down the remaining serpent-thing, and thus Tikina took up her sling again in an attempt to do just that.


    Making a sling attack against the remaining slorth! I assume I am/can get to within Point Blank range for the +1 modifier.

  7. spacer.pngTɪᴋɪɴᴀ ᴛʜᴇ Tʜɪᴇғ (sheet)Lifeblood: 8 / 8   Defence: 1          Hero Points: 3

    Even as she nimbly backed away from the melee again, she could not help but marvel at the giant's unleashing his wrath. Such strength! At the very least she could see now why the manse's inhabitants had gone to such lengths to keep their hulking captive restrained.

    Noting that he was unarmed – a sensible precaution, from his gaolers' perspective – the thief hesitated for a moment before letting the simple iron dagger she habitually kept up one sleeve slip into her hand. It was purely a hold-out, a weapon reserved for the most desperate of moments. She could scarcely recall ever using it with aggressive intent: a dagger was bound to make precious little difference indeed in her hands. If wielded by a more robust individual, however…

    “Uh, hey?” Tikina called out. Had she heard the giant's name correctly when he had invoked his gods? “Jouka? Maybe you could, ah, use this? Catch!” Flipping the dagger in her palm, she threw it to him underhand. No doubt it would look like a toy in his grasp – albeit a sharp, pointy toy still capable of inflicting harm.

    Having done this she produced her sling somewhat reluctantly, seeking a likely target. Freeing the blue giant from his chains no doubt would remain her chief contribution to this skirmish; drawing attention to herself by attacking any of these monstrous creatures seemed less than wise. Yet the idea of doing nothing, or selfishly attempting to remove herself to safety, also did not sit well with her.


    Tikina draws her dagger and tosses it to Jouka (if he is willing to receive it). Not that it's a great weapon, but d6L+STR damage should still beat d3+STR/2!

    I am not clear on whether any of the slorths are currently at less than full health. If so, I will attack whichever one is the most severely injured at this time in a probably pointless attempt to finish it off; otherwise I will choose a target that cannot easily reach Tikina.

    EDIT: the attack is a hit if Tikina's target is at Point Blank range (i.e. within her sling's range increment of 30') and she thus gains the +1 modifier.

  8. On 4/8/2024 at 10:03 PM, roryb said:

    I don't think there is a real way to roll 1d3.

    The Table/Command Line Entry options let you input whatever kind of die you like, even impossible ones such as a d3. ☺️

    If Tikina were to draw her dagger and toss it (safely) to Jouka, I assume this would take up her entire turn? Assuming this is possible at all.

  9. spacer.pngTɪᴋɪɴᴀ ᴛʜᴇ Tʜɪᴇғ (sheet)Lifeblood: 8 / 8   Defence: 1          Hero Points: 3

    She watched the giant struggle in vain against his mighty chains. Clearly his captors had been prepared for, if not anticipated, the seizing of a being of his stature – which in turn suggested an alarming degree of premeditation behind their already fell deeds.

    The thief looked on for a few more heartbeats before sighing with resignation and producing a small leather case. She brushed past Asara, giving the warrior woman a look that quite unequivocally communicated the notion "you had better keep me safe if I am going to do this", then scurried over to the locks securing the giant's fetters.

    “Um. Hello,” she murmured as she brought her thieves' tools to bear. Occasionally, she sneaked a wary glance at the blue giant. “Please don't, ah, kill me when I've gotten you out of these.”


    Picking a lock sounds like a job for Agility + Thief! And also for a bonus die courtesy of thieves' tools, while we are at it.

  10. How convenient that Asara said she would keep Tikina safe… only for Tikina to end up all alone in the scary half of the initiative block. 😛

    On 4/2/2024 at 11:42 PM, roryb said:

    the locks are simple enough Tikina can pick them without a penalty.

    This merely means it's a Moderate difficulty task, right? I will still have to roll?

  11. spacer.pngTɪᴋɪɴᴀ ᴛʜᴇ Tʜɪᴇғ (sheet)Lifeblood: 8 / 8   Defence: 1          Hero Points: 3

    She nodded at Balathu's words, their grim implication seeming to evoke only a hint of hesitance in her. “Aye. S'what I figured.”

    “Uhh. Alright, Tikina mumbled a little while later when Asara laid hold of her, and outlined her intent. “I'll do what I can.”

  12. spacer.pngTɪᴋɪɴᴀ ᴛʜᴇ Tʜɪᴇғ (sheet)Lifeblood: 8 / 8   Defence: 1          Hero Points: 3

    She possessed a natural aversion to getting touched by others, or even just letting them close, but she gritted her teeth and suffered Balathu's (and Asara's) ministrations as calmly as she could manage. After murmuring her thanks to the sorcerer for the aid he had rendered, the thief skulked off to examine the carcase of their avian foe. At this point her sense of deeply ingrained practicality took over – she had felt a degree of pity for the beast when it was alive, but now that it was dead Tikina treated its remains with as little sentimentality as she would any other inanimate object. She scrutinised it quickly, looking for any readily harvestable body parts that might be valuable or serve as alchemical ingredients. There was, after all, no sense in letting anything go to waste.


    Though the former slave had witnessed her share of inhumanities in the past, this grim and shadowy vista gave even her pause. Perching on her shoulder, Milord gave an unusually subdued caw, clearly just as unsettled by the chamber's aura of suffering and malevolence. She eyed, in particular, the bound, kneeling giant, who looked somewhat more vital than the three humans on the verge of an untimely death, as well as the yowling beast in its iron cage. The humans would have been easy to capture and smuggle into the manse, no doubt, but these two? The means that would have required challenged her imagination.

    “Um. Help like…?” she asked as she padded along the edge of the landing, inspecting it closely in preparation for the climb down. “Those men look pretty far gone. And if we get too close to that cage, uh, we might be gone.” Tikina peered again at the blue giant. “We might be able to do something for him, I suppose. I've never met any of his kind, but, um, they're not dangerous, right?


    Let me know if I need to make any kind of check to “loot” the dead mythunga!

  13. 1 hour ago, roryb said:
    Tikina doesn’t face any negatives while using her sling. Furthermore, this probably constitutes point blank range.

    I feel compelled to point out that the range bonus was included in her roll to begin with, as was the mythunga's defence, so her attack really wasn't a hit.

  14. spacer.pngTɪᴋɪɴᴀ ᴛʜᴇ Tʜɪᴇғ (sheet)Lifeblood: 8 / 8   Defence: 1          Hero Points: 3

    The creature's impending fate saddened her. Whether it was an unnatural, sorcerous creation or not, she could not help but feel it deserved better than this. Yet what could she do? If the beast was permitted to rage any longer, it might well end up drawing the attention of the manse's still more dangerous denizens – and her companions, Tikina was virtually certain, did not share the curious pity she felt for the monstrous avian.

    No, there clearly was nothing for it. Stifling a sigh, she fit another bullet in her sling's cradle and made an attempt to put the creature out of its misery.


    Tikina makes another ranged attack with her sling. Same modifiers as before.

  15. On 3/17/2024 at 12:46 PM, Trish_the_Nugg_Queen said:

    [Swapping two rolled characteristics] might be a house rule, but I'll allow it

    At the risk of making a nuisance of myself: would this be in addition to or in place of the one-time re-roll the rules explicitly permit (core rulebook, p. 25)?

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