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Everything posted by Kerillian

  1. Don't be afraid to do more wild stuff as well if you want, what about he flying steampunk blimp?! 😛
  2. Woo, just missing @DoNotFearToTread 's highlights and input in the session chat and we'll be good to go! Edit: whoops, saw that he underlined the highlighted stats
  3. Based on your HX, @Fletcher will pick your second highlight. Everything looking good so far!
  4. For the first session I will use the MC highlight for all your highest stats, so feel free to pick a ~fun~ stat when choosing the HX highlight
  5. Also, make sure to update your sheet so I know when everyone is happy with the established relationships. Our first 'session' will rely heavily on this HX as a starting point. It will most likely be a starting event at Gateway with everyone on the scene (don't worry about living expenses on the first session), but then we'll split up from there. I thinking something along the lines of a localized thunderstorm of raining fish, which is one of the milder omens of doom. Also, since we are at an airport how do you feel about having a nearby (maybe 45 minutes away if you use a speedy car and the roads are clear) ruined city?  
  6. You can still pick someone who you think is the prettiest, lol
  7. @Mizukami Looks like you got your HX questions mixed up with the Gunlugger. Yours are: • Which one of you once left me bleeding, and did nothing for me? For that character, write Hx-2. • Which one of you has been with me since before? For that character, write Hx+2. • Which one of you has betrayed or stolen from me? For that character, write Hx+3. For everyone else, write Hx+1. It’s in your interests to know everyone’s business.
  8. Yep I like all the answers as well. Always fun to have dangerous allies Like Clutch and Dolly.
  9. Waaaaait a second, I think @KingGoblin might be using the first edition rules. Use this link for the 2nd Edition Stuff: Link. 2nd Edition doesn't have the -1HX thing, your HX scores won't be changed by anything so it'll be +3 @KingGoblin I don't see any major changes to the Brainer Playbook from 1st to 2nd edition, except you get 8-barter at the start instead of 5! You can also start with a vehicle if you wish and have a list of jobs to work at any time (standard on all playbooks in 2E).
  10. Howdy folks, glad to have you here! Before we start the first session, we have to has out how all of your characters know each other. You will all basically be allies with each other, but you don't have to be life long friends or anything. On your playbook there's a section called "HX" with some questions, go ahead and post those questions here. Everyone needs to answer a question from each other's playbooks, and then based on their answers you will mark down a score on your own sheet. You should have a score and a brief description of your thoughts/relationship with every other player on your sheet. A higher score means you understand that person better, not necessarily that you've known them for a long time. When answering question remember that your job is to play your characters as though they were real people, in whatever circumstances they find themselves—cool, competent, dangerous people, larger than life, but real. On the flip side, my job as MC is to treat your characters as though they were real people too, and to act as though Apocalypse World were real. So if you want to create NPC's, cities, or anything else go wild and I will help flesh it out!    
  11. Just got off work, but I'll put up the player backstory threads in the next day or so. Last minute to get your characters in!
  12. Works for me, gunluggers can be very powerful so being connected to the old gods like that makes sense to me!
  13. Yep until next Monday, and even then if there are openings people can still DM me!
  14. No problem with the rifle, you do get some 'a few pieces of non specialized gear', so I think what you have is fair. Just remember the vest doesn't protect your legs! During HX we will see how you all know each other, so leaving blanks in your gang is a great idea! We can do NYC-ish, like a coastal type area. Fits the fish-man vibes anyway
  15. Everyone's characters look good so far! Just be thinking about what sort of work/activities they do to survive on a daily basis. It'll be a huge help for when we do the world building and player history phase. IE: You on good terms with a warlord and do jobs for them sometimes, you know about a secret source of water, you trade for food with the fish people in the sewers, etc.
  16. Oooh I like Dolly, will be interesting to see how she fits in with the hardhold and other characters. Always good to have a brainer around even though she scares everyone.
  17. An angel with an infirmary dropship/airship?! I'd be down for that haha. Bonus points if it runs on spooky cthulu magic.
  18. Well it's up to the hardholder if they want that, but it's still a goal to work towards if you reeeeally want one. Write up your character how you want and we'll work out how to mesh it all together afterward. Everyone starts out as allies, after all.
  19. Yes, feel free to make a topic with your playbook whenever you are ready! I think it's setup so anyone can create a thread
  20. If you want airships, there can be airships. With the current setting there will be a lot of reasons to stay off the ground, but the skies aren't much safer!
  21. Oh! That's much easier, I thought you wanted time travel plotline type stuff. 🤣 Ancient underground/underwater cities emerging under the rubble of modern cities is a great idea, if that's what you meant. I also had some ideas that some cultists would be using ancient weapons/armor along with their spooky artifacts.
  22. Aye go easy on me, I don't want to make timezone chart. Oh yeah! If you do have an idea for a settlement or some kinda spooky god, feel free to throw it in this thread or in your sheet. We can fit it into the world for sure, and it doesn't have to be pure Lovecraftian. Plenty of room in the apocalypse
  23. At least a generation (70-100ish years?), but no more than 1000 years or anything. Time could be wobbly in pockets near fancy eldritch artifacts, like little time capsules and/or pocket realities.
  24. We will brush on on Ψ-harm as well, since that'll work for temporary Cthulhu madness. Also I will be quite open with the threats that develop, so you can see their type/impulse/moves. Think of it as your character's generally understanding of the world and it's factions.  
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