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Everything posted by Essex

  1. A part of me wants to just send Zen out and negotiate with his blaster old west quick draw style
  2. PG 64 Shadowrun core RB all characters start with 25 karma they will use to improve themselves. I used that as my neg qualities paid for my positive qualities
  3. Soldier HP 48/48, Condition Normal Damage Threshold 13 Defenses: Fort 13, Ref 16, Will 12 Force Points x, Destiny Points x Zen takes position just behind Remy his left hand on his shoulder his right holding his blaster just behind his right leg to keep it out of view. Watching the scene start to unfold as he whispers to Remy "If the shooting starts I'm behind you, I'll go to the right you take the left. Or we might use plan B." He checked the area to make sure there were no snipers in sight as well as checking for innocents and possible areas for cover in the fire zone. A quick look behind him to make sure Tetra was gone then right back to the immediate threat ahead.
  4. Seeing as Zen was not singaled out he is definitely going to be providing cover. I think Remy has a Blaster and was also not pointed at? Zen would try to get Remy to assist. Maybe Tetra can sneak around and slip in close for melee? I am open to suggestions but it seems to atleast have one person ready with weapon out jist in case negotiations need to become aggressive
  5. Soldier HP 48/48, Condition Normal Damage Threshold 13 Defenses: Fort 13, Ref 16, Will 12 Force Points x, Destiny Points x He kept his demeanor calm as the woman walked in. As she demanded a fee he smirked while under the table he had his blaster firmly in hand waiting for her to approach. After she left his face defaulted to his usual serious look. "We could use the door as cover one on either side firing on them maybe there's a back exit a few others can use to swing around?" Zen said while looking at Shade, his weapon still hidden under the table.
  6. Soldier HP 48/48, Condition Normal Damage Threshold 13 Defenses: Fort 13, Ref 16, Will 12 Force Points x, Destiny Points x As Zen watched the Rodian take off he slipped out his blaster under the table and kept it in his lap at the ready. For some reason he just never trusted Rodians. He wasn't xenophobic it was just something about Rodians and Hutts. He shrugged to himself as he thought about it but there were quite a few species in the galaxy that just seemed to gravitate towards the untrustable type. He was just getting ready to get Shade's attention when the sound of speeder bikes came roaring into the area. No need now he thought to himself figuring Shade would already be on guard with the sudden approach of speeders. Even if it had nothing to do with them chances were those bikes belonged to a gang or some underground criminal group. With this crew being so obviously new to the scene it would make them prime targets. So he looked directly at the bartender to see what demeanor he had going on before he moved his head in a way that he could see the door from his peripheral without staring at the door.
  7. Too late for that gather info assist? if not roll for me if it is too late sorry....
  8. There is a "Gator" spirit, or at least there was in 3rd edition
  9. Soren had been born into the Corp life. His parents were wage slaves in the R&D department. Though they worked about 12 hours a day and his day was filled with school, group activities, and such as to make him a proper Corp employee. They still spent time together everyday. His grades were good but never great. He seemed lazy when it came to the normal grind of school work. This all changed though when he awakened. In one quick moment he went from a regular Corp school to one for magical studies. They had assessed he wouldn't be the type to sit around at a desk or spend hours working on R&D. He had been tested and shown to be more acceptable to the life of Security. Mages were scarce in the world. Very rare that Corps would kill for them. Mage though were mostly in position to take the safe jobs. Sit in a lab or office and make money. A mage who was willing to work for security though was just as sought after if not more. Depending on what type of Corp it was. So his education had added magical studies, security procedures, and all types of combat training. He elected to spend extra curricular studies in the medical area. A combat mage was good for security work, but one who was a medic was twice as useful. At least in his mind. The educators told him he only needed to rely on magic to heal his team. One aspect of his life that had not changed since becoming awakened was his time spent away from the Corporate world and it's safety. He and a few other rebellious teens had always managed to sneak out and away. Going to see how the poor people lived. While he had done it because he had enjoyed the more dangerous part of it, he had also befriended several people. One of whom was an awakened girl. She had shown him the dark side of the Corporate world. Let him see how the world was not safe and secure under Corporate control. She had soon left, her and her family moved away hoping to find a better life somewhere else. This lesson had soon become far too real. When he had finally graduated and was on his way to finally becoming a hired member of the Corporate world. A tragedy struck. Some Shadowrun team had infiltrated the R&D facility his parents worked at. The official story was they were sent to sabotage the facility and something went wrong or they had messed up their explosives. The entire facility was destroyed. Multiple explosions and no survivors. The official story, but Soren had managed to find out some of the true story. Pieced together from notes and conversations he had over heard his parents having. There was something going on at the facility. He wasn't sure what it was. Some new invention they couldn't have getting out. Some great secret that may have been pilfered from the data files the runners might have uncovered. Underground slave trade or even mass murder. Whatever it was the Corp could not risk it being exposed. So they, themselves had taken a vote the moment they knew a team had entered the facility. In one board meeting a team of runners, three dozen employees, and several million Nuyen worth of resources all blown away, that cost was negligible. Not like they company lost it all. Back up files kept the majority of the work safe. Another few R&D teams could carry on the work. His parents dead and part of the secret was uncovered by him. Small chance hte Corp would know he had figured anything out. Though he couldn't be a part of it anymore. His parents died on Corp property, Killed by runners. That meant he got two life insurance payouts plus a Corp payout as a way to say they cared. He used most of the money to buy his way out of the contract he had been under. As he had been keeping contact with his friend from youth, her over anyone else he had known. She was probably the only person he ever saw as a real friend. So it was to her he had decided to go to. Moving all the way to Miami where she had become a Talismonger, she helped him set up a small business. He decided to help the community providing some magical assistance for a lower cost than average. Providing healing to people who couldn't afford a regular hospital visit. This was a cover for him though. His true goal was to enter the shadows and become a runner. Even though he would be a flea biting an elephant, he wanted to do something to knock the Corps down a notch. She had helped him meet some contacts. Though he had only been in the area a short time he had done a few easy runs. Showed the streets he could handle himself. Now he needed a permanent team so he could take on bigger jobs. (As a side note the Corp and location were left unnamed at this point in case the GM needed it to be a specific Corp.)
  10. Name: Soren Lockhart Meta: Human Heremtic Mage Ethnicity: White Age: 25 Sex: M Ht: 6'2 Wt: 200 Street Cred: Notoriety: Public Awareness: Karma: 7 Tot Karma: Misc: Stats B:3 A: 3 R: 3 S: 3 W: 3 L: 3 I: 3 C: 3 E: 3 E. pts: 3 Ess: 6.0 M: 6 Init: 6+1D6 Ast Init: 6+2D6 Composure:C3+W3 Judge:C3+I3 Mem:L3+W3 Lift/Carry: 45kg/30kg Movement: PHY Lim: 4 MEN Lim: 4 SOC Lim: 4 AST Lim:4 PHY DMG: 10/10 STUN DMG: 10/10 Skills Skill Group -(S)Running=2 -(M)Sorc=4 -(L)First Aid=3 -(M)Conjure=3 -(L)Medicine=3 -(A)Close Combat=3 -(M)Alchemy=3 -(A)Firearms=3 -(L)Arcana=5 -(I)Assensing=5 -(W)Astral Combat=4 Knowledge Skills -(L)Chemistry=2 -(L)Magical Theory=5(Academic) -(C)Con=2 -(L)Medical=3(Academic) -(C)Ettiquette=2 -(L)Corp Security Procedures=4 (Pro) -(A)Gunnery=2 -(L)Security Design-4(Pro) -(A)LockSmith=3 -(I)UnderWorld Ciminal Org=2(Street) -(C)Negotiation=2 -(I)(Interest) -(I)Perception=3 -(W)Survival=2 -(A)Sneaking=3 -(R)Pilot Ground Craft=1 Languages English,X (Native) Positive Qualities -Astral Chameleon -10 -Bilingual-5 -Quick Healer-3 Negative Qualities -Sinner Corporate +25 -Spirit Bane (beast) +7 LifeStyle Low 2k/mon (3months) (6,000) Magic Lodge R:6 (3,000) Doc Wagon Basic 1yr (5,000) Gear Primary Armor: Armor Vest R: 9 (500) Primary Ranged:Colt Manhunter Dam: 8P Acc:5(6) AP:-1(-5/APDS) (700) Mode:SS RC:-- Ammo:16(c) LAM(Under), Q.Draw Holster (300) 10 Spare Clips, 160 Rds (APDS) (1970) Primary Melee: Ext BatonX2 Reach: 1 Dam: (STR+2)P Acc:5 AP:--- (200) Off Hand Pen -2 Other Gear Colt M23: Dam: 9P Acc: 4(5) AP-2(-6APDS) Mode: SA/BF/FA RC:-- Ammo: 40(c) LAM(Under) Suppressor (1,175) 3 Spare Clips, 120 Rds (APDS) (1,455) Combat Knife: Reach:--- Dam: STR+2 Acc:5 AP: -1 (100) Erika Elite DR: 7 (2,500) AR Gloves (150) Subvocal Mic/Micro-Transceiver W/Ear Buds Audio En, S Sound R:3 (150) Glasses/ Low-light, Image Link, Thermal, Vision mag (1,675) Fake SIN/ Fake Lic Pistol, CCW R:4 (10,800) Fake SIN/ Fake Lic Pistol, CCW R:4 (10,800) Plastic Restraints 40 (per 10) (20) LockPick Set (250) Miniwelder (250) Gas Mask (3 spare containers) (320) MedKit R:6 W/ Biomoniter (1,800) Stim Patch R:4 X5 (500) (=49,615-50,000=385) Spells Levitate (Type:P Rng:LOS Dur:S Drain:F-2) Heal (Type:M Rng:T Dur:P Drain:F-4) Manabolt (Type:M Rng:LOS Dam:P Dur:I Drain:F-3) Detox (Type:M Rng:T Dur:P Drain:F-6) FlameThrow (Type:P Rng:LOS Dam:P Dur:I Drain:F-3) Antidote (Type:M Rng:T Dur:P Drain:F-3) Imp Invis (Type:P Rng: LOS Dur:S Drain: F-1) Com Sen (Type:M Rng:T Dur:s Drain:F) Blast (Type:P Rng:LOS Dam:P Dur:I Drain:F) Detect M (Type:M Rng:T Dur:S Drain:F-2) StunBall (Type:M Rng:LOS(A) Dam:S Dur:I Drain:F) Contacts Talismonger 2/5 Fixer 3/2 Gang Member 1/1 Bartender 1/2 Character Creation Notes Priorities A= Magic M6 two magic skills R5 10 spells A= Skills 46/10 D= Attributes 14 D= Resources 50,000 E= Metatype Human 1 Special Att Arcana and Assensing are the two R5 magic skills. I bought each firearm skill up to 3 for a total of 9 pts spent and just put them as a skill group as I will treat it as such when it comes time to increase it. Att Strength at 1 pt used 25 karma to bring it up to 3 Positive Qualities -18 +32 Negative qualities =14 Karma 5 for new Spell and 2 pts for Nuyen exchange giving char an extra 4,385 to starting Creds. Add the 3D6X60 for Starting Creds. 7 Karma carried over. The contacts I kept without names for the time as I was not sure if the GM might have some they would rather use or perhaps they could be hooks for other players to use. One caveat was the talismonger and bartender are both females.
  11. Sorcery skill group..... If you mean just the top 2 Then SpellCasting for sure as it is the key to being a caster and either Counter Spell or Assensing. Astral Combat might rarely come up as running away always works for the safest bet or SpellCasting in astral form as long as you have some mana spells like Manabolt. Assensing though helps do most of the heavy Astral work. It's how you read auras and such.
  12. Soldier HP 48/48, Condition Normal Damage Threshold 13 Defences: Fort 13, Ref 16, Will 12 Force Points x, Destiny Points x Taking a seat that gave him the best view of the main entrance and most of the visible area, while keeping his back close to a wall or gave him the best chance to dive for cover. Even if it meant flipping over a nearby table. He ignored most of the usual types that frequent these place keeping an eye on the more rougher patrons. The place like so many he had been to before was a dichotomy to him. On one side it was the type of place he knew dangerous thing could happen in the blink of an eye yet on the other it was also a place he felt comfortable in even if he did look uncomfortable. The smells, smoke, and dankness he could stand even though it was an affront to his senses. Some places are well lit up others are dark enough that all manner of crimes can go on without barely being noticed. This place was somewhere in the middle. He took time from in between glancing at the door and watching the area to people watch the inhabitants of this place. You never really knew but sometimes an individual would stand out as a possible informant. Maybe someone who is paying more attention to you than anyone else. Another possible subject might be someone like a user who might turn over information for a quick fix. Then again there just might be a quality person in the female form whom he could charm things from or himself into. OOC Zen is going to be checking for anyone who might seem dangerous. Also someone who might be helpful given the right form of persuasion (Perception)
  13. Soldier HP 48/48, Condition Normal Damage Threshold 13 Defenses: Fort 13, Ref 16, Will 12 Force Points x, Destiny Points x
  14. Soldier HP 48/48, Condition Normal Damage Threshold 13 Defences: Fort 13, Ref 16, Will 12 Force Points x, Destiny Points x Zen had followed in the back with Shade and Remy keeping his eyes moving across the scene. He had nearly bumped in Remy when he stopped at the entrance. As he turned slightly to check their rear he nudged Remy "What's the hold up Remy, something on your scanners?" Zen kept his hand near his blaster just not in a manner that seemed as if he was itching to reach for it. As he paused behind Remy waiting his left hand rummaged through his belt packs as if he was looking for something.
  15. Soldier HP 48/48, Condition Normal Damage Threshold 13 Defences: Fort 13, Ref 16, Will 12 Force Points x, Destiny Points x Zen had kept himself busy practicing his movements that he had learned from Tetra. By repeatedly trying those movements with others he had learned from his training he had started to get an idea of how best to mix this techniques, also when and where they would best be applied in combat. He still wouldn't be happy unless he had a chance to use these knew techniques in a real situation. When they finally disembarked from their flight he gave a stern look at the sights around them crossing his arms the moment the beggar claiming to be a Viceroy approached them pleading his sob story. Part of him wanted to take pity but another knew a common tactic of con artists was this very type of ploy he had distanced himself further from the group to make sure he had a better field of view of the scene. Too make sure this was not some trap or an attempt at some kind of robbery. He had reached for his blaster as the beggar moved quickly and fell. He glanced around quickly to check to make sure no other suspects where moving in. OOC. Zen is on the look out for a possible tail or ambush. He would also be wary of the beggar and I am looking to make a perception roll to make sure the beggar didn't try a sleight of hand pick pocket
  16. I might have just added the 10 from hit die, unless I am missing something else. I can't remember. I changed it though.
  17. OCC Sorry for the roll. First time rolling here and when i tried to edit it wouldn't let me type or change anything. But that was my knowledge check roll.
  18. Soldier HP 48/48, Condition Normal Damage Threshold 13 Defences: Fort 13, Ref 16, Will 12 Force Points x, Destiny Points x Zen had spent the past three weeks mingling with the crew. Mostly trying to make himself useful in anyway he could. If he wasn't helping the quarter master with arms then he was helping the flight crew with the star fighters. In his spare time he was in whatever passed for a cantina aboard the ship. A few days he had spent with some of the soldiers sparring and helping to run combat scenarios. The days passed quickly for Zen and the nights passed faster. At least that is how it seemed today looking back as he waited for Gilder to start. He kept himself to the back of the room as usual watching the others as Gilder spoke. He wasn't sure how the rest of them felt about this mission but it was right up his alley. If anyone had taken a moment to glance at him he was more than likely smiling during the speech. As the old man wrapped up the briefing he stayed silent as each member had their say. This time he only listened and did little to add anything to the conversation. OOC Zen doesn't have galatic knowledge lore so I'm not sure if he would get a roll
  19. Soldier HP 48/48, Condition Normal Damage Threshold 13 Defense: Fort 13, Ref 16, Will 12 Force Points x, Destiny Points x Zen just smirked at Tetra before focusing on Remy then to Sirona "Punks?" He questioned with a raised brow "I think Remy learned great thing from me... us" he corrected himself as he motioned between himself and Tetra.
  20. no rush, I'm sure everyone remembers how awesomely manly Zen looks
  21. Zen leaned back against a wall as he watched the events unfold between Tetra and Sirona. He didn't care much about the rumors of the war he had met Jedi, worked along side them. He didn't care one way or the other as long as he could count on his allies. As Tetra demonstrated his abilities in front of Sirona Zen pushed away from the wall and moved beside Sirona "Not all the stories you hear about Jedi are true.....Captain Okeefe" he said with a smirk and a wink then continued "If they were do you think the Republic would have worked along side them for a thousand years?" He gave her a playful nudge with his elbow and circled around to her other side.
  22. Also does anyone have a good way for me to keep posting as I have and yet add my char pic back in on the right?
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