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  1. Mabel Thomas Night Cook and Urban Explorer HP: 10/10 || FP: 12/12 || DX: 13 || Move: 6 || Dodge: 11- || Parry: 11- || Block: 11- She's a bit taken aback at the thought that she might be able to 'swing' him a better room. "I doubt he's going to give away the fancy rooms to people who are staying for free. If he gives us the regular rooms, he can make the desperate man who walks in the door pay full price for the top floor room." "Invite whoever sounds good to you. We're all stuck in this hotel tonight. A few more people might increase our chances, in case something happens." She pauses for effect. "And it wouldn't matter to me if it was 'like that'. It's none of my business." She pops into the kitchen before he can put in a rejoinder. OOC:
  2. Mabel Thomas Night Cook and Urban Explorer HP: 10/10 || FP: 12/12 || DX: 13 || Move: 6 || Dodge: 11- || Parry: 11- || Block: 11- Mabel dutifully puts on the mask. We've all had a lot of practice with these lately; I doubt anyone is going to complain about doing it all over again. She hands the box to Malik and picks up her tea set to go back to the kitchen. Out in the hall on the way to the break room, she says "Mal, you remember we were talking during the riots, about what would happen if there was one around here? It got me to thinking. I don't have time to go through it all now, but I should get a break after the dinner rush and would like to talk to you and, um, Mr Grotte, I think, about it. Get yourself a room, and I'll text you when I'm off." "Oh, don't worry about the masks. We've got a lot more of those in the kitchen. Put em in the break room, maybe?" OOC:
  3. Groan Dwarf Barbarian HP: 22/22 || FP: 17/17 || DX: 13 || Move: 5, 4 with sack || Dodge: 10- || Parry: 14- Still in motion from his run around Necromyncer, Groan steps through the doorway to confront the remaining skeletons. Perhaps putting an orc behind him isn't the smartest thing he's ever done, but he's got more important things to do than think right now. He slams his axe through one skeleton and into the other. OOC: Step to C0. Whirlwind attack on #12 and #11. No defense this turn.
  4. I hope things are going better for you now, Shub. Thanks for keeping us updated.
  5. Bought Staff from DX [2] to DX+2 [8], and HP from 11 [0] to 13 [4], for 10xp. Hit Points are progress towards increasing ST, which is what I'm aiming for long run. Plus she was using Staff and Hit Points a lot in the last chapter ^_^
  6. I'm too sneaky for my own good. And Rescuer would never think of this idea.
  7. Fili Kober HP: 11/11 FP: 11/11 Conditions: By the time Fili wakes from her nap, it's full dark out, and the others have all gone to sleep. Perfect time to go down to the stream and wash, she thinks, when I can be sure Richard isn't going to spy on me. She sees Hank lying on the ground next to her and her eyes go wide. His face is shining like the moon, which can only mean one thing: them fairies are back. She quietly makes her way to the stream, keeping an eye out for them, but sees little in the moonlight and certainly no fairies. On returning, she shakes Hank awake. "Hank, was ye glowin' when ye went to sleep? Cause yer glowin now. Mebbe them druids can do something bout it. I bet they's had to deal with fairy magic befores." OOC: If Hank doesn't believe her, she'll lead him down to the stream to see for himself. Feel free to play that out.
  8. There are possibilities... Perhaps a rumor gets out that Don Ballado survived the hit and is in the police safe house on 12th street. The police will deny it, of course (because it isn't true!)
  9. Thanks for the shout-out, @8w_gremlin ! Here's hoping to some interaction soon. Waiting for Shub to respond to my request to the hotel manager before I can move on. Maybe we can arrange a meeting in a hotel room after the dinner rush is over and Mabel (and Leonard?) get a break, and you can query us about the security of the hotel.
  10. Mabel Thomas Night Cook and Urban Explorer HP: 10/10 || FP: 12/12 || DX: 13 || Move: 6 || Dodge: 11- || Parry: 11- || Block: 11- Small talk is rare in the kitchen during dinner hour. There just isn't time. But tonight isn't a normal night. Not that Mabel is participating. She didn't look at any of the news before clocking in tonight, so she has nothing to add. Soon enough the head chef decides to put a stop to this by having someone go talk to the hotel manager and report back, and for everyone else to concentrate on their jobs in the meantime. 'Someone' apparently meant Mabel. The least necessary member of the kitchen staff. She gets a pot of tea ready and goes to knock on the door of the manager's office, but the door is hanging open already. "Mr Dibbley? Could you use a spot of tea?" As she pours, looking down instead of at him, she relates the main topic of kitchen chatter. "The staff are worried, sir, that when they get off work tonight they won't be able to leave and will have nowhere to stay. They're hoping you'll put them up for the night until it's safe for them to go home." She hurriedly makes an excuse for herself "Not that I'm affected. I'll be here until morning and can take the train home after it gets light. Things should be under control by then, right, sir?" OOC:
  11. Fili Kober HP: 5/11 FP: 5/11 Conditions: Harolde was quicker on the reply, as always. It always took Fili a few seconds longer to work up her throat before it could make words. Plus he and Richard needed it more. So she doesn't insist on any for herself. Safe. Rest. Sliding down the tree trunk until she's sitting on the ground, she lets her belongings scatter around her, takes a swig of water, and then closes her eyes for the first time in what seems like forever. OOC:
  12. Should we be expecting a GM post soon, or should we get the group together on our own? Perhaps I shouldn't have stuck my character on shift at her job, but it was a natural thing to do. I figure after the dinner rush she'll have a bit of time to meet the group.
  13. John Harcourt, aka Rescuer DCV: 6 Stun: 24/24 Body: 13/13 End: 40/40 Status: none John is uncomfortable intruding on police work, and it shows. Their last foray into the sewers to find evidence didn't pan out, and he feels perhaps they should leave this to the professionals, at least until their exotic abilities are needed. Waiting outside the police line with his back to the mansion, he comes between onlookers and the police tape where the police are spread too thin to cover. There's a principle in crowd control that even a silent, passive official looking at them will stop most people from going where they shouldn't. And in the meantime, he can find out if any of those getting close know anything or saw anything earlier. OOC:
  14. @8w_gremlin There's no garage, I'm afraid. But there is a central courtyard you could leave your bike in, if you don't mind it getting wet. There's no way to get to the courtyard without walking through the hotel.
  15. Groan Dwarf Barbarian HP: 22/22 || FP: 17/17 || DX: 13 || Move: 5, 4 with sack || Dodge: 10- || Parry: 14- Made a hole, Groan thinks negatively. Damn fool might have let them into the room doing that. But he doesn't say what he's thinking. Groan squeezes between Necro and Brother Rondell to take a roundhouse swing at skeleton in the doorway. At least it'll keep em at bay a bit while he gets set up for a real blow. OOC: Taking -4 to hit from Move & Attack, and another -4 from Deceptive Attack to give the skeleton -2 to defend.
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