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Posts posted by Penchant

  1. Now, details about Character Creation:

    Level 5. Ability Scores to be generated with a 40 point buy. HD to be rolled, rerolling anything less than half. Then set your Current HP to half of your total, rounding down.

    Books: PHB, PHB2, Complete series, Races series, Frostburn, Sandstorm, Stormwrack. Magic Item Compendium and Spell Compendium. That's it. Do not ask for other sources, and please cite sources for any feats, items or spells.

    Oh, right. I'm going to be very generous with this next thing. 1 feat per HD instead of the standard 1 every 3 HD. You must still qualify for the feat at the time you take it. Also, add +1 for your skill points per level (including the x4 for first level; that's a total of 8 extra skill points).


    31 base hit points

  2. image.jpeg.e3198c97afee155752197d5affd00d89.jpegName: Valance Valori
    Race/Class: Tiefling / Rogue-Warlock
    Description: Valance is quite fashionable. He loves outfits and accessories and always dresses the part. He has an extensive wardrobe for an adventurer and tries to fit whatever function he is attending. He favors primary colors and can be described to be on the gaudy side of taste, not being one for subtlety. His skin is a shade of blue with pinkish red hair brocaded by two curving horns. His pointed ears are adorned with jewelry.

    Personality: Valance once tried to blend in to society, shaving his horns and wearing clothes to stand in. However his Tiefling appearance can never be well hidden and has always stood out because of it. He has moved beyond that and favors a brash and daring demeanor, which often rubs people the wrong way. He is never afraid of speaking his mind and used to doing it. He favors orphans and outcasts, but views 'the normies' as marks and targets.

    Background: Born to human parents, Valance's appearance caused severe division within his family. His father accused his mother of dalliances with the Unholy, but could never prove it. They eventually divorced and Valance and his mother were cast out of the family. They were beggars for a while, but his mother grew ill and they did not have the money for magical healing. Valance was left alone to fend for himself on the streets, first working as a pick pocket and then graduating to robbery and burglary. He did well for himself for a while but yearned for the big score. He started working with groups of treasure hunters and adventurers due to the high risk/high reward opportunities.
    Wishlist: +1 Black dragon studded leather armor, Masterwork Thieves tools, Longspoon Thieves tools, Heward's Handy Haversack, Gloves of Dexterity +2, Adamantine Saw


  3. Battleground Earth - New Event - Test of a Zone Disruptor goes terribly wrong

    In Siberia, the Russians detonate a Neutrino Bomb tuned to the zone's harmonic frequency with the intent of collapsing the Zone and breaking the link between dimensions. If it was successful, it could have been used widely. However there was a cascade of ruptures that grew the size of the zone to cover most of eastern Russia, Mongolia and Northern China as well as opening a smattering of new zones in the areas outside that. The resulting influx of abominations spread out and have overwhelmed national defenses. Half of Asia has been lost as a result.

  4. image.jpeg.2242b492cca734b5b55601d369319208.jpeg

    Silvermane nods, "Yes, if we are to do battle I will do what I can to help us prepare."

    He touches Vili with a boost of holy power and then mutters a prayer to his god for help.


    Stat Block HP 29/29 - Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +11 - AC 16 (Touch 12)



    Class: Cleric 4//Sorcerer4

    Hit points: 29

    AC 16 (Touch 12) +4 Mage Armor, +1 Deflection, +1 Dex

    Fortitude +6, Reflex +3, Will +11

    Initiative +3

    Speed 30 (Climb 20)


    OOC: Cast Bears Endurance on Vili, Cast Bless on the party.




    The party moves to contain the spreading fires and discern the nature of their assailant. The glitterdust spell coalesces around and highlights a humanoid figure hanging in the air outside the ship. The figure moves to the left a bit but the glitterdust follows it, now having clung to it's skin. It raises a hand and points at Kelly and two beams streak from it trying to paint him in burning light.


    Peggy extinguishes a block of fire
    Zen moves in and extinguishes several blocks of fire
    Gilbert casts Glitterdust
    Kelly transforms and moves

    Foe moves and casts Scorching Ray as SLA

  6. The little chib runs up and thwacks the giant skeleton with her stubby sword. With a clattering of bones and fragments, the creature disintegrates. The mists of the graveyard lift and sunshine twinkles through the trees.


    Cue victory music!


    There is a chest nearby with 25 gold pieces inside.






  7. image.jpeg.2242b492cca734b5b55601d369319208.jpeg

    Silvermane shrugs, "Yes, well I was excited. It tends to throw the aim off a bit, I'm afraid. I come from a much more... academic environment. Something I've got to get past, dire situation as it is. My avocation is the holy studies of Ragdya's works and polemics. He is Ragdya the Wise and Beneficent. My graceful magics come from study as a Pujari, a cleric as you call it. These are the healing arts and gifts of my god, both magical and mundane. I was also marked from birth and have innate power as an Empyreal... a sorcerer if you will. That has been much more chaotic and shaped by the trials I have endured. I suppose it is more an outgrowth of anger and fear. Offence and Defense. It is something I still strive to understand and integrate with my worldview. Ragdya is wise and has a wonderful sense of humor." He picks carefully through the shards of shattered mirror even as the group rifles through the room and smashes the mirrors with both trepidation and glee. "Yes, I don't see anyone who would live in this place willingly as particularly good. I suppose a direct approach would be best."


    Stat Block HP 29/29 - Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +11 - AC 16 (Touch 12)



    Class: Cleric 4//Sorcerer4

    Hit points: 29

    AC 16 (Touch 12) +4 Mage Armor, +1 Deflection, +1 Dex

    Fortitude +6, Reflex +3, Will +11

    Initiative +3

    Speed 30 (Climb 20)





  8. The way I understand it, it's got to be a cast spell, not just a potion which extracts are. You can use scrolls with permanency, of course, because it's equivalent to casting a spell. Alchemists cannot use scrolls ("An alchemist can utilize spell-trigger items if the spell appears on his formulae list, but not spell-completion items") unless you are using UMD. So you can get a scroll of See Invisible, use UMD and then have another mage do the permanency part. But the rest of the party can't do it unless they also have UMD to activate a scroll.

  9. 1 hour ago, Grand Poobah said:



    Is it possible to get a bandolier somewhere between the above two.

    Nightgloves Bandolier

    Say 2000gp ?

    • 40 elixirs/potions/extracts
    • 10 darts
    • Extra dimensional space : 3 pockets 1 cubic foot each
    • swift action to unload teleport into hand



    Yeah, okay.

  10. Yeah, combine quickdraw and quick stow into one feat.


    Yes, you can stow an item, draw a potion and drink it in one move action, thus leaving you with a standard action for the round.

  11. Event - Splicing Always Leads to Trouble

    Set under Signs of Something Different

    In the Peoples Republic of China a new leap forward in genetic engineering is achieved using CRISPR and an unusual DNA strand never before documented (recovered from a Zone). Human test patients subjected to the unorthodox (and illegal) gene therapy experience massive improvements to health and physical capabilities. Talks of a Super Soldier serum are bandied about in hushed and excited tones before the side effects make themselves apparent. At a rapid rate subjects develop tumors, psychological abnormalities and rapid aging as their genes tear themselves apart. Only the depraved use such things intentionally... but that does not mean there is a lack of willing parties to do so.

  12. As the shots ring out and explosions rumble the ground, several of the wights go down right away. The rest rush the group with their bowie knives trying to draw blood but seem ineffective. Eddie cackles with mad glee and babbles something in tongues (casts a spell). The spell reaches out and swipes at Luce but it misses the target. This puts Eddie in a sour mood.

    Ilya shoots Eddie (Hindering shot) for 36
    Dayv shoots W8 for 4
    Marshal uses grenades

    W6, W8 makes save
    Three wights go down. Eddie takes some damage.

    Luce attacks #8 but misses

    Sam gets two hits on Eddie for 39 and 30. Eddie is still up.

    Wights 2, 4, 6 and 8 rush in and Attack Luce. 4 and 8 get shot by Ilya as protection. No hits on Luce

    Wight 7 moves to attack Marshal but does not hit.

    Eddie casts a spell at Luce but a Nat 1 misses.

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