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  1. Ok i am leaving this post as my calculator... its a wip. I just went thru the invisible stalker battle.. In it i received 15 points damage total, but due to Lajals unicorn over two rounds gained 20 hit points back.. So went back to Max Hit Points.. Now to Calculate the Demon Battle. Round One: Took a Total of 96 damage from 4 melee attacks and a Lightning Bolt. (went from 186 to 90 Hit Points) Round Two: Bloodaxe cast a shield spell effectively blocking the two attacks on Invis attacker 1,Invis attacker 2 missed. He then enacted his Second Wind regaining 16 Hit Points ( went from 90 to 106 Hit Points) Lajal's Totem granted him +10 Hit Points ( went from 106 to Magically 121 Hit Points) Round Three: Any attacks on me missed. (So presumably still 106/121, unless something has stopped Lajal's magical Hit Points) Round Four: Any attacks on me missed. (Same as above....)
  2. Hmmm Can anyone double check my figures... Back on March 13.. after taking a hammering from the Staff and Glabby...was left on 106 natural hit points and 15 temp hit points courteousy of Lajal. Making 121... Since then i believe whatever attacks came against me, were all negated by the use of Two Shield spells. So can anyone see where i have sustained any more damage then that.... To give Lajal a correct figure...
  3. Golan follows up still wary of other concealed nasties potentially lurking. he strains an ear to see if he can hear anything coming from below or to the north. Then with everyone pre occupied ,he opts to take a look at the fireplace and the debris on the floor.
  4. Action Bloodaxe hearing the cry of anguish turns to face it, saying "Thank you!" and swings three times at it. Statblock Bloodaxe Headsplitter: Male, Hill Dwarf Fighter (Eldritch Knight) : AC: 20 HP: 106 (121)/186 Initiative: +1 Level: 13 , Experience: 64,000 , Next Level: 85,000 Deity: Moradin Alignment: Chaotic Good
  5. I was delaying posting at least until the lead person has posted,as they would see it all first..hence act first.
  6. Oh i see...Slacking off again...:) Welcome back mate... Wish i had a holiday break, my kids are on Holidays but i am not this Holiday season...but i do get a public holiday on Thursday... See you back in the fight.. Cheezal.
  7. Golan says "Well? they did come from in there?" gesturing to the doorway to the upper east. "We could start there?"
  8. Golan gracious that ,that was now over, shifts and angles and lowers himself safely back to the ground. "Well no, i didn't get close to a spider,but i did hear a noise,whilst looking for where Yorp and Rylan went,and well ,of course i couldn't be certain it was them,or what i presumed was other kobolds, perhaps not as friendly as Yorp...So i climbed up here.. and made a noise to try and lure them out! but it wasn't Kobolds that came out..so i just froze and hoped they would wander off.. not towards you all i hoped.. but then you all came this way..and well...goodness prevailed..."
  9. Doh! sorry i should re read people's posts... i had to decipher what FF was.. but now Faerie Fire was obvious...
  10. Vall may have to roll two Disadvantage rolls (I believe) if the invisible foes are still invisible and not revealed by Theren,
  11. Ok i was unsure. but thanks for the feedback.
  12. Golan remains trying to keep hold of the roof,and now seeing a third one emerge, he pushes his hands harder to keep himself wedged up there..
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